Do you talk about your trading losses to anyone?

I think trading is a lonely business… I dont talk about my losses or wins… The only thing that people know is that I’m a trader… and I have been for a while…

So… they should conclude that I must be profitable in the long run

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True that!
It’s the case with almost all traders here! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Losses are not something to be bragged about. In fact, you will be able to improve them more if you get into self-realisation. You have to find issues in your trading style so that you can improve it. No need to share your trading secrets with anyone as they may be used against you.

I used to tell my trader friends when I was a beginner. They made me feel as if I’m dumb and stupid so eventually I stopped talking to anyone about my losses. Whenever I feel like talking to anyone I simply call my mom and talk to her. Talking to her makes me calm and then I write about it in my trading journal.


You should definitely look for support from people close to you, they will always be on your side.

Hi @Blue2
It is a word, you just spelled it wrong like I would have done had I not searched for it. It is extrapolable. Learn every day. :slight_smile:

I love extrapolating “to infinity and beyond”

@Mondeoman Ahah! Well, at least I was on the right tracks. I’m not going to lie and say it was a typo. More just my own unique take on the english language. It’s a young language and constantly evolving, so in a couple hundred years my spelling will probably be correct! You’re clearly an antidisestablishmentarianistic type of fellow❤️

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And i’m very bored cos i’m waiting to board a plane back to London from Pula, so if anyome’s reasing this and can amuse me with a bit a clever word-play I’d be much obliged!


i have nobody to talk about forex to ,my wife not interested , none of my friend in this business.even if they do ,my trading style is too weird to talk to them ,what they only want is something had been “proven”,instead of judging and questioning the text book .so i keep quiet.

I was once left to look after my two sons and a few other children in their early teens. I took out a box of scrabble and said I would give £5 to the one who spelt the longest word. Here is what they came up with:


Two weeks later, they made another one that used all the letters. The first 20 or so were the same but I can’t recall the whole lot. My brother can - he remembers the addresses of every house we lived in and all the telephone numbers up till he was in his twenties.

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Yeah with my friends who are also in trading! It helps when I am having a bad week.

OMG I am also a nosey person and I would love to know these details :sweat_smile: But I’m shy to divulge mine cause I feel like compared to everyone else, my wins are like cents or pennies to you. :sweat_smile:

The beauty of language. :stuck_out_tongue: Hahaha. :smiley: I really took my time reading this word from your very creative and clever sons.

I used to but not anymore. Most of my family and friends are not aware of what forex trading is. And if I happen to mention that I lost a trade, they will advise me to just quit trading. Losing a trade does not mean that you are a bad trader. If you were able to cut your losses with a stop loss, that’s still a win in my opinion. So, I just prefer to keep my wins and losses to myself as I don’t want unsolicited advice from anyone.

No i generally don’t prefer talking about my loses with anyone. But yes i do maintain a journal and record my loses so that i would not make the same mistakes in future.

I think it actually helps to discuss about trading losses with someone. This helps in keeping one’s emotional stability and in coping with difficult situations.

Yeah, I do agree! Since I am new to trading, talking to someone about forex can be helpful to maintain perspective. Maintaining a calm demeanour is also crucial for consistent trading.

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My comment…


cheers man