Does meditation help you trade?

Helloooo! :blush: I’ve just been going through the threads here and I think it’s super interesting to see discussions on spirituality and meditation interacting with forex trading :blush: Tbh, I didn’t expect it so now I’m curious if you guys have tried incorporating meditation or mindfulness techniques in your trading. :thinking: How has it changed the way you trade, if it had any impact at all? :smiley:


Likely most guys here are younger - as we get older the loss of trader partner causes some re-think on priorities - as it has me - after 40 odd years.

Hasten to add that I use this experience for it’s positive effect - out of all bad there is good :slight_smile:


I like the perspective, thank you, really help here.


Actually been super curious about starting meditation. Haven’t started yet, but it seems like it could really make a difference.

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Hi @ria_rose, I was surprised this topic popped up in trading community. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Meditation is part of journey for a desperate trader to solve problems.
For me, meditation is the core to get a better life. One of them, to shape my skill, balancing and expectations.

Every time, after meditation, I can see things clearly :smile:, I know what to do better and I learn many things faster. It’s not something supra natural or angelic experience. It’s something natural.

Your senses will also get enhanced when you step into deeper meditation method. I will boost every aspect of your life.

Hi @Amy95, just try it … when you can meditate for at least 1 hour straight, you will see the different aspect of this world. :innocent:


Awww thanks for the advice. I’m really inspired to give it a try.


I have been meditating for nearly 18 months. I started after my wife of 33 years passed away. Primarily, the motivation was to repair my damaged body. Both my wife and I suffered from heart problems and breathing difficulties. The meditation has definitely benefited me, in terms of health. I feel better than I felt ten years ago.

In April 2024, I decided I wanted to apply meditation to my approach to trading and investment. Much has changed since I lost my wife. My primary focus now is on my two sons, who are different in their approach to life than self and wife.

At the moment, we are all busy with moving home to simplify our lives and that will give us more time to enjoy the countryside as I divest a lot of business interests that are no longer important to me.

I have only the outline of a strategy to incorporate meditation into my trading activities, but no meat on the bones of the plan. I intend to write about it when I have any substance worth sharing. :pray:


Have you ever wanted to go with her? or instead of her? I am asking only to realize weather you think of her as a lost one or as a burden that you will try to forget by meditating?!

That’s wonderful @Mondeoman !!! Keeps doing it as long as you can. Meditation has many benefits. The beginner challenge is on how soon we can shut our chatty mind down. It looks simple but, it’s hard for some people.

In the beginning, I couldn’t make it, even after sit down for 1 hour. A long the time, I started to learn to shutdown my mind within 15 minutes, and finally in less then 5 minutes. It takes years of patient.

Meditation strengthen your will. Any thoughts can bring result, good or bad. So, it’s best to stop all kind of thoughts. Keep everything in neutrality for wisdom. Any kind of desire good or bad, will lead to other desires, never ending. This is against the purpose of meditation :slight_smile:

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The ultimate requirement for doing well in forex is better prediction, which is not connected to mind. But meditation will help you reform and reshape your mind and also helpful for mental well-beingt.

For the first week I wanted to go with her. She was 2,000 miles away, passed away from Covid induced pneumonia and a heart attack. She was looking after her paralyzed Mum in the war torn country of Syria. I did not grieve for long. We were perfect life partners. I was happy that she no longer needed to suffer her arthritis pain, or her stomach pain. We had 33 beautiful years together. In meditation I think of her a lot, and smile. I keep her pictures on the wall in front of my desk. She was never a burden, and I will never forget her. I feel her presence often, and sometimes have dreams that we were discussing something and she helped me make a decision now and then. Most people would think I need committing to the looney bin, but I have enough spiritual friends to know that meditation and consciousness are practices that are growing rapidly. You never know how many people think this way until you reach out and ask. :pray:


So far I haven’t relied on meditation so I can’t give you any review but meditation can refresh a trader’s mind I blv.

lol too much for me to read! keep meditating

Thanks for sharing peter! :blush: From the responses, I can already tell that a lot of traders incorporate meditation into their routines. :open_mouth: What can you say is the biggest difference it has made in your trading? :thinking:

Yeah! :open_mouth: The experienced traders here have been vocal with their experiences and how it has helped their trading, so I’ve also been trying to get started myself. :sweat_smile: I start with the few minutes before I fall asleep, but I’m not sure if that counts as meditation. :open_mouth:

Actually, I was also pleasantly surprised to see more talk of meditation and spirituality on my other threads that I got curious and started this topic. :sweat_smile: But it seems like this has been pretty popular among traders for a while already? :open_mouth:

I would love to experience that also. :open_mouth: I don’t think I’m there yet. :sweat_smile: If you don’t mind, how did you get started?

