Do you see forex trading as your final profession/ job?

Very valid! :open_mouth: If thereā€™s anything the pandemic has taught me about finances, itā€™s that itā€™s always best to have multiple streams of income. :thinking: So, Iā€™m actually happy that youā€™re able to earn from a full-time job while trading! :blush: If you donā€™t mind, how long have you been trading? :smiley:

I donā€™t. If I want to have forex trading as my main and the only one source of income, I have to have huge capital in order for profits to cover all of my monthly expenses. Perhaps, it would be a good idea to make a kind of investing fund, but again it is not only forex trading but there are also some other different skills that I would have to implement like management, promotion and so on.

Forex trading can be a profession or a hobby. It all depends on your goal. I actually started out being a casual forex trader because I do not have a fixed schedule on my job, and itā€™s something I can do while I am away from the office.

ALongside some other things I do from home, yes. It is my current job and canā€™t see myself going back to a regular one now.

Initially I used to do forex trading along with my job but now I am looking forward to make it my full time profession.

Thatā€™s a good and definitely valid point. :thinking: I guess itā€™s possible to increase your capital overtime, but that would likely take a long time before itā€™s enough to cover all of expenses. Unless of course you settle down in a country that charges much less that your home country, I think. :thinking:

Aww. :blush: Thatā€™s great then! :smiley: I also have other jobs and tasks, but I think Forex is a good way to spend your time if you still wanna be productive. :smiley: Haha. If you donā€™t mind, how long have you been live trading? :blush:

Oh wow! :open_mouth: Thatā€™s great. :blush: Iā€™m glad and amazed that what you earn from trading is enough for your expenses already! :blush: I hope I could say that for myself one day :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice! :blush: How long have you been trading? :smiley:

More of a side gig for me, but I reckon I could do it full time if needs must

Do you currently have a full-time job? :blush: If you do, how many hours would you say you spend on forex trading? :thinking:

Not yet, but I think I want forex trading to be my final profession job one day.

Well as I say it is alongside my normal work but yes I have been earning 10-15% a month consistently for a whilte now.

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My thoughts exactly!

Forex trading has become a popular career choice, particularly for persons with a financial background, due to its high liquidity, 24/7 schedule, and ease of accessibility. Forex trading, on the other hand, has drawbacks, such as high risk and volatility.

If you keep putting in the time and effort, I really hope you get there. :blush: Haha. Howā€™s your trading been so far? :smiley:

Thatā€™s great news. :blush: 10-15% consistently is already such a big thing, I think. (especially if you have a pretty good capital to start with :sweat_smile:) My capital wasnā€™t that big. so I understand it would take some time before I could actually pay for most of my expenses from my trading profit. :sweat_smile:

Good luuuck! :blush: Iā€™ll be cheering for youu. :smiley:

Yes, forex trading can be taken as a profession. But initially, traders take trading part-time and get into the market slowly once they start making consistent profits.

Yes, why not?

Forex can totally be your full-time job. It can provide us perks that a regular 9-5 job canā€™t. However, reaching that level is years of hardwork and discipline. But it is worth it.