Do you guys (traders) work out regularly?

We all know sitting all day in front of a computer is horrible for your body. It’s worse if you don’t have the proper equipment (sitting in a crappy chair, hunching over because of a small screen/ill-placed monitor).

What do you guys do to make sure you’re constantly moving and getting the exercise your body needs?


HAHAHAHA :joy: :joy: OMG! Sorry but this question really made me smile /and ashamed/. Huhu. :frowning: I haven’t been working out a lot. :frowning: I tend to eat a lot so sometimes, I just lose the motivation to exercise since I know I’m gonna pig out again. :sweat_smile: How about you? :sweat_smile:


Nordic walking, 45mins 5 times a week. Occasional cycling and hiking. Lower calorie foods wherever possible, no soda drinks ever.


Nice! it seems you are taking care of your health properly which is really appreciable.

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Trying to go to the gym regularly but during the summer I don’t work out because it’s too hot for me and I’m taking more vacations haha. Fall and winter are best seasons for me to exercise, summer usually offers way more temptations and more intense lifestyle however I drink a lot more water so at least there is some kind of compensation.

The truth is, I could definitely use more exercise. Apart from taking obligatory long and meandering walks with my dog every evening I don’t have a very physically active life.

Every day; typically 30 minutes of cardio (run, or row and cycle), with a component workout depending on the day of the week. There’s lots of workout regimes available online, designed by people who (likely) know what they’re doing. Just first decide if your end goal is fat loss or muscle gain, and from there you’ll find people online sharing your goals and their advice.

Fridays and Mondays are rest my rest days; that’s when I’ve found my gym is busiest. Branded gyms typically have free classes too, which I’ll attend occasionally. At the weekends I’ll do a 35 mile cycle ride with friends, occasionally 50 miles, through the countryside or along the coast. This year I did the Coast-2-Coast/Sea-2-Sea alone, which was 120 mile over two days, as I was bored and it’s on my doorstep.

If I could give three tips:

  1. General fitness is 80% diet; I’m on the keto diet, but any diet should force you to look into your food’s raw ingredients and nutrition, and have you understand “what’s good for you.”
  2. Pick a gym which is within 15 minutes walk of your home, and 2nd best, 15 minutes from work. Convenience is king; you want it easily accessible, and it’ll integrate easy into your daily routine.
  3. Get a bicycle, it does yourself and the planet a favour. Open up Google Maps, and apply the “cycle routes” layer; go see something you’ve never seen before: monuments, museums, beaches, woodlands, lakes, art galleries, zoos, public parks, churches, quaysides etc.

Swimming is my daily exercise! I don’t see anyone take swimming as part of daily exercise. Is it because you don’t like it or you don’t have pool nearby?

I once took summer swimming classes when I was a kid. But I need to take them all over again. I think I have forgotten how to swim.:see_no_evil: It’s the best full body workout imo

I am overweight after having worked from home for over 7 years.
I am doing something about it though, I have cut our soda and go swimming every morning.

Long and meandering walks are better than nothing!

@tommor, wow you are killing it!

That’s the important thing - at least you recognize what the problem is and you’re doing something about it. Cutting out soda has to be the best thing to start with.

Thankfully I have buddies here I can play tennis with. I also run sometimes but honestly, it’s too boring for me. But better than staring and sitting in front of our screens all day every day.

It’s indeed the best full body workout. I understand you’re finding hard time. If not possible for early morning then try weekends, you can start all over again to make a healthy life. Nothing is too late yet. :slight_smile:

I never took swimming classes, but a family member of mine taught me to swim as a child, he actually worked as a baywatch person for a long time. Sadly I am so out of practice that I am not sure I’d even be able to swim now at all.


“A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.” - Proverbs 24:5

I would love to swim daily. I’ve got a lap pool at my local 24 hour gym, but haven’t used it. After some Olympic lifts and kettlebell workouts, I’m usually spent. My issue is consistency. Consistently failing to exercise consistently!

I need to get back on my road bike and out into the world.

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They all say lifting is really good for you. I have doctor siblings and they both say lifting is better for your bones than cycling or running. BUT, it requires equipment - not a big fan of that. Do you have a setup at home or do you go to the gym?


Home. Never liked gyms. Our office building has some gym equipment though, so some people go at lunch or before/after work.

You can accomplish a lot by simply using your body weight as resistance. Bodyweight exercise - Wikipedia

Jogging helps to keep in shape.
Also, I’m playing ping pong with my colleagues sometimes.

Indeed. A good home workout I’ve tried is the Nike Training Club - it’s free, works you out really hard, and you can do it at home even without any sort of equipment! You absolutely have no excuse not to work out.

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Well, honestly it’s been days with no exercise. I become something that I don’t want to become. Yet what I don’t want to become, that I became. I believe most of us are like that. But few members here motivated me to take the U-turn. Thanks best people.