Edgar International

I heard UPL has more than one traders. A few make money for clients but I expect traders to make losses. It’s usually the case. Clients seldom can stomach the fast and huge losses. High return means also mean high losses (“high risk”= big losses).

how’s ur account? traded 15pips yesterday eve.

No trade for my account

r u a church member as andy?

No, i don know Andy at all but my agent claim that he know andy well. I still waitng for reply. As my agent told me they will start to activate my account in Feb

Hi Philip,

What is the point as a church member? Easy to get withdrawal or more trade in account? Any privileges as a church member? What is the church name of Andy? Are you Andy’s church member? Is strange to mention church member in forex trading, right?

Hi all Edgar’s Investors and Agents, let Q UP to be Church Menber :slight_smile:

I can be 100% sure that Edgar trades and RGL’s are identical twins
however, RGL sometimes skip a few trades like last night’s.
So if it is floating, I am sure it is someone else’s.

Actually not an advantage being church member. I just wanted to compare it with other issues.

I wonder where is AllenLiew. I miss that person already.

PONZI, doesnt mean they don’t pay. only on early stages they pay so that people have confidence to invest more and to activate the greed.

regarding Andy Running away… I don’t think he can run. Madoff didn’t too. all he need to do now is to create an excuses. a fairy tale excuses. Even if Andy is a rich person, Madoff is worth much2 more then Andy. so, in my opinion, he is not running. but only to delay things. and its getting worse.

Regarding Church, there could be a possibility that its part of Andy’s so called Chosen one.

March withdrawal… I don’t know, I think there will be some. even if I loss my bet to AllenLiew, I just thinking there will be a withdrawal. BUT… not all will get. another thing is that, people will want to withdraw all after this fear… hehehe, just wait and see lorrr…

No, I don’t go to church either.

Prayers are about the only thing most of these “investors” can do to try and get any of their money back.

People are questioning why there’s been no trades in their account. If Edgar was something like a hedge fund investors would pay into a fund and their money would be put into the trades being placed by the fund and they’d then see a return / loss on their investment based on how well the fund’s trades did. But no - Edgar trades individually on each client’s accounts on their behalf. Sometimes a client gets a trade and sometimes not (as is the norm lately).

If a client’s account is being traded individually then there should be no problem to get a withdrawal at any time - the money is either being invested in the markets or it’s not. If it’s not then it’s dormant and should be there for withdrawal.

However it looks like Edgar is doing something else with the money. It looks like they’re taking all the investor’s cash and either running a ponzi scheme or investing it themselves in the markets for their own return. Neither is great for the “investors”. If it’s a ponzi it’s too late for them to get their cash out more than likely. If Edgar is playing with the money in the markets why go to the trouble of pretending to trade in client’s accounts sometimes when they’re pretty clearly not doing so for real unless their final intention is to run the accounts down with large losses and keep all profits for themselves. Hope you all can afford to lose that money you’ve given to these scam artists…

I think Allen Leow and the team are discussing how to answer your query now and what sort of excuses and grandmother stories to be given. They might be out of ideas for the time being.
With March coming, common sense prevailed and everyone is going to make withdrawal be it partial or full withdrawal. I want to see how they handle this. ( if withdrawal can be made ). The payment instruction or withdrawal icon should be reinstated by March 1st.
Everyone is getting very impatient already.

But it seems like there is no improvement at all. How can they resume normal withdrawal if there are still a lot of pending. I think March 1 is not possible, maybe on the 31st.

I was just looking back at some of the earlier posts (eg. page 53) and I noticed that “brandnew2fx” (who was a “Senior Member” because he had 235 posts) and “Mutalib Rahman” have both been banned by babypips. I know that we receive warnings from the moderator for things like advertising (posting links which are considered more ads than educational) and flaming etc but it seems to me from their posts that they did not violate enough of babypips’ rules.

It is unfortunate that they can no longer post here, unless they sign up again using different screen name. But I wonder if babypips know something about them which is not known to us or what is the reason of the ban? Moderator?

Let me get the attention of the moderator by making a link here.
Forex Trading Online: Foreign Exchange (FX) Currency Trading Made Fun

UPL? Another ponzi?

Beware all of you out there! Experience told me UPL and Edgar is a big scammer that will suck all your money when the time comes. My advise to you is withdraw while you can and stop investing in these scheme.

It is clear enough that greed had contribute to Ponzi Scheme like Edgar and Union Pacific and the like. May God bless all of you out there and take care.

Can’t people understand that ponzis will eventually FAIL?!?!

The Ponzi scheme is simple enough: the scammer gets money from investors by promising big returns and pays the early investors their promised returns with money from later investors. In this way, the creator can lure in new word-of-mouth investors, as well as get current investors to invest more money. The scam can operate as long as new investors keep buying in, which eventually slows, initiating the scheme’s collapse. The orchestrator of the Ponzi scheme has usually taken most of the money brought in and remains the only person with any profits left after the scheme has fully collapsed.