Do any of you have a forex blog?

Hi Jackie, yes i agree about forex blogs, i have a blog but as i’ve just joined this community i don’t yet have enough posts to put the link, however you can find it by clicking onto my personal profile.

My regards, Mac

I’m trying to get the hang of successfully trading in the wacky world of forex. I’ve always had a passion for creating web sites and thought I might combine the two interests and develop a handy informational site for myself to get the latest data while on the Web. I’ll continue to add additional features, for now I have a dashboard type layout with quotes, charts, and news. Forex trading can be wacky so I decided to call it Check it out, I don’t have any sponsors at this time.

Wacky Forex

i still don’t understand the point of such things really.

Ive said for a couple years now im going to start a forex blog and i’ve finally go round to it.

Pro FX Blog - Pro FX Blog

Its still brand new so only a few blog posts but i have since yesterday started doing a daily technical analysis so be sure to check it out and leave me some feedback guys!

Lee J Brown

There’s m blog here Forex Trading Discussions

Blogs are some articles that are like journal articles, if someone have information he writes it as blogs and people read it for free.

Hello Coas,

That indeed a very nice thing,even i had been the habit of checking out some most updated forex blogs and subscribing the news letters ,apart from forums they are also one of the way;s to get the updates and some expert’s comments…although you can also check out my blog and may you get something really worthy on forex.


I have a forex blog and I have good info.

I have. Take a look at my profile :slight_smile:

Nice to see you guys here :slight_smile:

Its not actually a blog we are a part of a financial institution which create accurate Forex and gold analyses. Until now most of our analyses came up with 80- 90 % accuracy in detecting the support and resistance lines and we have clear indication of when to buy and when to sell, You guys should really check it out :slight_smile: its sweet.

I’ve just recently started a forex blog.

I’m a bit of a noob (both at blogging and forex ;)), but I’m hoping to use the blog to journal my progress.

Here I am: Forex Trading Zen - forex trading blog come and say Hi! :slight_smile:

Sweet, We have so may things in common then
trust me Just take a look

I just started a blog here on babypips and a personal forex blog aswell. Specifically designated to showing the progress of a newbie pattern recognition trader. Here’s the link

Before even reading this thread I linked back to babypips to say thank you and here I am again saying thank you for this opportunity.

Its great to read with good bloggers who have very informative ideas especially with forex topics.

I think the best forex blog is your personal stats page.

yes, we have a forex blog.If you are interested to read this u can check it out.
Its related to foreign exchange trading and i am sure you will get good information.

Mine’s over here, forex, stocks…Wish me luck!!!


I believe that this is a pretty popular FX blog:

Forex Blog: Currency Trading News & Analysis

Any opinions on if its any good?

Ahh I am not allowed to post link :frowning:

Here’s my forex blog: blog(dot)forex4you(dot)com

“Inside Forex trading” is a blog launched by one of the leading Forex brokers Forex4you. Analysts and experts of our company will share their results of research, as well as tips with you on a regular basis! If you are interested in Forex - you should definitely watch this blog!