Do you have to be good at Math to be a successful trader?

Will you have better odds at success in trading if you were good at Math?


I would suggest being able to manage risk exposure is material, as all of us have only that control over what the market would throw at us. How to place T/P and S/L is also important. And being able to develop a Zen mindset as you will be emotionally challenged to nurse losing trades and fear of missing out on winning ones.

Any other trading maths questions would be found by using Google. Hope that helps.


I would say that being good at maths is a great start, but you also need to learn risk management and have eagle eyes for attention to detail.

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You need to be good at percentages and ratios.

Actually only about 25% of the popoulation at large are good at percentages, 50% are very bad, 25% can just about get by, 25% don’t know what the word means and 25% did not complete the survey within the time limit. The remaining 37.5% did not understand the survey question and the remaining 10% said they would prefer not to say anything.


IMO you don’t have to be good at math. But it helps when you attended school long enough that you can at least calculate percentages.

I added that up in my head, as I usually do because I’m so fast, and that’s only 97%. You should recheck your math.

Trust me. I’m like…half math god.

Watch this.

52 + 52 = 104

I just did that right now.

I’ll do it again, in case you think this is fake.

101 + 7 = 108

I don’t even have to think. The numbers just come to me.

Yes. Calculating percentages is important. But you can find tutorials online.


You are right. Maybe other skills are more important.

For example, I would say that a person with a high level of perception is more likely to become a succesful trader. Seeing little details even if they are invisible for someone else.

Like those super recognizers:


Your maths is impeccable, I’m sure there would be an opening for you at any high street bank. In fact I hear there are one or two vacancies right now at Coutts and Natwest.

Yes, tutorials might be a help but I’m afraid I have no internet.


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning: :laughing:

(especially as it happens to be the 30th, today) i think we can pretty safely call that “comment of the month” :sunglasses:

Being good at maths would certainly not be a hinderance but it is not a requirement either. Even then the area of mathematics (pun intended) can make a difference. If you studied basic arithmetic it would probably help more than differential calculus. Understanding what the indicators can tell you is a plus so statistical analysis would help. In short, it is not a requirement but certain areas might prove useful.


i don’t think yoou need math skills for trading. basics is just enough. let me tell you something: i finished school with a bad degree in math it was a “5” (1 is the best and 6 is the worst). people asked me how i’m gonna work in a bank with a 5 in math. guess what, it’s real life, not school and nowadays PCs calculate everything. you don’t need math for trading. do you need math for opening an account? especially here at babypips you can find useful tools to calculate lot size etc.

I think you don’t need math to have sucess in trading :slight_smile: it’s just like some guys already explained here, you need to control your emotions / mindset i think.


I support these percentages and their totals!

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No way! A fellow internet forum user who posts via stone tablet snailmail service? I thought I was the only one!


you guys are hypermodern, compared with me: i have regressed from carrier-pigeon to smoke signals …


It’s cool to be old school! Keep it real cavie! (Get it? Because the modern term is homie, since we live in homes, but back then it was caves, so… cavie! It’s funnier when you explain the joke.)

The logics we consider in forex to place an order are like maths but it doesn’t mean you have to be good at maths. We need to consider trendline and moving average positions to set tp and sl at a certain distance. So, you will be used to them once you start analyzing the market.

Of course no, what you need to know, is the direction of the pair, short term or long term, if you are not sure of it, set the volume lower, like 0.1 lot, and test it

Being good at math can definitely give you an advantage in trading. It helps with analyzing data, spotting trends andddd that’s my two cents

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More importantly is the ability. Depending on age. Someone who has no propensity for analysis is likely at a disadvantage. Most of the arithmetic operations are handled by the software. However the analytic skills must be developed if not manifest.

No. trading has nothing to do with math skills. I would say that it has more to do with art skills. Especially if you are implementing technical analysis.
Technical analysis is very intuitive and sometimes you need to evaluate the charts from the aesthetic point of view.
It’s hard to explain but it is true.