Do you have any forex superstitions?

Seems like that’s a popular superstition. :joy: Hahaha!

Oooh! :open_mouth: I feel like I’ve heard of this somewhere, and for some reason, I feel like this is something I unconsciously do also since I barely have any red clothes. :sweat_smile:

The researchers measured the strength of traders’ superstitions by the regularity with which traders chose prices ending in an 8 and their willingness to avoid the number 4. Notably, the research team found that investors were more than 50% more likely to place an order ending in an 8 than an order ending in a 4.

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I hope it’s not the same with you. :rofl:

This is hilarious, :rofl:

And then after? what next?

These are the stats from one of my demo accounts. You can check it urself!

Was only trying to bring this to your attention.This is only a demo acnt.

:joy: :sweat_smile: I can’t argue with that one.
There was one time when I was watching to some random free tutorial streamed in real time, and the guy unfortunately lost money.And I could hear his wife suddenly angrily scolding him, live on the stream. So awkward.

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No, superstitions clearly have no place in the world of forex as it is backed by rationality, well-thought and carefully analysed strategies. If you have been incurring losses in the past few weeks, it’s high time you revise and devise your set of strategies as well as your trading style, which is clearly not matching your trading goals.

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If a superstition is helping you get better at trading, I don’t think there is any harm in that. But if it is exhausting you mentally, you better stop believing in that.

I don’t have a spouse just yet, but I’ll have to find out once I do get one. :joy: I’ll keep this in mind! :rofl:

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Ooooh. :smiley: That’s nice. :smiley: Looks like you’re doing pretty good! :blush: Thanks for sharing this.

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No, I don’t. But I have heard people believe that wearing a certain colour would have a bad impact on their trades.

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I don’t have any superstitions. Though I think it might be bad luck to actually say that…


Is this where “naked trading” comes from?

I crossed my fingers while reading this so it doesn’t jinx me.


The researchers measured the strength of traders’ superstitions by the regularity with which traders chose prices ending in an 8 and their willingness to avoid the number 4. Notably, the research team found that investors were more than 50% more likely to place an order ending in an 8 than an order ending in a 4.

Many traders believe that trading on Friday is bad luck, whether it’s Friday 13th or any other. Well, technically the market can be less stable before the weekends and hold more of unexpected turns. Plus, a trader is mentally tired by the end of the week. Moreover, many traders all around the world believe: red is a no-no for the market’s luck. The red color is considered to symbolize the fall of the market. Maybe it also has something to do with red color irritating the bulls? Who knows, but definitely no one wants to risk that, even for an attempt to break the superstition.

Not really but I don’t like trading near the holidays which is probably slightly superstitious in a way lol

I don’t believe in any superstitions but my husband does. He doesn’t let me leave my place until he has closed a trade. He says that when I am sitting by his side, he trades better.

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Who makes the cups of tea?

Hahaha, usually when I believe I have nothing something bad happens next moment :sweat_smile: