Do any of you have a forex blog?

Hey everyone! I became interested in forex in the summer of 2005, traded a demo account for about a year and dropped it because I decided I didn’t have the dedication or extra capital to invest. I picked it back up last year, and of course each time babypips has been a great resource for me. I have since opened a live account. I have set up a forex signal/discussion blog for a few reasons:

  1. Log my trades - I have my account broken down thoroughly by myfxbook but having to manually enter them in the blog helps me actualize the trade

  2. Attract like-minded traders that would like to have a group to kick their ideas around in

  3. Never had a blog, can’t let technology pass me by!

Stop by for a chat or to catch my live signals:


Hi guys,

I’ve recently found this Markets Inside area. In my opinion it’s quite interesting, and that’s why I am sharing it with you.

so many blogs around nowadays, hard to read everyone’s!


Cool thread and good idea to create a resource where people can list their blogs without spamming the forum.

Yeah I have a forex blog where I post weekly analysis and give trade recommendations for free.

My recs have made over 100% return since Nov 09.:slight_smile:

Feel free to stop by!

Not my blog, but one I like to read.

I like this thread. It ought to be made a sticky and a must read to all newbies.

hi, if is possible could you send to me a kishore m course and if you want i can send a strategy or one good material easy to learn and undertanding,thank you bye

who is this kshore??

Here is one more forex blog for you to wander by if you get a moment I’ve been writing regularly on it since the beginning of the year trying to share my knowledge of trading with anyone who cares to look. I have nothing to sell, and what I know about trading I give freely to those who wish to learn and recognize for themselves ways of making money from the currency market.

If your interested in such trading subjects as ‘support & resistance’ ‘trading psychology’ ‘simple technical analysis’ and would enjoy hunting down where the big money gamers are lurking then you may want to have a look.

I trade predominantly breakouts from Asian consolidation into the European session and am very patient in waiting for only high probability trades. I have money management rules that I apply to all my trades to control my risk in the market place at all times.

I provide ideas and viewpoints that you may be able to trade or integrate into your own plan, but I do not provide a signals service or any other service apart from free education.

I’m more ‘teach to fish’ than ‘sell fish’ if you know what I mean :wink:

Screenshot of blog

My blog is geared towards the education of Price Action trading. It also serves as my trading journal as I post my live trades there as well.

Hi, my blog and website is specifically geared towards psychology, discipline and I have written a guide on how to develop a trading plan. And lots of tips on succeeding.

or see my profile for link

safe trading:)

p.s. i posted a link to here on my front page hope this stops me being considered spam.

Though I do NOT have a forex blog, sometime I do visit this Forex blog to look for forex related news & product information.

This is the link:

I like this thread because we can see many useful blog being posted here.

The Forums filled with come and go blogs.:eek: Well I went through the mess and pulled out the few good ones. I found a hand full of the pickings and I added links from my blog. to theirs.:slight_smile:

I made this blog last week. My idea is to use a broker that offers a Low minimum Cap. PAMM trading account for a savings account. I have plans to really build a savings account with compounding interest, weekly added deposits, and of course from trading. While I had this idea, I also had an idea of finding other good traders with PAMM that I could diversify into. Sure enough, I have already found a few decent traders, but time will tell and the hunt continues.:cool:

I would love to build a group of traders/investors. But first we must find the good traders. And then the investors. I am interested in exchanging Blog links with you. contact me. All traders will be under our observation through PAMM. Full Transparency

I have to say that there are several blogs, including babypips, that pretty much help me understand how the currency market works. I was researching on the psychology of trading and I found the blog of Scott shubert, where he deals not just with the technical side of trading but also on the mind of a forex trader. He made a series on meridian tapping which helped a lot to get rid/lessen fears.

Hi Guys
I have been trading intrday FX for 6 months now and have placed posts on my blog virtually everyday. I have also put in my training, good books and what i have learnt in terms of mind and matter !
Please let me have your comments…
Google : fxintradayjim

I am NOT selling anything !!!

They’re really are just like a diary. Why do you want to write everything down?

If you really think it will help, then go for it, and try it. But personally, I think they can be a waste of time if done every day.

That’s right, more like a diary. It’s my way of keeping track of what i am doing and thinking…kinda what a blog is meant to be. Along with my trading journal that is mainly just numbers in excel the blog is a few words about my trades. It takes 10-15mins each day - hardly time consuming.

Trading areas on the web are either websites trying to sell you the next best indicator/strategy/course etc, sites like this where we can collaborate and share, broker sites and peoples blogs. I like reading how other people are getting on with their trading.


Making a “diary” of your forex trading is good to keep track of your performance and to eliminate emotional factor IMO.

My personal blog is Pip Bandit’s Blog here’s the direct link

I do a daily outlook pretty much every morning a couple hours before the NY open. In my blog I point out the highest probable movements. I also discuss topics such as money management, trading psychological effects and issues. And I also talk about planning and strategies.

I really enjoy helping traders and try my best to keep struggling and new traders on track with their trading.

I have my own blog where I use to load my technical analysis on daily basis if your the trader of Euro and GBP against Usd can visit my blog and take advantage of it:p