Do you see forex trading as your final profession/ job?

Personally, I treat trading as an intermediate step towards passive income on the stock market. I don’t want to spend all my life before the computer screen looking at the charts.

Yes, the career as a forex trader can be lucrative, flexible, and highly engaging Perseverance, continuous learning, efficient capital management techniques, the ability to take risks, and a robust trading plan are needed to be a successful forex trader.

People can do everything if they try. But that goal and love must be at work.

Honestly, this is quite difficult to answer. Most of the time I have my passive income to backed on, but there are some day I can see being forex trading as my final profession job, but sometimes I do not see that.


Ooh. :blush: How long have you been trading? And do you think you have the qualities you mentioned? :blush:

I feel like that’s a very positive way of looking at it. :sweat_smile: Haha. But I guess being really goal-oriented makes such a big difference in terms of the outcomes. :blush:

Totally understandable! :blush: Haha. We do have our down days, especially with forex, that’ll really make you think if this is something you can continue doing. Haha. I feel you. :sweat_smile:

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Exactly! :smiley:
How about you?

I consider trading my job because I have three kids (4 and under) and can’t actually go to work, partly because I don’t want to pay for daycare but also because their father doesn’t want them to go to one. Once their all in school, I might trade and try to have a day job as well but also think the idea of being home alone to trade and enjoy free time might be worth it.

Hmmm. :thinking: To be honest, I’m an aspiring writer. :sweat_smile: So, as much as I like forex, I wouldn’t want it to be my final final job. Haha. :smiley: But of course, it’s something that we can always do on the side anyway.


Writer? That sounds really nice. Send me a copy when you release a book one day, will ya? :grin:


Oh. :open_mouth: Taking care of three kids must be such hard work! I admire you for being able to power through! :blush: They’re still too young now, but I’m excited for you to eventually get more time for yourself (both for selfcare and trading). :blush:

Awwwww. :pleading_face: That is so sweet and literally made my day. :pleading_face: I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to achieve that dream, but you will definitely be one of the first ones to receive a copy if ever! :blush: Haha. :smiley:

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I have been starting off for sometimes, so I think I need more time to adjust and see if forex trading is going to be my profession. So far, it is looking bit bleak hehe

I have only recently started, so I do not know if it is possible.

Not really! I am earning well with forex trading but don’t have plans of leaving my job anytime soon. The market is really unpredictable and I don’t wish to take any risks because I have a family to look after.

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One day, yes!

Yes, it’s my dream to become a professional forex trader one day.

Give it more time! :blush: Haha. :smiley: I also had a streak of failures and losses before I started seeing hope with my trading. HAHA How has it been since your response? Has it been any better? :smiley:

Yeeeep! :blush: No need to rush. :smiley: Just take your time and eventually, maybe you can return here and let me know. :sweat_smile: Haha. :smiley: