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Thanks for the tip. I just downloaded 8 nice to have Trading books all in pdf format which I converted to mobi so I can read them on kindle

Thank you very much for the information

i follow it as soon as possible.thank you…

just wait when i meet pipstradamus, toekan.

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Bye Toekan, hope u rememberin me when we meet Pipstradamus in chatroom, and hope too he/they allow me to publish that ebook for the sake of member here :slight_smile:

Yes and thank you for welcoming me

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There are hundreds of EBooks downloadable as pdf files. Where I found many was at EarnForex.comTrading information. There are so many free EBooks in Kindle format at Amazon.comFree Kindle EBooks. If you would like other references please let me know. I have too many to list them all here! Thanks Forum! :smile:

Here you go…