Eblip the sniper is putting his neck on line again Guaranteeing 400 PIPS

i’ve got a buy bias for the cable going into next week. will be looking for some swings down into support for fresh long positions.

that’s my A-game though, there’s backup measures in store of course :wink:

The weekly chart is showing a nice year long downward channel. If the upper channel is respected and holds maybe by summer we could see GU as low 1.5300 or 1.5100.

If the upper channel is broken we’re out 100 pips. I think the risk to reward ratio is good. But only time will tell.

thanks for your input…yes you are right there is support at ahigher level…but this is my style …i want in early on the trades…and so make calculated decisions that i am happy with …yes i am always worried about the banks spiking into my SL…and when you say guessing…i would rather you said calculated guessing…cause thats what i do on all my trades…and that is the only way…if there was certainty then we would all be billionaires…its a matter of being certain enough…and this trade is certain enough for me and my trading style… as for consistancy…that you will be able to judge for yourself in about a year or so…and if the trade rolls on to the lower support all the better for me…and yes…the earlier you get into a trade the more risky…but that comes with the territory…there are other indications that its going to go my way…but those things i havent yet discussed on the forum…but like i said …im happy with the decision…and i strongly advise you to jump on the band wagon…if you dont like it then fine…but its your loss really…

i am extremely curious as to where you got that long short ratio information from as i could do with access to that information.
plus gbp/usd is very liquid …and as you well know it takes a lot of cash to move it intentionally…or am i wrong…
plus i normally wouldnt admit this…but if market starts shifting rapidly to my stop …and then dropping real hard and fast …i will be watching and will consider moving my stop…(yes its undiciplined and can lead to losses) but i dont necessarily play by the rules all the time…if its clear the banks are just tapping out all the stop losses then i will move my stop loss…and yes …sometimes i even trade without one …for demo reasons or if i am having a teaser just to see how my judgement pans out under live conditions.

but thanks again …loving the ratios.

ps i truly think i see things in charts that a lot of people miss…i got an eye for it…after filtering out what i deem as noise and uncertainty…i clearly see head and shoulders is gonna happen…although some would disagree and see it as a possibility…i see it as a very very strong possibility…

and you hit the nail on the head…im about 70 percent sure that the deal is going my way…
and 30 percent that it could break out to the upside …and those odds are good for my decision…but the banks are the ones that will ruin this deal…if they play it right…
but still …thanks for pointing that out…but after a few spikes i feel its still going down to at least first support level.

d-pip, is that a linear regression channel? You have to be very careful with those channels, they are some sort of curve fitting and they repaint with a new set of data

Channels and trend lines are very subjective and tricky to draw

These are my weekly channels (in blue), linear regression (in red, hardly seen :slight_smile: )

My bias in the GU is mildly to the upside

nice …yes i was keeping this chart a bit quiet…my chart looks a bit different to yours just becasuee its a different system …but what i liked about my weekly chart was at 2nd oct there was a bearish spinning top…from here the market surged.
then in end october was a bullish spinning top and it dropped…
then at beginning of jan there was a not quite bearish spinning top and it surged.
then 19th feb there was a bullish spinning top and yes…market dropped …but not as much as i expected it to.
and it was followed by some bullish action which canceled out the little bit of bearishness the market had just taken…and then now …hey presto we got another bullish spinning top and look what has been happening consistently after this … A DROP IN THE MARKET…and that is where we are now…
thats another one of my indicators…there is a pattern there…with a few little blips …but in my eyes nevertheless a pattern…and backed up with all the support levels and the pathetic economy and europe fundamentals …and the formation of head and shoulders…
i couldnt refuse this trade.

eblip the sniper is putting his neck on line again [B]Guaranteeing[/B] 400 PIPS

I see a contradiction between these two statements :eek:

That is fine, the best thing you can do is follow your system, I do not claim to have a crystal ball. I can be deadly wrong. just do not use your whole account in one trade.

yes …its great isnt it…i move like the market …sometimes contradictory…but it makes sense to me…and at the end of the day my pocket…the rest is just conversation.
…dont get yourself caught up in nit picking…youll miss the deals…mate…
a guy pulled me up on my spelling the other day…like it makes any differrence…
i touch type and so get it out fast and dont care about little things like that.
its like when i used to go jogging …i would wear any old piece of clothing …ripped …old…and i used to jog with other people who had all the right clothing on…proper timers…appropriate breatheable material…wind resistant gear …etc…etc…but i left them standing and jogged right on passed…
cause they were worried too much about fitting the bill and looking the part…and i was interested only in fitness and speed…the rest was conversation.


