Do any of you have a forex blog?

i have made this blog.

Hi all and good day.

I started a Forex blog sometime back to serve the most vulnerable population of the Forex world. The Newbies!

I started trading in Aug 08 and had 3 margin calls since.

I suffered a lot and fortunately sites like babypips led me back to the “light” and i told myself that i must share to as much folks as possible about proper money management…

hopefully no one ever suffers like i did again!

Visit me at

Thank you folks!

this is nice forum about the baaby i have gainbed a lot of information from this forum


use the baby ipps blog, or twitter , or are you lookingf or financial trading blogs ?

My blog, right on the forum. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi all,
I happened googling find some stuff that are really helpful for trading. Friendlytraders is a financial website specialized in trading & investment with tons of trading resources for Tradestation, Metastock, Ninjatrader, Neuroshell, Amibroker, Omnitrader, eSignal, Metatrader and Wealth-Lab.

Check it out!!!


Do any of you know any good blogs/websites that have good (free would be best) videos showing people trading, or explaining Forex concepts?

The free webinars put on by the guys at forex4noobs seems pretty good…

Got any other sites?



My name is Ingmar Brouwer i am a forex trader from Holland the most i write about is forex.
The main things i wanna learn people is how to trade the news in forex. For the rest i show some signals to help you aprove more pips and off course strategy’s.
My site is in a building fase so lot of things gonna happen in the future.
In the beggining of the week i give you the main news where to trade on, i dont trade all the news because some of the news is not worth to trading on.
i hope i can make people archieve there goals in forex i am to help there i made already big succes and i wanna share it i dont ask money for it i just wanna help you people to become better traders.
i dont have somekind of holly grail system that just dont excist in forex people who claim this i shall not trust them.
I hope you guys gonna see what i have got and every comment is welcome.

Hello Traders,

Please check out my blog at

I have just started my blog which will give my views on all aspect of trading and I will also publish my trades with weekly results.


I have a forex blog with many posts about risk management, forex tips, and highlighting just how dangerous forex can be.

If I ever make it to 50 posts then I’ll update this with a link :slight_smile:

Hi, everyone,

I do welcome those who are interested in forex and learning it the other side of the story. Learn the problems, solve it, and there you go.

Please check out my blog at

Such As:
Changing strategy too much
When a strategy wins you money, you keep using it until losing money and decide to change strategy, hoping for the best strategy. If you unable to focus the losses problem, the symptom is this problems always repeated.

The question is : Are you too focus on 100% winning strategy or the best strategy in the market?

Look for the topics: Forex Tips. Thank you.:cool:

Why don’t you just give us the link now? It’s not as if you’re a scammer selling anything!

Lol, good one!

I think you also need to think more about your objectives e.g. Do I want to trade for an hour a day, or all day? Does one necessarily mean more profit? Or might it for one trader but not another?
I think a trader needs to get past just the mentality of, I need to trade to make money, to a more holistic approach.
Then as well as sticking to a strategy like stevenglobal says, you will also be clear about where you’re trying to get to.
Am I making sense? I hope so, it is a very valid point I’m trying to make.

Hi, I have a friend who knows this blog > :slight_smile: It looks new to me, but the signals are pretty clear. I quite like this blog

I keep a forex blog, a short note or two about my trading daily,, hope it helps.

I have one but need to do a lot to it. I might finally get round to making a theme for it this weekend and updating some trades and making some posts: