Edgar International

Maybe EDGAR put priority to those investor who they think have the potential to invest more and have the network power to bring in new investor. :stuck_out_tongue:

Strongly agreed !!! They are the chosen one!! Just like those being invited to the 2nd Cerebration Dinner!:smiley:

I was using the statements of my friends whose a/cs were all traded in usd/jpy only. In the periods Jan’10 – Sep’10 all the interests earned were compounded, meaning they were added to the principal sums. The company only started trading with the principal amount alone from 6th Oct’10 onwards. Your calculation is, I think, based only on simple interest. The 11m at the end of Nov10 is only a conservative figure based on an average of 15 pips per trade with 3,333 lots. I have seen pips of 17,19, 23 and even 25 being made in those months; the final amount will be even higher if these figures were used.

So it’s all about the haves and the have nots.

As usual eh.

Why are you so surprised with Edgar’s performance? Or any performance better than 100% in 1 year? Isn’t this a trading forum? & out of this whole forum the best achievers get 62.67% a year? Let me give you an example: TURBO PIP SNIPER

This guy got 11 times his account in the previous 5 months, thats like >1000% in less than 6 months. Have you fallen off your chair already? & this is just one example I found without searching too hard. So you think that is also scam? By the way, I don’t get any commission from that website so DON’T buy it. Just an example thats all.

Uh-huh. Big fund companies like Goldman and JP Morgan shouldn’t bother hiring all those expensive analysts to figure out their trading desks. All they should do is spend $67 dollar on a little bit of software and make 1000% every month just like that. Easy as pie and it’ll save them an absolute fortune. Those quants they have to hire don’t come cheap after all :rolleyes:

Now of course it’s possible that a firm can make more than 60 odd % per year for you. In very good years some Hedge Funds were making 100% per year. Which even still is way off Edgar at (allegedly) 400%+ and now the magnificient Turbo Pip Sniper at 1000% in 6 months (with no real proof - just a written down record that anybody could make). But you should be wondering why is it that these companies are supposedly offering such great returns when other more established names don’t come close. It’s either false advertising, a scam or they take your money and invest it in wildly risky ventures and most likely lose it.

Hi again,

I think we have all been going around in big circles regarding the legality and the incredible trading returns of Edgar International.

Like i mention, the only to prove if edgar is the real deal is to prove where the trading is happening. I do know that the exchange is simlar for all companies using itrade platform. The exchange is housed mainly i believe in Narita Japan which can be easily traced by the ip address. I also know that all the company share the same server ip address as mentioned.

Apparently a brief of the history of the platform surfaced in Goldstar development website. rather than speculate about withdrawal, returns. I do think, if anyone can prove the legality and the whereabouts of the actual dealing desk THEN, all the rumors will cease, because if they are actually trading then of course they can pay the returns, if not then the whole thing is a scam.

Speculations and rumors are only as they say speculation and rumors.

One point which we cannot dispute :

I agree that using a third party collection point is abit out of the ordinary. A normal operating company will not use a third-party collection point just because there is a whole lot of legal and accounting implications. Also the constant changing of company bank collection accounts will create a nightmare for reconilliation of accounts and complying with the GAAP.

As someone in the financial industry, I keep wondering how in the world will they be able to reconcile all the accounts. assuming they are still using the same modus operendi. Well i hope Robert Wong CA the company in charge of most of the operations in NZ can cope with such a massive job.

But in saying this, i do see that the company have tried to pay out the withdrawal. So who knows they might really be trading

A client can trade his own account through iTrader.

Yes, but it is expensive Spread 3 pips & Commission USD 5 per lot, If u want to trade youself, better choose another brokers.

Ok, i will withdraw all of my fund & search for another agent,
Maybe i will visit ur office @ Karamunising Capital to looks for a good agent during my Vacation

Allen, so ppl even tell me that if we withdraw all our $, it is imposible to reopen account, it is also the agent problem again, right? Well, since u r so close to Edgar, can u suggest that the web site of Edgar for" important notice" not only put in detail for Deposit Fund but also included “special rules” such as withdraw limit or whatever important notice so that we dont confuse by the agent for their own benefit. Thanks

and also processing day needed for withdrawal

Rather exciting read all through 26 pages… from “will be millionaire in no time”… to “heartaches by the numbers; sorrows by the scores…” Both side sound convincing… Is it a tie-up between greed :smiley: and fear :eek:? For a newbie like me, how do I hack through the morass and make a clear and wise decision?? :wink:

If you want to invest your money in a managed account do it with one of the bigger names. They’ll (probably) be able to get your a decent rate of return year on year. If you decide to go with a firm that offers amazing returns far beyond the top big firms in the business don’t be the least bit surprised if they either a) lose all your money b) keep all your money and disappear. There’s not much morass to hack through with this kind of thing really.

