Do you think you'd still be trading even when you're 70? šŸ‘µ

Going by the way Iā€™m literally addicted to it right now, saying that I would still be trading with my dentures on, would by no means be a stretch.

For how long have you been trading already?

Evolution has a slightly different view of that particular bargain ! - When we have children - Evolution demands that we sacrifice to turn them into adults capable of doing their best in the world - Just as our own parents did for us.

[ANd even that commitment is nowadays becoming more and more ā€˜discretionaryā€™ ]

Iā€™m pretty sure that there is no reciprocation demanded of our children - except to rear their own children - In fact in many societies the old, when they become a burden - just wander off and sit under a tree or on a mountain top - to wait for God ! So I wouldnā€™t expect them to keep you in idleness and luxury in your dotage mate :laughing:

I hit 70 next year and assuming the Bat-Flu doesnā€™t get me - Iā€™ll still be ā€œat itā€ as long as I remain interested - else Iā€™ll wander off and find something New to do !

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I will be still trading at 70, but of course I will be obscenely wealthy by then. Bwah hah hah!

Donā€™t forget the folks you spent time with on the forums now! Especially one thatā€™s named ponponwei :laughing:

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It depends if you start trading after 65 , generally everyone gives up before 5 years, losing money is not so funny.

Hopefully if weā€™re still trading after 65, weā€™re trading a ton of SPARE cash lying around and not our life savings. :sweat_smile:


Ha, thatā€™s a very good point!

Could be, depends on how much money I already have

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I think most people, including myself, would like to trade at 70 years of age if our body and mind would permit it.


Which is why we gotta take care of them NOW. :+1:


There is really no better way to put it.