Do you believe in the supernatural?

As above.

And oh, just in case…keep it civil.


You mean Fibonacci? :sweat_smile:


A supernatural as in a force beyond scientific understanding - yes

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Sometimes yes, sometimes no, not sure really. How about you?

Yes. A resounding yes.

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Would you honor us with telling a few instances of happenings that caused you to believe in it so strongly?

For a start, Einstein himself doesn’t rule it out and actually mentioned that the deeper science dug, the more likely it was to have a creator.

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I see, and thank you for the reply but I meant like something personal. Because I have had such experiences before but I am not sure about the validity of such instances.

If I Were the Devil

An Open Letter From God - Paul Harvey

God Made A Farmer - Paul Harvey

There is no reason to believe evidence which does not exist concerning something which all our accepted knowledge tells us cannot exist.

In the devil’s theology, the important thing is to be absolutely right and to prove that everybody else is absolutely wrong.

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And yet…

I am lucky enough to live near Dartmoor. It’s the home of the Hound of the Baskervilles, a massive and savage black dog which hunts down lone travellers on the moor at night and tears them apart…

Of course, the Hound is just a story, there is no such thing. But the old people used to say there are Pixie folk who live up there, who keep themselves hidden and who lead travellers to sink and drown in bottomless mires if they are disrespectful of the Pixies and their land and their ways. And nobody knows how many wretched lost souls haunt the moor at night…

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There was a movie titled Stories of Lost Souls, Directed by Illeana Douglasm, Deborra-Lee Furness, And William Garcia.

I found this movie to be very interesting

Not a big tucker carlson fan but I respect what he said here.

Joe and Tucker’s Viral Talk About God. What You Need To Know

I see Russell Brand is on a journey of faith:

Russell Brand Is Getting Baptized (

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Good for him if it gives him peace of mind

The question now with your brother’s story which is not proven and neither can it be asserted because you were told is “do you believe in the supernatural?”

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@ayodimej1 You are correct… My Brothers story cannot be proven… And so I can’t be accused of posting possible rubbish like many other posters in these threads… I have removed it…

I’m open minded on the possibility of the Supernatural… I’ve never had an experience which proves that it exists… It’s just like believing in Fibonacci Levels :rofl:… Or believing in a God… There is no solid evidence that proves any of these exist…

So I’ll remain opened minded until it can be undisputedly proven scientifically…

Fortunately… Our understanding of science and our environment is ever evolving and many things in nature should not be etched into stone… Or any old book

I mean only 400 years ago mankind believed the earth was flat… That microbial infection didn’t exist… Electricity, Flight or the Internet were unimaginable… Our knowledge is always evolving…

Now you have critiqued my post for not remaining on topic…

@ayodimej1 Do you believe in the Supernatural…???