Do you talk about your trading losses to anyone?

We have to understand that if the losses from our trading accounts are reduced the income will increase.

I do say it to my partner she’s good at listening and usually peps up my confidence in fact does that in all situations :ok_hand:

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Exactly, it’s not really about the person helping you out with trades, but just having someone to talk about trading experiences with soothes you in a different kind of way.

Completely agree I think it’s actually vital to talk about losses.

If people only here about your wins it can affect your trading strategy and mindset causing you to risk too much per trade, all because you keep telling people you are constantly winning and feel the need to keep up appearances when in reality you’ve had losses along the way so your overall situation isn’t as great as people think.

Also it’s just nice to talk to people and say what a :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: day you’ve had so that you can just get it off your chest, reset and try again.

Your partner is really supportive, i must say.

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I don’t think anyone can understand better than fellow traders. So, yes I do share my struggles with them.

I agree, I can talk to my wife about anything but to her it’s abstract as she doesn’t trade herself.

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Thanks she really is and I need to more attentive to her needs I do try but can always Improve for sure

10o% mate I’ve no doubt bored her to tears trying to explain S/D just look for the big moves look its the footprints of the institutions while she stares at me like I need some time in a small padded room , maybe I do :laughing:

Well I don’t think anyone likes talking about their trading losses. However, you should talk about it so that other people may learn from it. Making mistakes is very common but you must always learn from them. Talking about your mistakes to others might help you see things you couldn’t see on your own. If you do not want to share it with others you must maintain journals so that you have a record and you won’t make the same mistake again.

I usually don’t. But sometimes I take suggestions on online social platforms to get insights on my mistakes.

Hahaha! :smiley: This is true actually. :sweat_smile: I’ve tried this with stuff other than trading, and other people can be very brutal and aggressive in reminding you to do what you’re supposed to do. :sweat_smile:

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Imo, it is important to talk about losses even if we are not comfortable talking about it. This will help to maintain one’s emotional quotient and also help in dealing with the rough times.

I talk to my mother. She doesn’t understand it, but she is really supportive and always cheers me.


That’s great as even though she dosen’t grasp it she’s doing the job only a Mother can do by encouraging you wholeheartedly unconditional love is a wonderful thing :heart:

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I prefer talking to one of my friends. He also trades which gives us the opportunity to discuss things more precisely and come up with fruitful conclusions.

Best is to talk to yourself! It is sounding like insane but yeah you will give yourself a best judgment!

It’s not fair to talk about losses because it not only frustrates him but also derails him from track. Traders’ focus should be clear-cut. Traders should try to renovate their strategies on a daily basis. A good strategy helps a trader in reaping higher return and traders should work bearing it in mind.

I disagree. Not talking about losses leads to “confirmation bias”, a well known psychological flaw that will lead even the most thoughtful of people down a garden path of surety.

As a beginner, I was too ashamed of talking about my losses since all the other traders around me were doing pretty well. But with time, I learnt that they were also making losses just like me. It motivated me and I have been taking help from my fellow traders, especially for trades that move against me.

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