Does anyone here pay for Tradingview Premium?

The idea and the principle are very good.

Please excuse my mentioning that the examples are horrible. These three are among the world’s worst brokerages.

No other broker in history has ever been fined as many multi-millions by so many different regulators than FXCM, to the extent that they’re now even banned from existing at all in some countries (and all over issues directly related to how they’ve treated their customers!!).

Blackbull are notoriously scammy, are currently on the receiving end of a class action lawsuit, and habitually mislead people about how/where they’re “regulated”.

Vantage aren’t quite as bad, but are certainly not good, either.

If anyone’s left wondering “how to do this, then?” a suggested answer is above.

(Please don’t anyone respond by telling me that “it’s just my opinion”: it ISN’T: it’s also the opinion of multiple regulators and courts! Thank you for understanding.)

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Does it make a difference that they’re now a subsidiary of Jefferies Financial Group, a publicly traded company, with $50+ billion in assets, and the original founders of the company, who were found guilty of fraud, are no longer involved in the company?

I don’t know.

But who cares? The operations staff and the mechanics of trading are still probably the same? There’s no need at all for anyone to take a chance on a company with that kind of history, is there? There are hundreds of properly regulated brokers anyway.

Perhaps they have a really good SEO team… these are the names that popped up when i searched for Forex brokers offering free Tradingview premium… :slightly_smiling_face:
Anyway… thanks for the heads up…now @ria_rose knows who to avoid :v: cheers

When I was trading with Oanda, I did have access to these features. But I lost access to my account and I haven’t been able to trade with them since. :sob: I’ll try it out again though. Thanks for the suggestion! :blush:

Oooh. :open_mouth: Thank you for the warning Jane! :open_mouth: I didn’t know FXCM had these issues since I feel like I see them a lot everywhere.

I have no need currently for Premium. I don’t use indicators or alerts often, but since I trade stocks and futures with Interactive Brokers, and FX with OANDA (both through TV), I have multiple watch lists which require TV Essential plan. I also really like viewing charts in multiple TF’s like the 4H and 1W simultaneously, so with this plan I don’t have to keep flipping back and forth.


all of the brokers are scam in the moment you withdraw more than 100K per year xd
regulation is not a solution - multiple accounts in different brokers is a key - that’s what I m following

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I have TradingView Essentials, and I think it is absolutely great. I have two brokers connected to TV, so I us TV to trade. It is not only about the charts and wether you can have two or more charts at the same time, it is all that TV offers beyond the charts. Yes, the charts are what most retail traders use it for, but their universe is so much bigger. The amount of information, analysis and features is massive. It is my definitive go-to for all things trading related, and I discover new features every time. I also have a broker that provides charts from TV, but not the emense features outside of charts. This is one subscription I definitely will never cancel as long as I trade. PS. I am in no way affiliated with TV, I simply love their product.

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Can you see them at the same time, or do you need to log out and into the other account?

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Same time, different tabs.


Really? I’ll have to give that a try

Is this based on experience? :sweat_smile: I don’t think I’ll ever have this problem, but I wonder if this is actually the case. :open_mouth:

Thank youuu Matty! :blush: I think I might also give the Essentials Plan a try. :open_mouth: I’ll probably update the community here once I do. :pray: Hahaha.

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I love the disclaimer at the end. :stuck_out_tongue: Hahaha. Thank you Dawn! :blush: I guess I have here a few satisfied subscribers to the TV Premium so I’m convinced I should get it. :smiley: I just hope I can make the most of it once I actually do subscribe. :sweat_smile:

I just bought it a week ago and I regret.

When I compare TV and cTrader, TV has delay. It’s better to use cTrader. I’m using Pepperstone and ICMarket. TV is good for analyze and sharing the chart to others. But for real trading activity, it has significant delay on currency, metal and energy. Cryptocurrency seems to have no problem.

cTrader, as far as I know, is a CFD trading platform? If so, yes it is not delayed. I have never heard of a CFD trader being delayed. I mean, no actual transaction takes place, with a CFD trade. TV is a whole other ballpark. You got stocks, CFDs, currency, futures, bonds, options, you got analysis, news, chart patters, comparisons as much as you like, and it goes on. TV is a one stop shop for all you need in terms of analysis, comparisons and insight. AND, you can link your broker and trade through TV. Comparing TV to a CFD broker is like comparing JP Morgan with an ATM.


This is a fundamental reality which (sadly) has eluded many of the forum’s members.

It’s actually the key issue underlying multiple confusions in threads and conversations here.