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Thanks for sharing your story, Mondeo! :smiley: I think it’s interesting how meditation improved your health, proving that there’s a link to the body and spirituality. I think it has also helped a lot of people relieve stress and tension. But if you don’t mind, how did you get the idea of incorporating this into your trading? :thinking:

That will surely be a very interesting read, Mondeo! :blush: I’ll definitely watch out for that. :smiley: Good luck Mondeooo! :blush:

Thanks for the perspective, Elliot! :blush: Have you also tried meditation yourself? :smiley:

I was mindmapping the copious amount of information gathered from Youtube vids and other sources for mindfulness (or consciousness), and there were three areas of knowledge pursuit. The first was physical (conventional medicine approach and other methods - eg acupuncture, hypnotism), mental (thought processes including meditation, psychology, other) and spiritual (not body nor mind) which includes things like out of body experiences, near death experiences). One evening whilst meditating, I could not get trading out of my mind, so I let it wander. My new 2024 trading plan - meant to be an updated version and shortened version of my 96 pages of notes on trading - was on my mind. So was the twin subjects of fundamental analysis and technical analysis, besides the thoughts of where psychology fit. Neither directly in technical analysis, nor fundamental analysis. My thoughts switched to the subject of remote viewing (some people say they predict the future looking a few decades ahead of current time) and how astral planing may bring about some intuitive thoughts about future events. I made the link between remote viewing (and other associated fields of study) and predictive capability of practitioners of remote viewing. At this stage it is just a curiosity, but at least I now have a mindmap node and link by which to associate it with other knowledge areas. :smile:

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Hi @ria_rose, I’m glad you have interest in meditation. Nowadays, many think money more then spiritual attainment. Mostly spiritual attainment comes when we are getting older, having spiritual event or we have near death experience. I was triggered by the last two.

I don’t know for sure. I am practicing meditation since I was 9 years old. In my country meditation is a common thing. You can find some of them meditating in forest or caves in certain area. In singapore 2009, I knew there were a class so called mindfulness trader offered in Clarke Quay. I didn’t attend the class, but my friend did. The idea was clearing our mind before trade. Using mindfulness to focus on our anxiety and how to get rid of it naturally. It was also mindfulness money management to manage our fund under our limitation. The idea is how to do thing without greed and honest. My friend is still a trader. I don’t know if he is still using the method. He is not small capital trader for sure.

Surely, I love to :innocent: There are 3 steps of meditation:

  • The first step is we need to train our skill to concentrate or focus on an object. An this step, we train our skill to tame our mind. Our mind is like monkey. Our thought keeps jumping from one topic to another. We need to be patient to get it slow down without the use of intention. On this phase, you need to pick an object, most people pick our breathing sensation as an object. But there are many objects can be used. Make it easier, lets pick our breathing sensation. The breathing sensation can be our nostril, tip of our upper lip, our throat, trachea. Pick one that we feel more sensitive or easier.
    I started by my nostril. The challenge in this step, our mind is really jumpy. Our mind will keep changing subjects endlessly. Think of our work, our desires, family, bla bla … keep rotating, making scenes, assuming. What we do only to redirect our mind to the object (for me the nostril to my breathing sensation). You will get angry and tired very soon. but to get improvement it depends on your will power.
    In the beginning you will never succeed the quest of taming your mind. Don’t worry, I needed 2 weeks in the past to conquer my wild mind :slight_smile: . If we do it regularly, for example everyday 30 minutes, you will see the improvement. In the beginning you can’t taming the thoughts, slowly you will realize that you need time shorter and shorter to subside our mind, starting from 30 minutes, slowing come to few minutes. Now, I only need around 1 minute to clear my thoughts. When you are enable subside the thoughts, you are ready for the next step.
  • Second step is locking our mind into an object. An object can be real thing or abstract. On this step, our mind have to be tamed for certain degree. This state of mind will give us the ability to concentrate. Putting our concentration into our object and getting locked is the key. It takes month of practice to make it work.
    What we do, after our thoughts is minimized. We only focus on one single object precisely. Keep our mind only focus on the object, nothing else. For example, I focus on the sensation of air in and out my nostril. When the air touch the nostril, once you have better focus, you will realize the mind is still “thinking and playing”, like fragrance, temperature, memory of past experiences, they have to be vanished.
    The more we vanish them, we will experience the sensation of blissful, serenity, lightness. some extends, we will lose our body sensation. We will experience only consciousness, this is the key to the next step.
  • Third step is training your will to keep your consciousness still as long as possible as your have been planned. This is where we are truly meditation. We will experience many phenomena. A lot of knowledge come from here, we can see what we are. Many untold things come from here. You will “see” things unusual, “hear” things you never heard before.

These aspects will alter the way we thought. We will be more honest. Our desires will be lesser. So it will make us to act more realistic. By having less desires, we can learn think easier, we can analyze and decide thing better. The less desires also means our mind will have more capacity to think better, remember past experiences deeper. For example, you can remember the lesson that had been taught 20 years ago faster before you make a decision.

I hope all of these will be helpful for you … :innocent: :pray: