Does anyone here pay for Tradingview Premium?

Didn’t know this was possible…I’ll give it a look.

Do you give this a go?

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I did, and it works.

Hmmm I must be doing something wrong.

I use OANDA and Interactive Brokers. I Open TV, log into OANDA, then right click the tab at the top and “duplicate tab”, then I log into IB on the 2nd tab.

I will start by agreeing. Comparing TradingView (TV) and a CFD broker with JP Morgan and an ATM was probably a bad comparison. TV is platform for charting, analysis, news and more. A CFD broker is, well, a broker, facilitating trading. TV can be connected to a broker, and so you can trade directly via TV. It is still your broker exercising the trade. I believe cTrader is the same, but I do not know cTrader.

I will move on to say that I am a former stock, options and CFD broker. I am well aware of what a CFD is.

  • When I say there is no delay in CFD trading, it is because there is not. A CFD trade does not go through an exchange, because a CFD trade is not a transaction. It is a bet. It is a bet between you and your broker. You go long, your broker goes short. Vice versa. Whoever gets it right wins.

o If there are delays, that must be due to the platform in use, I.e. the link between your broker and the platform you use. Or technical issues. As a concept, a CFD trade is no different from you and a buddy betting on an outcome.

  • “Most CFD …. are done outside of market”. Incorrect. 100% of CFD trades are done outside of market. Again, a CFD trade is a bet on direction, up or down. No transaction takes place. However, brokers might choose to hedge their position by making g an actual trade in the market. However, this is a whole other discussion, as it differs from broker to broker, and it depends on your classification as a customer (risky, not risky). Also, you say “not every country has CFD exchange…”. Correct, and in those countries there is no CFD trading. Just to clarify, there is no such thing as a CFD Exchange. A CFD trade is a bet between you and your broker, up or down.

  • “Sometime, you deal with a market maker directly. It means you trade against a broker”. Sorry, no. There are no market makers in CFD. Again, it is a bet between you and your broker. Different brokers will have different prices and spreads.

  • I am using SaxoBank. No difference. They offer traditional trading through exchanges, and also CFDs. The CFD part is the same, no transaction, a simple bet on direction.

  • TradingView. It is the most comprehensive platform for trading there is.As you say, and as most know, it is not a broker. It is a massive platform for charting, analysis, news, insight and a community. It is used by novices, and professionals. Just browse a few blogs, articles, YouTubes, research papers, and you will see the TV logo all over. Yes, it has a lot of features. More than most, if not all. And that is the beauty. Others have specific features, advanced features. Tailored to specific traders. TV has it all. For the fresh trader, to the advanced hedge fund manager.

  • You are a software architect. I have worked in the IT industry for 20 years. I know what it takes to develop a platform like TV. Always running, no hiccups. I tested cTrader these last days, and it freezes, positions never show due to loading, charts the same. Orders are said to be placed, but nothing happens and so no position is taken. This was done on separate gadgets, both Apple and Android. All I am saying is this has never happened with TV.

  • When you are done replying to this, please elaborate on non CFD products. I’d love to hear :grinning:

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Hi @WeRideAtDawn, Good to know you had brokerage background. :smiley: At least you can confirm what I discuss here. Don’t get offended, we are just two persons who are having good conversations :slight_smile:

As you have mentioned your background, I was also operating a CFD broker (not owner). I was in 2000, in a team to develop the first online stock trading system. We used a device from Lantronix get connected to the exchange. Their system is off from the Internet, until now. All transaction were ordered on our front-end, would be sent to the exchange for match-making process. We were just mediator between trader and exchange. The broker have profit from trading commission.

So you can see, the scenario for a broker, right? Broker is just a middleman. Just simplify it for now, of course there are “other side” of story as a broker. :smiley:

As now, I am a fund manager (side hustle :grin: ) . I work closely to brokers that I’m using. Before, I was operating brokers (not owner, no money yet :smile: ) in 2006. I was started as an IB, white-label broker and finally operating a real independent broker (off-shore). My broker partners were Interbank FX, MB Trading. They were former US based broker, they are no longer exist now :slight_smile:. So, I know every single detail about how a broker work. But wait, I can be just bluffing here :rofl:. No way I can prove myself here. I have no interest also. But let me gives proof. I have no intention here. I just feel so bored. I like to have friendly discussion with everybody, including you @WeRideAtDawn. As I am going to be 60 years old, I like to discuss things I have interest in. Here ar some proofs here.