Exactly. :sunglasses:

Dear my fellow trader, before I give further explanation, I will ask how long have you been trading in CFD before? Have or had you ever worked with broker?

As far as I remember, the context is Trading View (TV) Premium. We are not discuss anything else. If you want to discuss in detail from head till toe, I can discuss more. I had many experienced with brokers. It’s not just using it, I even set up brokers in the past.

I know very close, how to established a broker, even how to work, bridging to LP, list of master LP, white label and how to establish a dummy broker as if a real one. So what TV compare to MT4/5, cTrader, DXTrade, I understand very very clear.

Comparing TV to CFD broker to JPMorgan with an ATM? What kind of joke is that? Really Trading View is comparable as JPMorgan … in scale of Forex Platform?

I’m not insulting you, let take it as a friendly sharing information :innocent:
Trading View is a platform. In order can be used for trading, they need broker to be connected.
Let me limit only to MetaQuote and cTrader (Spotware), they are most currently in used platform by broker. These platforms has few components to allow us to trade with. For now, I only say front-end and back-end.

  • Front-end is a piece of software we install on our end-point, such as MT4/5, cTrader (on PC, mobile device).
  • Back-end is part of software being used to serve orders come from user, the trader. Back-end connect trader to Liquidity Provider, so we can say it’s the bridge. Is that simple? Big NO. There are many type of bridges. Just think it simple for now, only serve to one bridge.

TV in order to work, usually use cTrader or Metaquotes backend. But since MetaQuote has policy (probably has changed now), forbid other platform to use their back-end, most TV’s Broker is using cTrader bridge.

If you never heard CFD trader (platform) is being delayed. Now please go try now using most CFD broker show by TV. For example, Pepperstone. When you open pepperstone Razor Trading View account … you can access the account using cTrader. Do by all means connect the account using cTrader and Trading View, monitor it side by side. You will see, the delay in Trading View. Just Proof It so you can correct the “never heard” thing :slight_smile:

Most CFD broker for retail traders are done outside market. I agree with this 100%, no doubts. Unless you trader inside an exchange. Not every country has CFD exchange. So you trade only outside the market. What ever position you made, that will be done by brokers LP. LP can be Bank, Market Maker or ECN. Sometime, you deal with a market maker directly. It means you trade against a broker. If you have done forex for years, you will finally meet a real broker, which you can’t say “no action transaction takes place”. This is no opinion. I give you the way to proof it. Try Saxobank and Dukascopy. Get the experience by yourself before make assumption. :innocent:

TV is initiated as social platform about trading. In the end it grows as trading platform. If you are real trader, you wont use TV, but if you like to sharing knowledge, having community friendly platform. No doubt TV is best. I join TV not because I like to trade with TV, but it has so many fun, sharing knowledge, even make joke about trading with your group. You can share you screen nicely with TV, but when you want to put strategic / good position, you might suffer from delay. Unless you are not a momentum sensitive trader.
Having lovable user in TV, makes TV grow faster and look bigger. So can it be assume as JPMorgan to ATM?

On my trading room, I’m using 20 monitors for trading. When my friends visit, I use to switch all of them to TV and they get impressed. They yelled, I am a super trader by looking only TV. But when I do real trade, only 1 screen TV, the rest will cTrader and MT5. They won’t be impressed by cTrader and MT5. :rofl:

We comparing platform, not broker. cTrader is not broker, neither do TV.
TV is platform, if you want to compare, at least compare to Spotware and Metaquotes. And I can say as well … TV is an ant compare to cTrader and Metaquotes the Godzilla :smiley:. This is the properway to compare.

So just don’t compare TV with CFD Broker. TV will die if no broker use them. Respect their mutualistic symbiotic relationship.

One more thing. I’m a software architect with experience more than 25 years. I can asses the quality of service TV, Metaquotes and cTrader.
I give you one last example so you dont think TV is JPMorgan.
TV is platform of full features. MT4/5, cTrader is a platform of specific feature.
Analogy, you go to a restaurant order Italian’s food. Which one is better a restaurant that specific serve Italian’s food, compare to a restaurant serve everything from asian, mexican, italian, middle east, all you can eat?
Surely an Italian Specialist Restaurant. This is the same with TV serve all in one plate.
TV can connect to many market with cost of performance. Again, if you are not momentum specific trader, you will be fine using it.
If you are a professional trader (CFD), you never think of TV as your trading platform. You only use it for education, content creation (youtube, tiktok).

Note: Please don’t mention non CFD product, It will get hell longer explanation. :rofl:

I just renewed mine last Thursday :slight_smile:

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