I googled “managed funds pam forex” and ended up with a multitude of “offers”. :confused: How does one differentiate between the chaff and the wheat? The scam and the fair-dinkum offer? Is there a reliable list, somewhere, of the genuine ones? :cool:

Here’s Barron’s list of the top Hedge Funds in 2009:

Barron’s Hedge Fund Rankings 2009: Top 100 List ~ market folly

Chances are if you go with any of the firms in that list you’re completely safe. Of course they might not make you any money but they’re perfectly legitimate companies. Going with unregulated “companies” like Edgar is just asking to get screwed.

Here is something interesting : the itrade platform, which was mentioned in this forum and used by many affilitates and offshoots seems to originate from UPL.

But UPL was only registered in NZ only recently I believe in 2005. Unless there was another UPL that got closed and recopened again in 2005. Anyway, at least there is some info on the origin of the itrade software platform.

Union Pacific Limited (UPL), was founded in 1997 by Duncan. UPL’s founding principals were aimed at creating the best technological infrastructure and forex trading software while delivering the best possible client services. Its management team identified the union between forex and the Internet would create a niche market geared for individual forex speculators. The combination resulted in a new generation of brokerage firms competing for customers who demanded speed, accuracy and accountability to pursue forex pricing and trading.

While many other forex firms focused on developing a forex market and high-cost training programs, UPL concentrated on building and perfecting forex software, technology and tools. Traders needed fast, accurate delivery of currency prices in order to make informed trading decisions on fast-moving forex markets, but most software had failed to keep up. UPL’s turning point happened shortly after building its own proprietary forex trading platform followed by discontinuing its use of third-party software that did not meet its performance needs.

At the same time it leveraged relationships with experienced forex professionals, UPL employed a team of experts in software development to create a forex trading platform like no other. UPL’s proprietary trading software platform for forex traders, called iExchange2.0, was validated by forex users around the world in 2000. iExchange2.0 helped to build UPL into a world-leader in electronic forex trading by the end of 2001.

UPL’s trading platform is unique because it’s powered using many of the same tools once only available to interbank professionals. Bundled into one program, the platform delivers resources such as real-time currency prices, real-time price charting, technical indicators and up-to-the-minute world and financial news. In 2003, UPL introduced a second generation of its software, iExchange3.0. These products bolstered UPL as a technology innovator.

In addition to software, another backbone of UPL’s electronic currency trading services is found in its investment in technology. Traders who use UPL achieve maximum security and reliability to get the information needed for instant results. Its systems utilize a fast order execution and trading structure supported by multiple, redundant server clusters, Internet connections and backup power systems.

Serving customers in 50 countries worldwide, UPL is partnered with referring parties that introduce new traders to UPL and its services. UPL also offers private “white labeling” of its software for companies who are looking to build their own brand in the market. The key to UPL’s popularity with independent affiliates is its ability to deliver reliable, competitive currency pricing and quality in its products and services.

To date, UPL has realized triple-digit growth in each successive year through 2003. UPL’s technological infrastructure and investment in forex trading software indicates more growth in the future as the demand for its products and services continues to assist forex traders throughout the world.

UPL is just another guise of Edgar. Their legal agreement is exactly the same word for word. Just replace the word Edgar with UPL and it’s the same contract. I would no more trust UPL than Edgar, which is to say not at all. Just looks like an umbrella of company names all doing the same thing (along with the other guises they also have listed at the start of this thread). Begs a question as to why they have to go under these guises - why not build your brand with the one name? You don’t see FXCM marketing themselves as Ronald in Maylasia and Forex Gold in China and Pacific Forex somewhere else. But hey… it’s Edgar with their magic three digit returns in 6 months. It’s making tons of money for loads of people. What could possibly go wrong?

check this out.

Thanks MasterAsia for the info on itrader platform.

Interestingly, I found another website mentioning the same thing as you just mentioned. Check out the following (you need to copy and paste onto your browser):

[B]unionpacific-nz.com/105.htm[/B] vs [B]topstar-development.com/105.htm[/B]

[B]unionpacific-nz.com/103.htm[/B] vs [B]topstar-development.com/103.htm[/B]

I’m attracted to topstar’s business motto, “your investment partner”. It resembles the one in Edgar. By the way, just an update, Edgar has just updated their deposit advice notice (again) under “important notice”. They have just added another third party collection point bank account under the name TNG SOLUTION.

These people really didn’t put much effort in disguising themselves. Just copy and paste and change the company’s name.