I don’t know where you live. I live in Indonesia. I travel a lot to Singapore, Australia, Cyprus, UK and Dubai in relation with my work. I’m just a tiny fund manager, got lucky to meet the owner of the firm who by accident my previous broker owner where I worked. :sweat_smile:

So, now it’s time to share my perspectives and proofs. Please don’t get offended, I love to discuss this topic. I’m saying, I’m not always the right one. :innocent:

Your opinion can be both right and wrong. For retail trader, it’s totally true. For regional market, it’s partial right or wrong. For institution trader, it’s also wrong.

I don’t know if you keep update to current broker technology. Your statement is valid for past brokers. We know there were dealing desk broker. They are betting with clients position. We also know some unregulated brokers, who use only MT4. So always be careful with broker we are using. Without proper regulation, we never know how a broker work, sky is the limit.

When a broker has been regulated properly, the way they operate will be restricted. Most reputable brokers are STP type. It means they won’t interfere with our position. They are middlemen to market, we call them Liquidity Provider (LP). This is done to prevent market manipulation better, but it’s not 100% fool proof. In fact most new broker will “clash” orders from client before they send the rest to LP. This can be done, since they know their client statistics. Some brokers have only 5% - 10% traders making money.
I have clients who are owners of export/import companies or commodity based companies. They use CFD as hedging instrument. You should be familiar with this term, since you were a former CFD brokers. They don’t care profit or loss with their accounts. They will buy and sell in CFD just for the purpose of value protection, they don’t care if it’s profit or loss. So, why we can have profit in an favorable price level, it’s due to many companies do hedging as explained above. It’s not always broker betting against us (if your broker is a regulated one).

I’m agree with you :-). It’s problem with the platform. To be exact, it depends on technology and internet connection. TV is using browser technology, most likely to be a rest API. You can see it using google chrome console. The transactions happen in form of JSON. Different with cTrader and Metaquotes, they are using pure socket. It’s a lower level methods, it’s a lot faster but also multiple time more difficult. You can proof it by using wireshark to sniff the data.

The point is delay happens due to internet bandwidth and platform technology. The less complex a platform, will boost up performance.
TV is too complex. It gives a lot of features, but it will cost performance.
cTrader and Metaquotes, only provide features relate to trading. This is the logic.
You can also consult with your IT experts, which one is faster WebSocket technology (TV) compare to Generic Socket (CSocket on Metaquotes and .Net Socket on cTrader). Google them will also help.

Really? :sweat_smile: I say most because currently I trade a CFD in an exchange. I understand it may not available in every country, by the same reason I put the word most of them.
By telling so, also can be a backfire. I meet few fund manager who trades CFD in real market. Back to proof. Trading CFD in exchange in Indonesia can be done by ICDX. Please google it.
For more information, in Indonesia we can trade Bilateral and Multilateral Account. Bilateral means you will deal only to your broker only. Multilateral means you deal with market. Your position (if it’s big enough) will affect market price. So?
You still can defend the incorrect of most CFD … outside market, all back to our perspective, knowledge and experiences.

Again, we have Liquidity Provider (LP). Liquidity Providers are the one execute your orders. LP can be Bank, Financial Network or Market Maker. Market Maker can be also Brokers.
If you have this opinion, I can understand and sure you never touch trading infrastructure. If you have touched one, you will know when you setup a trading server, there will be a column for Liquidity Provider Credential. How could you miss this very important step? :slight_smile:
The information you mention here is correct for a fake broker. Many unregulated offshore broker operate this way. That’s why we need to make sure the legality of broker of our choice. I can mention this because I helped some of them unknowingly. I was setup a demo server for education purpose. But later they used them to scam. You design the candle as you wish. No LP was required. Since no regulation, no fee other than company registration fee.
Client deposit is your profit. Can you see?? :sweat_smile:

More Example: ICMarkets will send your order to LP. One of them is WestPac. So our orders are not executed (eaten) by ICMarket. They will send them to LP (one of them is WestPac). IC Market doesnt care we profit or loss. What ever happens they earn from spread (standard account) or commission (raw spread account). is it clear?

