Do you talk about your trading losses to anyone?

But I bet mines hotter!


Yes, I do. Other traders help me understand what I need to improve. I am not someone who would keep bragging about his profits. I accept my losses gracefully and am ready to learn from everyone around me.

Ah yeaaah. :blush: If you have a mentor, I think you would really need to discuss your losses with them so they can teach you what you could have done better. :open_mouth: How long have you been trading with your mentor, if you don’t mind? :blush:

HAHAH. :sweat_smile: I could imagine the disappointment! :sweat_smile: Save the wins for her. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would have to agree with this. :blush: When I was starting out, I also met a friend here who checked up on me and my trades, and somehow, I felt the drive to really open positions I could share with him. :open_mouth: He was more experienced too, so I really looked forward to his suggestions. Too bad he hasn’t been around for a while. :confused:

That sounds like an interesting blog! :blush: And I would love to check it out. Are those posts still up until now by any chance? :smiley: I definitely agree with it being a sign of trading maturity. I felt like a lot of people refuse to acknowledge their losses when they’re starting out, and so they just keep on making losing decisions. :confused:

It’s also because in my opinion the space can be quite poisonous. You need someone who is going to hold you to account but not be a bell about it.

Great idea to have someone you can confide in about your losses it’s like in any endeavour.
Also another trader can be more truthful as self governance can be an excuse to go easy on oneself :laughing:

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Just use a journal

For sure. You can let yourself get away with things and once is perhaps ok but when that starts to creep into becoming normal you have issues.


I have not written anything new in a while but yes it’s all still there.

I am actually running a site about cats at the moment, which is why the trading blog took a back seat. But it’s going to start again before too long I hope, probably with a complete revamp.

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I believe that traders have to talk about trading with someone. It helped them to relieve the burden and all the negative emotions which they get due to trading. If you will keep it in yourself, one time it will blow up definitely. In my opinion, it might be some relatives or a close friend who you can rely on and tell about all the problems. When I was stucked in losses and when I firstly lost all my deposit I told about it to my friend right away and he supported me.
Of course, it’s pretty difficult to open your soul to someone who don’t laugh at you, but as a rule people are tend to sympathize other as they feel their necessity.

That is nice story, I believe this forum can be proven useful in providing support to those who wish to talk to someone about their winning or losing in trading, or anything in general and I think we should come together to support someone in their path of trading.

For sure, talking about losses will cause your anxiety to increase and so it’s better not to talk about losses. But what I try to do to learn from my losses and make a better strategy so that never again the same mistake takes place. Every loss is a lesson to me and I also recommend you not to pronounce your losses again and again because it lowers your motivation.

There is nothing wrong with having losing trades. They are a cost of business.

And should be viewed as such.

Trading is never a certain outcome, we can accept losses at the roulette wheel or horses so why not in trading?

What I don’t do for the most part is talk about my winners. When I do its a sign of over confidence, and often a precursor to me overtrading my account.

No to anyone, but myself! As a trader, I analyse my trades regularly to see where I went wrong. I avoid telling anyone because they give bad suggestions, such as “leave trading,” “find a good job, son.” However, there are times when I feel like venting out. In that case, a few friends help!

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Losses are forever a part of trading. But they can be overwhelming. So letting them out is necessary otherwise it could lead to burn out and stress. Personally, I talk about them only to a fellow trader. I don’t think my parents and friends would get this.

Exactly, someone to call you to order when you are losing your way.

It’s a common psychology that talking about losses always de-motivates a trader. So, I always recommend to flash back rather think differently how to develop your current trading strategy. Step-by-step development is needed because it’s impossible to develop one overnight.

Just need someone to be hard but fair. We’re all human and so you don’t want to be berated for not being a robot but someone to discuss your trades with, emotions relating to them, and your trading in general is a good thing to have. if nothing else as I say I feel it helps just to have someone to chat trading to as more often than not friends and family don’t want to know or get bored hearing about it.