Do you exercise?

This a cure for many things! Keep it going.

The jury is still out. Trying to eat better and exercise, but drinking a bit more. And I’m doing more take out to help the restaurant industry.

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May I ask you, what exactly are you doing in gym, because to me it sounds like you’ve hit a plateau and you need to change your routine in the gym. Human body is designed to adapt, and usually with weight training most studies suggest you need to phase your workouts into 4-6 week cycles.
Do not take supplements! You don’t need them. If you’re eating adequate protein (around 2 grams of protein on lean body mass KG) Okay, maybe you can take creatine, that would be the only one I would suggest. Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Yes I do exercise. Depending on what my goal is, I’m weight training from 3 to 5 days a week.
It’s a no brainer, that resistance training can and will help you with Forex and everything that involves your brainpower. There are several studies that proved that weigh training and especially training your biggest muscles like quads, lats trains ones cognitive abilities.

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If anyone is interested here are few of my favourite things to do to get that mental sharpness and clarity and health:

  • Gym, heavy full body resistance training.
  • Kimera Coffee with nootropics
  • Creatine (helps with muscle gain, improves cognitive function)
  • Brain FM app with ‘music’ to help improve mental state (meditation, sleep, study)
  • Lions Mane mushroom supplement. (stimulates the growth of brain cells and much more)
  • No caffeine after 16.00
  • Blue light blocking glasses 3-4 hours prior bed time
  • Reduced screen time before bed
  • Great nights sleep in cold room.

These are few of the things that I try to do on a daily basis.
Stay healthy my forex friends!

We love all the shapes, no matter love.

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