Edgar International

Haiz , even is not a scam company , it also consider the worse investment company to invest in… WTF!!!

edgar agent also KNN one , Only know how to go alone to find out the “Wait” ans … why not invite your fellow investors to tag along your trip together and find out the answer for the investors without getting the 3rd party involved… if got number also good … Edgar agent dont mind can write here what the person number that ask investors to wait , at least investors can call themself to find out more from one to one conversation… one chopstick(edgar agent) cant do much work , a bunch of chopstick(investors) will create things to happened faster as mastermind behind will feel the stress and pressure and will get things done in faster pace…


The main argument concerning Edgar is, is it a scam or is it genuine. More people have argued that it is a scam. The others have supported it but have not been able to give logical reasons why it is taking so long for its admin dept to organize itself and to start paying out the withdrawals. Some of the supporters could also be agents.

The first signs of problems came when the management told investors to refrain from making withdrawals everyday and limit them to weekends. I am sure most of them complied. Then they were told to do it monthly, and now it will have to be in Mar 2011. Some of the reasons given for the delay were that withdrawals were made with wrong bank a/c nos. given or names were wrongly entered. In reality there can be very few or no errors at all in this respect when all the investors need to do is to copy and paste these details onto the electronic withdrawal forms. Even if there were errors all that need to be done is to penalize those careless people by delaying their payments but not jeopardize payments to the majority who made no errors. All these things as I see it are just excuses.

There is really nothing much any investor can do at this stage to recover their money if indeed this is a scam. The operators will be winding down at this stage and getting ready to make an exit. If most of the investors are ordinary working people, i.e. executives and line workers, they will have to accept their losses and there is not much that they can do about it. The super trader and his cohorts will be super rich, but they will have no respect in the town they live; they will be sneered at and people will talk behind their backs. Their expensive cars may get graffiti painted on them. Do they like to be rich yet be despised upon? However if some of the cheated investors happen to be underground people, gang members then things can get very serious for the operators. They will forever be fugitives being hunted by these dark elements. I would not like to know what will happen when the wronged parties caught up with the operators.

If however the super trader and his men are genuine people helping others get rich and getting a fee for it, then all is well.

apply loan to top up account??? do u know wad is investment??? and i told u i used extra money to invest… so, whats wrong??? since i also get back my capital and earn some money from edgar… the balance??? let it roll… no ppl will just invest in one things…

Hi all

I mentioned about withdrawal issue in post #18, page 2 back in early August 2010. Edgar was running very smoothly and was one of the “must-invest” investment in town back then and who would have thought there will be withdrawal problem.

This is the first sign of a potential collapse of a pyramid scheme. You can choose to either wait and do nothing (since it’s going to collapse anyway) or chase for answers and push the agents or Andy to pay up. Money is yours. Choice is yours.

I would agree with YTLpower. I think it does not take a genius to know that Edgar is a scam. But its not to say people have not profited from it. Every “scam” usually benefit the early investor, but once the company gets into trouble. It will collapse fast. I suppose Malaysia investor need to look for another company to join.

Personally, some of my friends who have joined in early when Edgar started out, profited alot of money, but since the issue with Edgar account being frozen by the bank and the investigation by the NZ Securities.( PS. This is the fact, because no matter what Edgar or KK tell you, Bank do not have authority to suspend customer account, unless there is a court order or someone in higher authority have requested it from the bank.

If edgar is ok, then there should not have been any money withdrawal issue, going by the logic that since Andy is still trading and making money, then why is Edgar not paying, they have collected alot of commission from the trade ? Edgar should be swimming with money.

