I fully agree with Pipbandit. Mr Allenleow, to let you know I work in the Finance and Banking industry, I am also a fully qualified accountant . I deal with companies that have annual turnover of over 100 millions everyday and from you comment I can see you are not someone in the finance industry.
You are always using examples that have no bearing in the business world. Maybe your explanation can fool the simpletons but please don’t talk as though you know about finance and banking.
No1 . Companies generally don’t open saving accounts, that is for one simple Saving accounts are for saving. To operate a running business you need accounts that reduces banks FEEs NOT increase the running cost. Meaning you would open generally open a business BANKING account( eg Cheque acct), WHICH usually have no daily LIMIT as long as you have money in the bank, unless you have an overdraft facility. That is why I know Edgar is bull****ting when they say they have to increase daily limit, that applies only to personal account - not business account.
No2. Your comments on the money bouncing back was even more idiotic. In simple words, if i send 100 transactions for payment, only the ones with problems will bounce. NOT all 100 transaction LIKE YOU Mention ( I work in the banking and finance industry, I should know better) The money that bounce back into Edgar ledger, the accounts I believe were correct. One of my friends showed me their previous withdrawal statement. They were the same YET the older payments in June-July period came out BUT recent withdraws in Nov all went back into the ledger.
I have been doing alot of research on behalf of my friends who got scammed in this Edgar thing, and have provided the public with the analysis here so they can be more fully aware.
Edgar have been trying all sorts of explanation to hoodwinked unsuspecting people into their current issue. But all their explanation if one closer examination do not make sense at all, because in the business world this things do not happen. Here are few examples, i will give the explanation to some of their crazy reasoning
When we do Audit for companies, WE don’t close their bank account to do audit.
Companies that are supposedly open in NZ or the country of domicile usually have a BANK account in that country to facilitate operations. Eg, If you have bank issue, you are at least in the same time zone, and you can speak with a Banking relationship officer who usually takes care of company account.
Companies DO NOT usually get other companies to accept funds for them because it creates a nightmare for Auditors - trying to reconcile the Assets and liabilities. eg. Transfer pricing nightmares, Interest liabilities are some of the issues to consider. If they cannot even afford to employ more staff to handle withdraw. HOW in the WORLD will they be able to resolve the year end Audit ? From their operations i already know this will be a nightmare.
If no one realize this, THE REAL DIRECTOR of edgar and the sister companies have always been a mystery. Why ? Simple if something should happen no one can find them. I know the directors on NZ company search is NOT a real directors but are sleeping names only. Have no one noticed that edgar and the sister companies have been changing Directors every 4-6 months ? Edgar From CARREON, Franco Nero Arazao to Dino Carangian. This is true for all the companies like Cosca, Regal, UPL, etc. In fact you will find they have also changed Accounting company from Robert Wong CA to another person. If a company have no problem usually this will never happen.
** If i were doing an audit for the company and see all these tell-tale like changing directors, changing Accounting firm, changing bank accounts. I would definitely red flag the company.
So, hope this info will educate the people in the forum and help them to make better choices.