Does anyone here pay for Tradingview Premium?

Good features in my opinion.

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Now that’s a deal! Was this recently?

Ya just for Alerts. The indicator limit is annoying if you’re trying a few indicators out… I may use the 9 EMA, but that’s all.

Alerts a lot though as I can’t watch the screen all day.

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I have a custom price action indicator that is a bundle, but having premium, I’m not concerned with an indicator limit. I use the custom price action indicator on the chart and stochastic rsi below.

If I get rid of premium, I’m still within the indicator limit.

I think it is an ongoing deal.

1 Like is not free, it is a free trial.

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I’ve used it for backtesting without coming out of pocket…so it works like it’s free.

Thanks for this and the suggestion too, Martial! :blush: I’m checking out the site you recommended and it looks pretty good. :blush: The interface is easy to work with. :smiley:

Yeah. :open_mouth: I’ve decided not to push through with the Tradingview premium for now. I’ll wait a bit until I have money to spare. :sweat_smile: Initially, I wanted to add more indicators to my chart, and get notifications/ alerts. :blush:

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Were you also considering to pay for TV premium? :blush:

Thanks for this Emerald! :blush: I won’t be paying for it just yet, but maybe eventually I can try it out! :blush:

Hmmm. I wasn’t asked for credit card info or anything like that, so hopefully it’s really free. :sweat_smile: :pray: If ever the free trial ends, I’d also stop using it. :sweat_smile: Thanks for this though, Dawn!

I’ve got it. I need had to test a bunch of indicator combos.

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One of the discount brokers i use, offers free Tradingview premium to all its clients.

In my opinion using tradingview premium is only beneficial when you are an intraday trader or a scalper. When you need multiple indicators on a single chart. Or if you need multiple charts open on a single screen.

Sometimes more indicators could even cloud your judgement if you are taking manual positions. It is a good to have solution, but not a must have.

I wouldnt recommend it, unless you are managing a substantial fund. And i agree with one of the posts above, sometimes less is more.

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Actually, haven’t gone for the Tradingview premium myself since my platform already uses Tradingview charts and I don’t scalp, so no need for multiple charts at once. It really depends on what you need for your trading style.

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I do not pay for that my broker gives me that for free.

That makes sense. :open_mouth: Also saving up for it and maybe if I have spare money in the future, I’d also try it out even just for a short period. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for this, Pipin! :blush: (or would you prefer Infuse)? :smiley: I’m currently interested in it so I can see just how it will work for me. Actually, the strategy I use requires at least 3 indicators and I’m having trouble with adding the other indicator I need. :cold_sweat:

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Thanks for that Amy! :smiley: If that’s the case, do you also have access to the trade ideas on the TV offered on your platform? :open_mouth:

In that case, spending a little on the premium sub would be a good idea.
Or look out for brokers who offer it for free… a quick google search shows that Vantage… FXCM… blackbull etc offer free tradingview premiums to its clients. Not sure if they expect a certain amount in deposit.
Worth trying out.