Huhh??? what is wrong with you? read carefully la… I put there question mark. I stated there “should you apply loans to topup your account? or any other option to topup”. if your answer is YES, up to you lorrr… if NO also up to you… also stated “any other option”. haizzz… so sensetive laaa… what did I say wrong there??? many ppl invested by using their loan also. this is normal thing. even if I support you to dump in more money into your investment with EDGAR, it doesn’t mean I force you mah… its your money… up to you…

pipface, ytlpowr, MasterAsia, I think the non-supporters side to EDGAR made a solid reasons already. don’t you guys think? even though reasons that we posted might be wrong, but I believe its a reasonable and logic explanation based. I think even if I lose my bet to brother AllenLiew on EDGAR paying on this march, I still believe the next would be hazards to both EDGAR and their investors. investors that can sleep peacefully now are only those who already get their capital back and did not introduce to their friends (friends who invested not yet get back capital).

Hi PipsConqueror,

In you statement of sleep peacefully, it is meaningful to me. I really don’t want Solai, AllenLeow, Hardmoney99, Northernfist sleep peacefully and can’t wake up the next day. However, I am more happy if they are wake up and invest all their money to Edgar to show they have confidence with Edgar, then it may help Edgar have better cash flow to process withdrawal.

Now, there is no point to us to argue about whether Edgar is scam or not. I am totally agree what PipsConqueror was indicated that the non-supporter side were provided complete answer and comment in this thread. I think Solai, AllenLeow, Hardmoney99, Northernfist don’t need to provide their silly comments anymore as that is totally not a contribution at all for investors in this thread. The only contribution from Solai, AlleLeow, Hardmoney99, Northernfist that surely is deposit all their money and even raise loan to top up to Edgar to gain more profit for themselves.

Solai: Since you like to see good figure in paper, top up is the only choice for you to increase your paper figure;

AllenLeow: you are just invest with your extra money? Then, you have no confidence to Edgar, right? Invest in diversified portfolio doesn’t increase your wealth, why don’t just top up in Edgar to increase your profit? That is your only choice too.

Hardmoney99: per your early quote, no losses in Edgar. Then, show your confidence to Edgar. I knew you was joined Edgar back to May 2010, and you have almost whole family invest in Edgar in page #2 of this thread. Your confidence is a lot bigger than Solai and AllenLeow. That is not enough, top up your investment, then you can “eat too much and nothing to do”. That is your only choice too, right?

Northernfist: you already grab the opportunity in Edgar right? You already reach the level of “hope for the best”, but why you still think for the worst? You need to have confidence to Edgar too, top up your investment in Edgar.

That is the only contribution from Solai, AllenLeow, Hardmoney99, Northernfist to the investors, to this forum, and to Edgar. Top Up.

By the way, dear Pipface, Ytlpowr, MasterAsia, PipsConqueror, well done in the past. You guy not only show your professional in investment, you guy also show your good heart and dedication to investors. Sometime, we need to take blame in order to provide opinion from other angle. Criticism always provide a place for brainstorming. Thanks.

if possible, i invest in everything… because invest in one thing, NEVER make u rich… talk much also cant do anything… (refer to myself)

Does every1 here un-doubt Edgar is scam? Then other FX operators available are Rippers? Self traders are fools then ??? !!! LOL …

Too good to be true, that’s a tell tale signs of a scam!

As a matter or fact, I can clearly comment that Edgar is doing NO favors for the Chinese population; this has become crystal isn’t it?

I do think that betting time is over; its dealing time now!

Guys! Gals are welcome too!? :smiley: What should we do about it?!

T R I U T Us

Yeah… missed out another busy body… eat too much and nothing to do… :stuck_out_tongue:

Bestwishes, don’t think that you are smart and don’t simply make any assumptions. The few sentences in previous post don’t mean anything, don’t judge or make conclusion by thinking you are smart…

Yeah, i have enough from Edgar, i am now earned too much and nothing to do. I earned ok… $$ in my account. If you are smart, you don’t need to die or stick with an investment for your entire life… the point is, nothing to do with you at all.

I have a lot more confidence to conclude that you are a busy body than Edgar is a scam :smiley: And you are the worst comparing with Asiamaster and pipsconquer. I am happy to see their feedback as their “name” were in my post, not you !! Well… your deserve the title now, busiest body !!