Yeah hand dawn regression channel not the sucky SHI auto repaint every hour channels. Very subjective especially with GU. The cable seems to like coloring out of the lines.

Your channels are valid too…

It’s all about that big 1.600 number, was this past week a failed retest of the 1.6000 level or is it just building up steam for a big push higher?

I’ve been trying to find some trades that could run a few weeks or even months. Seems like the only way to get in without needing a 250 - 300 pip SL is to jump it early, not risk much $$ and not be afraid of being wrong. Trying to pick tops & bottoms is always dicey. RC from Hog’s thread is good at top & bottom picking.

Looks like he lost the shirt off his back!

Hey Fellas,

First off, interesting thread,
Second, I have never looked at GBP/USD EVER, till now, just because I found this thread interesting, and , well, its the weekend, relaxxxxx, but i just had to look, to be more into the thread, lol…

Your at break-even right now, no?

It made 4 attemps to break that 5900 area, i think it goes up 95 pips, before it makes a move down below 5850

but thats just my take, by my standards, as I use whole numbers for major S/D

Good practice I guess, but I personally, would close it, as I see a 4H breakout good for 55, then, it might even continue to 5946 area,

Also, I think we see a rally in the Stock market this week, which again, would make me lerry of shorting anything…

Great Profits to you, as now, Im curious to how this plays out,

yes …as you can see its not for the faint hearted…there was a report …forgotten the name issued today that stated that the budget in the uk should be interpreted as being good for bringing business into the country…due to slight reduction in corporation tax…(tax that is paid by companies)…but i am holding strong and yes…i expect it to move up around 100 pips…then it either breaks the resistance which i think not…or its a home run for me…ill just buy some sunglasses and some of those plastic umbrella things that you put in your drink…and make a ****tail …oh and i musn’t forget the ice.

hopefully gonna be some turbulance on monday as someone high up and close to prime minsiter…has been taking ruling party bbribes of .25 million pounds in order to arrange meeting direct with prime minister…
this is gonna shake things up a bit…no doubt prime minister is gonna come out clean…but i dont care about that…just want a little bit of sentimental negativity to shake confidence as much as possible…in the cable.
may not have dramatic effect …but who knows…what other skeletons may fall out the ruling party closet next week.
after this budget …we want BLOOD…and if there is BLOOD…you all know i already got me a FRONT ROW SEAT.

The only sentiment that will change in sentiment about whomever is high up, and close to the PM.
So don’t count on that to be a trigger for a 400 pip drop. Conversely, could likely cause a rally because the bastard got caught.

But most likely, it won’t even cause a blip on the pipometer.

that isnt a trigger…the triggers have already gone…thats just a little icing on the cake.

Not that i have much experience in trading atm… But if your fully [I]expecting[/I] it to move up another 100 pips before either being make of break for your trade, would it not make more sense to get in on the trade once its moved up 100 pips? Better entry?

Anyway i’m following along, eager to see how this all plays out since there is someone’s ‘neck on the line’ for this trade lol

Good luck!

its fine…and also clear you dont have much experience…
you see the point is…i am HOLDING MY POSITION…not really interested in the minor fluctuations…nor am i affected by them…as i can afford to ride them out…
but for your information…i am completely removing my stop which is at 1.5968 on the original order … (reason being that 1.6 …this area has acted like resistance and is a psychological whole number barrier…that people are acting on…but if for some reason it breaks then im in with a new buy order which is acting as a stop loss at 1.6010…i dont expect the new order to be triggered…but if it is …then im on the game…they call this hedging.
so for clarity if 1.6 is breached …then my new order 2 which is long on the cable kicks in…i wont go into much detail about whats gonna happen if 1.6 is breached…as this thread is about shorting and getting the pips…
from here i will be manually managing the orders.

LOL, your ego makes me laugh…

A buy order above the 1.6 in place? You put your [I]neck on the line[/I] starting this thread, but your already putting hedging strategies in place - just in case?

Tbh, i have nothing against you or your trading, and i sincerely hope your trade works out… I just think your attitude could do with some adjustment. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

nothing wrong with covering the downside…its good housekeeping that s all…
doesnt mean i think its going to happen or that i want it to happen…
anyway nice to meet you…
and as for the ego thing…have you ever worked on a farm ???
you see a c0ckrell only crows when it sees the light…and i have seen the light …so im crowing like crazy.
and what you think of me or my attitude is really none of my business…

Was this also part of your crowing?
