Edgar International

yes, i also think so. Lets give it a 1 month address. The thing is, it could also be march 2012. Hahahaha. All i would like to see here is, what after the withdrawal being done then the withdrawals of capitals. I only like to see the next withdrawals. If got la. Hahaha.

Im off to play fireworks. Hehehe. Btw, i got my withdrawal from fxcm.

Just an observation, but i do think Andy is planning to reinstate the payment icon. The payment will probably be kept the same way, which is manually through your agent. They have been using a withdrawal slip recently for those that did get the money, they have got their agents to harass Andy.

Now I am sure Andy and Gang will not be in the office of Edgar. But from the way things have operated, I assume that will be starting or using new companies to lure in investors. That is why there are so many itrade company. You could technically scam anyone in any country.

My gut feel is Andy will try to save Edgar because, its in his hometown, unless they planning to run away. They will get the money from other clients from other company like regal, UPL, etc.

I don’t think the money will come out quick knowing that many people will withdrawal in March.

Next excuse is i think, forbidden to withdraw all. What do you think masterasia?

we must determine if the trades are fake or real before we accuse him of ponzi
i sometimes printscreen when he is trading
it seems real
and he does new york
when is quiet no rush
if he wants to borrow our money for his own trade
he can actually do it without causing a scare
so what happen to the money ???

I am a church member and I can be 100% sure Andy is running Edgar and RGL
not the rest.

Because I met him during that week!
I am a church member.

Thanks for the reply.
According to someone who subscribes the forex data.
Andy does New York!
I am not familiar with forex trading but would like to find out if the trading is real.
My print screen is available if anyone wants to verify!
How do i attach a print screen?

Of course it’s not real trading. When some people say they have trades in their account and others don’t this implies that Edgar is trading the accounts individually. This would be an idiotic way to do things in real life. Hedge funds that take lots of relatively small amounts of money from investors would never do things this way - the money is routed into the fund and traded as a block. Investors then make a return / loss based on the performance of the fund. A hedge fund wouldn’t have the time to individually trade each account - it’d be horribly inefficient in terms of time and cost.

Also, it’s a given that an established trading company that trades on behalf of it’s clients has things such as a prospectus, etc. which outlines exactly what they’ll be trading in, their objectives when trading, how much risk they’re willing to take on, etc. Edgar doesn’t do any of this. They apparently just “trade” for their clients and the client has no idea either when their account will be traded or what they’ll be trading in. But as they supposedly trade the accounts individually then how come clients can’t get their money back? If there’s no trades in the account then the money should be just sitting there and available for withdrawal. But it’s not - which means that the money has gone somewhere else. Where and why? Who knows - certainly not the client. They’re either a ponzi or a group that’s using your money to invest for themselves most likely and either way the clients are going to be screwed in the end.

Honestly if you can’t see the tons of things which are so obviously wrong about Edgar you deserve to lose all your money. And I’m pretty sure that Edgar will give most of you exactly what you deserve.

If Andy is indeed running both Edgar and RGL, and the recent Rustenberg. Then it doesn’t take someone with brains to realise something is wrong. Because technically all these " companies" are the same owned by a similar group as mentioned by Mutalib, just using a different name.

Technically there is no reason why Andy will so called “trade” using so many different company names seeing that the platform should not be any different as they are owned by the same group. I can understand if he uses different platform because of the functionality. There is only 1 logical conclusion, Andy spread his money making scheme in different companies so if one collapse there is still another to fall back on.

Please bear in mind that the itrade platform could possibly be manipulated. The market movement could be real, but who knows of have seen him trade live. If you have the power to remove payment icon and decide on payment, Andy is not just a trader in Edgar, he must have significant leverage in the group to do so, he could have the power to fake a buy and sell numbers based on historical numbers.

Well march is around the corner, i am sure many people are waiting to withdrawal … good luck … remember pester your agent , if not pester Andy, Jerry or Feng.

Then u should be safe!!! any insider information whether investors really can get their money by March??

RGL is Rustenburg Group Limited.
All his assistants invest in both RGL and Edgar.

Till last week (mid February) they still put in money into RGL because withdraw is quick.
I ask the same question and the answer is hopefully everything will be fine by March.

Personally I do not see how Andy will run away with money that belongs to people that he play and camp and hunt with since childhood.
I personally know one 10 000 USD payment from ANZ few days ago.
Hope for the best!

Go to the bottom of babypips under POSTING PERMISSION. Select “You may post attachment…IMG”. Try this one: open and attach. Still got problem? Then go ask babypips for help

looks like they have a book of excuses.

Honestly, its boring without AllenLiew.

have you ever wonder why a Con guy doesn’t look a bad person??? we might not know what a conman might do right, he doesn’t care if he destroys his own family just to look after him self. So, beware people… its an angel outside but devil in the inside.

I live with one
who cheated multi million USD
not afraid of police
even cheated the police
and bankers
and knows how to calm them
and always know the next step
I hope my trained eyes will not fail this time!

gg no news… since OCT till now. they wont return the money. just make u wait and they ask more people to join.

Hi PipsConqueror,

I have same feeling as you, it’s quite boring without AllenLeow throw some garbage here? However, I think you quote his name wrong. That’s why he is silence, you should quote AllenLeow instead of AllenLiew. Without the right name quoting, AllenLeow may still remain silence. Alibaba… show yourself, Mr. AllenLeow.

Hi jaysonsoetrisno,

Andy is your church member, huh? Then ask him return all the money to his client, he should know he already make Sabah chaos. He still go to church? What’s a bastard, cheating others hard earn money, and still go to church to pretend he is righteousness? Ask your pastor give him a special sermon in public.

There are other options to frontal lobe stimulations

Lynch mob, pitchforks and flaming torches?