Edgar International

reporting it = maybe saving someone else from the disappointment! and losing money!

i am sure you would be happy now if someone would tell you that Edgar wont pay beforee you give away money!

may I be the bussiest???

Hi, just to update. a friend in Keningau, got his withdrawal last monday. He told me that his agent even rang Andy during at night. hehehe… So I think its like your agent must have strong connection to Andy. also if have to, go direct to his house. My point here is, if your agent told you to wait till march, this story is unlogic as how come others can get last monday??? ok, this friend invested since early dec. then requested withdrawal somewhere mid last month. only 2 weeks lebih… what I told him to do is just keep on push your agent. sure agent will not sleep chasing Andy. Agents responsibility mah… here clearly the march issue doesn’t apply to the bigger picture. please don’t wait till march…

well it should be done in another way…

For me doesn’t matter if you are close or not to Andy… the important things is ,agent do his Duty Accordingly… to follow up clients query…,
Yes! i heard it already some clients received the WD request just few days ago…

By d way guys…how’s the CNY… do everybody Enjoy?

Best regards…

I would like to clarify that Honest Group Limited got licensee in Malaysia or Jakarta . or fake ?

Dear edgar Supporter:
any trade deal in Feb so far? my account still being frozen

No trade yet…

Still have 22 days to go.

Hi PipsConqueror,

Please provide Andy’s residence’s address here for investors who did not receive their withdrawal and pay him a visit. Then, everyone is happy then. Right?

Pipconqueror, congrate to your friend who has his/her withdrawal on 31st Jan 2011. Must be the choosen one. Do you know how much was the withdrawal?

Hope to hear more good news more withdrawals done…this month only 28 days.

sorry for the late reply. 1st, I honestly don’t know where is Andy’s exact address. But I do know that he is from along Kg. Bayangan - apin-apin, Keningau area. Maybe can ask around the locals there should be help full as most of the people there knows where he is. otherwise look for his family members around there.

Yes, my friend is among the lucky chosen 1. ahahaha… but most still not yet get. He withdrawn all, around USD3k. He told me his agent really good connection with Andy. so no problem withdrawing.

this comes to my conclusion that EDGAR is running out of option for the huge withdrawals requested. thats why giving excuses for taking out the withdrawal section. my recommendation to investors who want their money out, best way is to keep on pushing your agent. because my friend already proven by pushing the agent, he can get his withdrawal back. hehehe… remember, its their responsibility.

So sad for the investors, hopefully they will not just run away. I suppose it will be hard for Andy to run away with his kids and all. Do you think they still attend church. Maybe you can look there. I am sure if you need Andy, Feng or Jerry address you can go to the church, it should be on the church register . Be save by the message and find the answer you seek . Amen

any trade in Feb?

I think, got trade or no trade, it doesn’t make any different now. the point is the withdrawal issue have to be solve first. otherwise what for to have a trade and just to make you feel happy by looking at the statement then sad can’t withdraw. again I say, it is important that investors keep push your agent. agent will sure push Andy. your money is no way gone other than to Andy or his allies. No such thing as stuck at bank as it doesn’t suit the arguments. Don’t wait as this delays only will give them the chance to create lots of excuses and finally run off by saying they made sudden losses what ever excuses.

Personally, I do take my losses as my mistake. but if being cheated, this I really hard to forgive my self.

why i so concern whether got trade or no trade is because my account was being frozen, no trade since Dec. The agent told me that they will start to activate my account in Feb and withdrawal by this month also. As a normal human being, i still hope Edgar is alright as i yet to get back my capital

i suggest invester should go to keningau ask ask for the agents there and try to push Andy to make all the withdrawal faster, then its fair for everybody…

oic, understood.

Dear Edgar Supporter:

Any trade in Feb and any good news of withdrawal ?

By the police? Wow!! Any news?
So what is the latest news ? I Withdraw since December but no news yet!