Do you talk about your trading losses to anyone?

I agree with you. No-one seems to mention numbers when it comes to losses (or gains). I’d say it’s an English thing (rude to talk about money) but this site is gloriously international! I follow quite of few people on these threads and find their posts v interesting and thought-provoking, but I have no idea if people are talking about wins/losses of $1, $10 or $100,000 !! I know it’s all extrapolatable (I know - not a real word) to the size of one’s account, but there are nosey people like me who would love to know!! So, who’ll tell me theirs if I tell you mine?!!

I usually don’t talk about it but i save a file with a folder named, lesson learned reminder

You are being overdramatic. One should not overthink the losses. Yes, you can share them with someone experienced and work on the mistakes that were responsible for them. Learn from your mistakes and correct them.

Yes. I have a friend with whom I discuss everything about life and trading. It definitely feels blessed to have someone to talk to, especially about forex trading that very few people understand in depth.

I used to talk about my losses to my family but not anymore. They don’t really understand or care how my trading life is going. Now I just keep my losses to myself and only mention or think about them when I am journaling my trades. This habit helps me to identify mistakes so that I don’t repeat them.

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It’s great you can talk about losses with your family. If I told my wife aboit some of my monumental losses she’d probably ban me from trading!!

Every business has its ups and downs. It’s easy to lose motivation when you’re down in the market. In my experience, the vast majority of people are uncomfortable when it comes to discussing their failures.

Hi, are you a Forex trainer? By the way, personally I don’t like to share my own trading history to anyone!

Yes I am. Why?

Sometimes I ask Pamm managers for help.
They answer some of my questions and give advice on trading.

Ooooh. :thinking: How has that helped you so far? :open_mouth: I’ve never really had any experience with PAMM managers so it gets me curious sometimes. :sweat_smile:

I do talk about my losses to only one friend who is also a forex trader. I don’t talk about my losses to anyone else because most of them don’t understand what trading is. I think it is better to connect with fellow traders on platforms like forums if you want to discuss your trading life with anyone.

Yes, I do talk about my trading losses with my close ones so that what mistakes I have done they won’t do.

Well, I guess life would have been easier if I had got someone to talk about my hardships in forex trading, especially the losses. But none of my friends are into forex trading, so there’s no point in explaining all of it to them. Anyways, Confucius once said the life of a trader is a lonely one , hence, let it be so. However, I am happy that nowadays we can be a part of online communities and share our experiences with like minded people.

Well, nice to know! What are you teaching actually? Technical or the fundamental analysis?

Pure technical = Pure price action.

Presently I have someone who is teaching me more on Crypto trades on short terms basis, I generally talk about my fears and loses in the market with them. This has helped a lot in giving me proper direction so far.

Yes to anyone who is interested. Have made a lot of mistakes before I got to where I am now. Lots of learning moments.

Still making mistakes here and there. That is me being human.

I do discuss my trades with my friend but not very often. Sometimes I don’t feel comfortable talking about my losses as I fear their judgement about trading.

I will suggest you join some forums where you can interact with some other traders. You can talk about your losses there and can gain a better solution.