Do you talk about your trading losses to anyone?

8 Ways you can use trading losses to improve your trading

  • Accept responsibility.
  • Review your position sizing.
  • Analyse each loss.
  • Use a stop loss level.
  • Review your exit strategy.
  • Control your emotions.
  • Use a trading journal.
  • Ask yourself some simple questions.

Think people are totally different here, some will never say how much they have lost (pride)Others totally different almost looking for sympathy or makes them feel better in some way .

I think we can talk. You can get some insights or the points where and why you are getting failed. So talking can be helpful in my point of view.

You should handle your losses in a positive way and take good advice from the good traders in the market.

Talking after losing is totally FINE. Because sometimes we don’t understand the reason by ourselves, so a second opinion could give a better insight and some better trading ideas and strategies. So talk about your winning and losing both because your win can help others and your loss can help u get others creative ideas.

I used to share trading losses too with a friend coz sometimes it gives us relief when we share things out and it gives us motivation to perform better.

Yes I talk about my trading losses to my trader friends. As, it gives me a second opinion about my trading strategies and sharing helps me in relieving the stress.

Having trader friends is really a great way to help relieve the stress of trading. :sweat_smile: Most of my friends are more focused on crypto so I don’t really have anyone to discuss my forex trades with. So that’s why I’m always noisy here in the forums. :sweat_smile:

Yeah. :open_mouth: I feel you! :blush: But if you don’t mind me asking, you said you “used to.” Does this mean you’ve stopped doing so? :open_mouth: If yes, why?

Yes, I do and I feel it is really important to share about losses to your loved one. I share my loss experiences with my father who doesn’t understand much about trading but it emotionally secures and calms me.

I do not discuss it with anyone as of now. I used to tell one of my friends about it, but they are too busy to listen to it.

You can prefer sharing it with other traders in your community. In this way, not only can you unwind, but you may also discover an answer to your problem. This is why trading forums are the most effective forex trading platform.

Till now it’s not easy to share own trading mistakes to anyone! But if you have a trainer or any kind of advisor; then the situation is different!

Yes, I do. At first I used to think I should keep them to myself as I don’t know many people who understand forex and trading. But I think talking about your losses is a way of accepting them as a part of your trading life. You should not be ashamed of losing a trade. So, when you talk to your loved ones about how much money you lost in a trade can really reduce your stress.

I believe that someone who also does trading, it’s better to share with them because then they can also give us their inputs. In my case my friend was unaware of the trading world so after one point my talks make no sense if the person in front of you doesn’t understand the trading world. But letting things out does surely help.

I used to refrain from sharing about my losses and failures and this literally obstructed my growth in the market. I have realised that when you take suggestions from other traders, you have a better chance of doing something good.

I try not to spread the information about my accomplishments in trading. Everything because the success and happiness require silence. I try to comply with this rule, as I am sure that the more people talk about their successful actions, the less amount of successful actions in future, they will receive. It’s just law of psychology and hence I understand this rule and do everything in order not to spread the information.
Of course, it’s up to every trader, if you wanna share your results in trading with your family members, then why not. However, these days it’s better to keep silence in order not to face mockings.

Till now, I do not have a close friend or family who trades forex. So for me, my best friend is my trading journal. I note down my losses, and later, when I am out of the emotion of loss, I like to see the mistakes and advice myself on how to trade better or not repeat that mistake again.

There is a reluctance among traders to share their losses with others. As long as you can do it with honesty, you’ll discover a wealth of new knowledge. Traders are required to discuss both their successes and their failures within their respective circles.

I avoid discussing my trading life. Whether they are accomplishments or losses, I try to keep it all to myself. However, I analyse myself and my trades from time-to–time, which helps me to understand the market better and learn from my losses.