Please ask you AR, and let me know after you have traded 1M in your accounts. If you have reach here, we can trade side by side. You can also remote my computer to observe it live. Without proof, we can say anything endless :slight_smile:

Agree 100%. No doubts … :slight_smile:

That means we are both IT. Nice to meet you, who know you have project we can work together :money_mouth_face:. Here is my resume :rofl:

I started my carrier in IT since 1997. Expert in C/C++, Java, .Net, GoLang, Python and PHP. I have advanced certifications for Java, Linux, Cisco Network and Cyber Security (EC Council - Pen Testing). If you have project around those, please contact me :smile:

I’m agree with your opinion about cTrader problems. This is problem due to .Net technology. It keeps getting complain event now. The problems are related to anti virus, firewall and .net framework … mostly it’s Microsoft.
TV is using Open Source Technology. It will be a lot better surely. I am a Linux and FreeBSD user. No contest, Open Source is top notch. :smile:
But do you realize around half of brokers use cTrader Backend for Trading View. Wanna proof? Look at the list of brokers in TV. When you open the TV Account, you can access the account using cTrader (ex: pepperstone, icmarkets). Half of them using backend from MT5 for example VantageMarkets.

What I want to say, the problem you are facing relates to front-end (ctrader). Since you need to install cTrader, when there will be potential conflict, you need to solve the problem first. You have 20+ year of experiences IT, it wont be problem for you then. When it is solved, you can compare it to TV.

But it’s unfair to compare web application to desktop application. Desktop application will be absolute winner. We have to compare apple to apple, so you can try TV vs cTrader Web.

But it’s also unfair … please install wireshark, sniff data when you run TV then ctrader web. TV has more traffic compare to cTrader, because TV has many features. This is one of the reason for the delay. :slight_smile:
It’s actually unfair to complain their (TV and cTrader) hard work. As a user, I can’t order them what to do, but pick only what can / can’t be used.

Here is wireshark’s link in case you need.

No no … the reply has been toooo longgg … Next time probably :rofl:
Btw, I love to have discussion with you … Don’t get offended, I can be wrong as well. Having opinion with you, will always be a honor for me to get better. :pray:

That was a loong reply! You talk about a lot of specifics that is outside of the scope of my post, and local circumstances unfamiliar to me. The only example of CFDs being traded through an exchange that I know of, was a trial done in Australia. It did not catch on, and was shut down 10 years ago. CFD trading is facilitated through brokers networking to establish price levels, however individual brokers can adjust their spreads and deviation from the underlying instruments. It is illegal in the US, just like sports betting more or less still is, as it is a bet.

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Hi @WeRideAtDawn, my long reply for explaining my background only. I gave many facts as you were a former broker. But don’t take them seriously. :grin:

So you are my neighbor. Once in awhile I go to Australia, staying in Adelaide.

That’s a reason I want to tell you regarding my statement Most CFDs are traded outside market. So there is certain case CFD is traded in a market.

Yup, spread widening is one of the way for broker to earn money. Everyone does business is for profit. Further away from the LP, wider the spread will be.
For example Broker A connect to primary LP. Then Broker B connect to Broker A as LP (most case for white label broker). For Example Broker A gives 10 points as spread. Broker B need to adjust the spread for their own profit. So Broker B will add 10 points to the price. The total will be 20 points spread in Broker B. So you need to be concern when you find out a broker has wide spread. Either they want to get rich fast, lack of customers, broker from other broker, or … etc.

Broker can also make money from many legal scenarios (real broker, in particular “hybrid” one’s, not for white label broker). The easiest one is trading commission. The “other” ways, it’s not nice to be disclosed here :smiley:

I was using US broker before. The reason CFD is being illegal has relation to crisis in 2008. Since then, the regulation was made. One of the statement is the risk of being unregulated OTC product. In 2006, I was using InterbankFX, Oanda, Interactive Broker and MB Trading. During the crises there were rumors, many firms suffered from big losses due to leveraged instrument. This statement pointed to CFD.

Anyway, I don’t know much about US CFD regulation for now. Since it was banned, I just leaves it. I prefers Australian based brokers.

I stop here … :rofl:

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