Oh… bestwishes, if you want to know how do i re-invest the money that i earned from Edgar, give me your personal email, i will email you my investments portfolio. I would still say thanks to Edgar, else i will not be able to have such investments at my age. Diversify!!! You know, to have the idea to top up the money to Edgar, it just reflected how “stxpxd” you are… oh… best wishes to you Bestwishes…

What the duck is wrong with you “bestwishes”?

I am an investor, “ARE YOU”?!

Investment is putting money into something with the hope of profit. More specifically, investment is the commitment of money or capital to the purchase of financial instruments or other assets so as to gain profitable returns in the form of interest, income (dividends), or appreciation (capital gains) of the value of the instrument.

Investment comes with the risk of the loss of the principal sum, rather than store the good produced or its money equivalent, the investor chooses to use that good either to create a durable consumer or producer good, or to lend the original saved good to another in exchange for either interest or a share of the profits.

In investment, an asset is usually purchased, or equivalently a deposit is made in a bank, in hopes of getting a future return or interest from it. The word originates in the Latin “vestis”, meaning garment, and refers to the act of putting things (money or other claims to resources) into others’ pockets.

An investment involves the choice by an individual or an organization, such as a pension fund, after some analysis or thought, to place or lend money in a vehicle, instrument or asset, such as property, commodity, stock, bond, financial derivatives (e.g. futures or options), or the foreign asset denominated in foreign currency, that has certain level of risk and provides the possibility of generating returns over a period of time.


As we are all here to provide comments. Just want to give a quick tip, on investment.

[B]Golden rule no.1 - The higher the return, the higher the risk. [/B]

There are no free lunches in this world, the higher the return the more you need to research. If someone tell you that you can invest $100 and get back your capital plus profit in 2 months there is always a catch. The risk factor is actually the surviviability of the scheme.

In theory, it is almost impossible to

Just make sure you do your research. I do believe many people in KK and other parts have earn heaps of money from Edgar in the past. If you have caught the fish early diversify your investment.

My analysis tells me this sort of scam " scheme" does not last more than 2 years. By then usually something goes wrong. If you look at those company using itrader, eg UPL, or Goldstar development they lasted only 1-2 years and suddenly it goes south. UPL have the same sort of issue but their post was in forexpeacearmy.

Hi everyone

I think no point arguing or mocking at each other. You don’t get a prize by winning the argument.

I guess up to this point, even Edgar supporters are still waiting for the payments? No investments would delay a payment for this long. Do you believe Edgar is a scam? If you do, read on otherwise forget what I said and continue to deny yourself.

[U][B]If you believe Edgar is a scam[/B][/U], continue waiting for 3 months or even 3 years they will not return you the money. Imagine if Edgar paid you the money, would you still reinvest more money in them? People who is behind Edgar is a smart businessman. He knows the Maths.

According to the deposit advice, Edgar is using 3 enterprise companies registered in Malaysia to collect payments on their behalf. They are TNG Solution, LHK Marketing, and Marketing A Enterprise and these companies have bank account in either CIMB, Public Bank and Maybank. You may want to report this to Bank Negara.

Who are the sole proprietors? Who owns those companies? These could be one of the leads to get back your money. It’s hard enough to trace them because the money is TT to overseas.

You have missed out your chance of withdrawal when the warning was raised back in August. If you don’t do anything now, you may not get anything back in the end. Act fast now before they disappear or leave the country.

For me there’s no point of doing anything. If Edgar is scam you won’t get your money back, even if you do something by reporting to authorities still you won’t get your money back. So why you will get yourself busy thinking of anything that couldn’t get your money back? Another thing, what if Edgar is just trying to correct something (not being scam) and authorities stepped in, that will make them frozen resulting to get things worst, more delay!!! At first place, this kind of investment involves very high risks, losing or being scammed. By investing, you are willing to accept whatever happens. If you invest but you don’t have any idea about the risk and something bad happens, charge it to experience.