Edgar International

Superb - I can’t remember when something on the web cracked me up so much - lol lol lol

OOOoooooo My… Ruuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn

Has this thread been flamed?

Andy goes to which church? My fren, a mafia investors said it doesn’t cost so much to pay and teach him a lesson…

If somebody will do that, all investors will lose the chance to get back their money.

I have a question for current investors;

  1. withdrawal will materialise but only partial. Or,
  2. do you prefer to wait with the hope for profit?
    No special intention, just curious to find out.

Dear All,

No Partial Withdrawal…? Edgar will release all the withdrawals in full or not at all?
Why give you partial if intention is to scam you? Hope not a scam and Edgar will return all the withdrawals in full so that Edgar can gain confidance again and invite more investors.

28th Feb…2011…ending soon…Hope Edgar start the withdrawals or else excuses will start again…like…Bank Limit etc…:mad:

Why partial withdrawal? N why would you wanna hold our money? Can’t pay us all because there’s no money in Edgar? 5 days to go before March n plz reinstate the withdrawal icon. M afraid to see Edgar members getting hurt if you failed your promised for 3 mth grace period in resolving your internal issue.

The scariest n fierces ppl r those out of mind with no money n financial constraints like us nw…don’t cheat these ppl…Wait n see…

So what’s the point of being a church member? is this so-called business has anything to do with any churches? Wow! I think you guys who think any forex trading or scam or whatever you might called it got linked with church or any kind of religion must be a genius… And if the ‘scammer’ say so, then that must be a new kind of tactic to lure ‘victims’…

Noticed that they change the bank accounts again. So far how many trades in Feb? mine is still zero

2 updated trades.

Never heard of partial withdrawal thing. Anyone received this kind of info from your agent? I think you can file whatever you want.

Mr Andy when can we have our money back?

I think it goes without saying… when a company keeps changing bank account, You got to wonder why. One observation, when you look at the big forex company - e-toro, FXCM, forexpro, etc. How many uses bank account that is not under their own name ? and have many sub bank account that have no link at all to the company ?

A normal legitimate company would only have account under their own name. Well don’t put too much hope in March, because if they cannnot handle the withdrawal request the first time, How in the world will they be able to handle the stack of withdrawals that is coming in March.

With only a couple of staff in the office now, and Andy and his gang missing from the office, I really believe we will have big issues when March comes around. And for those hoping for the payment icon, I believe it will not be reinstated but payment would be done manually due to the overwhelming number of payment withdrawal request.

Hope Andy is ready for what comes his way

Well… it’s taken about 6 months since the start of this thread but the inevitable conclusion to this farce appears to be approaching rapidly.

At least the date of MARCH, which has been forecasted since around October-November, has not been postponed to a further date, and has been reiterated & reconfirmed several times since that time last year until even now!

So, what is going to happen if nothing happens by the end of March??

some were told by thier agent that it would be on APRIL. so investor can get FOOLED.

Hi PipBandit,

This thread has been starting for more than 8 months instead of 6 months. However, Edgar will not keep their promise again at the end of February. The conclusion always will be for ponzi scheme is “take your own risk, loss at your own bet”. There is never a good ending for ponzi scheme. I am just wonder that why Edgar’s client have more passion to this group of gangs? If I can’t get my withdrawal in 7 business days from FXCM, I am very sure that I will file a complaint or report to related authority in 8th day. Is that Sabahan have no government overrule this ponzi scheme? Ssh…

Hi Penampang10,

You have financial constraints due to Edgar tight up your money? What action you’ve took in order to get your money back? Wait and post some complaints in this forum? That is no help at all, you should consider to take some action before the bubble burst. Do Jerry still around in Office? Did you give some pressure to Andy’s staff like Jerry? Did you try your effort to locate Andy’s residence address? We all know Edgar is a ponzi scheme, why you don’t take some action further to help yourself out?

Now all my friends account got suspended. guess now they can just edit and dont own us anything

Maybe they are putting back the withdrawal function? (Software update requires downtime)