Do any of you have a forex blog?

Wishing you the best for your blog buddy!

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I wish you good luck, because I know how itā€™s hard

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Same here buddy
Blog can be very time consuming, so I also prefer reading babypips.

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Plenty prefer instagram :rofl:

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Hey there and great thought. Itā€™s certainly great to read what the fellow traders are thinking about and learn about the latest market trends. The blogs at BabyPips are a great way to pass your time and learn something new each time. Few have helped amp up my trading game :wink:

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Hi all,
I am an experienced trader and I have a blog for forex trading. Checkout here

I think itā€™s a great idea to have a trading blog. I have read some great ones

Yes, a great idea to have one, but not too easy to maintain a blog properly. It takes a lot of efforts.

Not a blog as i am not very fond of writingā€¦ yes reading is interesting but writing i dont think its my cup of teaā€¦

HI here is my website about forex which is myfxteacher . com you can visit to learn about Forex we post technical Analysis, Forex Forecast, Trading Strategies and trading signals.

You should definitely checkout Chart with trader podcasts.

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In general, I am in this industry quite recently, and I think that it is better to blog for experienced traders, or, on the contrary, for beginners who want to show the process of ascent to the same beginners.

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this is generally an interesting topic, only here, too, a lot of time needs to be devoted so that everything is well presented to the reader

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A blog should be interesting, and not everyone can do that.

Thank you all for the links to your own blogs. I will be able to get new information.

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a blog should bring the reader some kind of interest and benefit, and in order to maintain such a blog, you yourself need to understand and know everything

I donā€™t have a blog but I have an Instagram account that deals in education

Hey there guys, not sure if my thread counts as a blog. But feel free to take a look and comment if like and post up some charts as well.

But please read the top post itā€™ll give you a sense of how I handle trading and the psychological side of things.

If this doesnā€™t belong here, mods by all means remove if needed.

Yes, I do, Itā€™s called TradingBeasts, I write there about forex trading (tips, guides, reviews, broker warnings etc.). Hopefully, some of you will find it useful.

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Lots of people on here seem to have sites or blogs etc, Iā€™ll have to check some of them out for my self.