Edgar International

hi yjgolive,
how u be so sure about EDGAR’s loss?
I can’t login from yesterday morning till now. Is there really a loss??
I can’t receive any information from my agent but always waitting…
U must be someone inside ANDY’s group or u will not know such detail information. Then can u enlighten all investors here when will receive withdraws??

By the way,I can’t login in 2/24 all day long till evening. What a big surprise to those ppl who trade themselves, if there really are? And how come will a legitimate forex broker such as edgar will do so to their clients? Can’t login and trade in a normal trading day!!! I have to agree with bestwishes that all these disputes were cause by what andy and edgar have done to the investors at the first. Why will it take sooooo long to deal with withdraws,if edgar is really a legitimate firm like it calling itself.

hi PipsConqueror,
Guess u are right.
Perhaps all these are only andy’s pretext defer to operate the UPL way. And even better, now andy has some people to treat as the scapegoat, not only then andy does not need to deal with the withdrawal problem, also does not need to take any responsibility but blame these taiwanese. What a flawless plan!!!

Indeed a brilliant, unfortunately the itrade was locked out since friday night so we cannot check how much loss. The last I checked from my friend, its was getting big. Of course there are still some money in there. But it wiped out at least 30% of the account balance. Not sure what is the loss when monday comes

Yes, washing hands mode now. Easy as that. If these losses continues, then investors also hard to take legal action. Andy might just say lose in market. How to blame him? Blame that time no use. Well done andy. U made ur self a millions and escaped with millions. I just could admire ur richness within a short period time. At least blanja us laaa Andy.

No losses so far…no need to panick

1 position bought at 82.10 floating losses at maximum on 24/2 and same on 25/2 was 49 pips as the lowest on those respective days was the same 81.611. The other position bought at 81.70 is not a problem as the market as at 11:24 am 28 Feb is 81.668 based on other fx company. You may think of the worst to prepare yourself but Andy’s technique is to sell new (not exit by selling but ENTER selling) should market break 81.70 by 20 to 40 pips. Should the mkt go South(S) the sell new(NS) profit will cover the losses in the first 2 positions partially. This will prevent a margin call. Next if he sees the market reversed he will take profit on the NS which has additional realised profit to cover the two NB. Again he can Sell New again if the mkt go S after the realised profit.
I noticed the difference the 2 NB is 40 pips on mini where Andy used to do it when there was a 20pips loss. Now he average on 40p which is better than averaging every 20p. This move reflect higher mkt volatility and the ability to see it ahead.
On NB 82.1 floating loss reached almost 60 % but there is an extra lot not used yet ie 1/3 of the capital remain unused. I am using 1 lot simplify things. Trading 1/3 of total tradable lots require high skill and is highly risky for experienced trader. However, should the middle east crisis get to another new oil producing country or civil war explode in Libya $ will go up and profit will be substantial. The USA printing of extra money is already factored in by now. The downside can be handled by NS.
I am not an agent. The technique mentioned is the same one Andy taught on numerous talks. The main problem is withdrawal.
At this moment it is best that no one withdraw because risk management is about to call in a NS,that also explain why no access to account ie a whiteout. If you think that is also a conspiracy you may be right or wrong. If market reversed to say 82.70 then profit will be substantial but again only good if one can withdraw $,$$$,$$$,$$$.$$

I salute Andy for what transpired lately. It was a wrong buy initially at 82.10 n then we can see dat the market was crashing down hugely n unexpectedly to abt 80 bips on 24/2. I understand the strategy Andy used to minimize the losses by buying another one at 81.70 and keep the trading floating and close at the right moment. Andy is in fact v intelligent under the circumstance. You got my respect in this manner. I don’t mind losing as this is part n parcel of the game. What matter most for now is the withdrawal…

Tomorrow is March 2011… Mr Allen Leow, whr r u? Do u keep ur promise? Pls read your thread dated 28th November 2010.

Guys, the acct can be opened ody. Pls check.

Anyone here claiming to be a pofessional trader and knows how to analyse the market it is better that you do the trading yourself and don’t depend on Andy. If Andy has traded your account and you have made profit already please be braved enough to tell the world how much you have earned and how much you have loss. Be fare to Andy… he is humand being too.
Dont be like a monkey who bites his master after being feed…Time and time again the withdrawal problem is not caused by Andy. It is on Edgar’s side cos some people when withdrawing give inactive bank account, give their wrong ic no., moreover there are more 28,000 subscriber in asia itself, so there is bottle neck. You got to be patient.

You must be a close associates of Andy. I kinda agreed with you that Andy has helped us a lot. In fact, i would say about over RM300K profit Andy made for me thus far. I knew that few of my friends also made profits of similar amounts. I have made over 20-30 withdrawals so far without any problem.
But can you explain what happened to withdrawal issue now? isn’t 3-4 month ample time is adequate for Edgar to resolve the internal problem or restructuring process? If not Andy then who’s responsible?

rigth now I also did post a buy on USD/JPY with a small stop loss. its oversold. otherwise will look for another buy under important support base on daily chart. sometimes to judge making huge profit should be calculated interms of %. example between capital usd10k and usd100k. usd 10k made a profit of 30%. which is usd 3k. and the usd100k made a profit of usd 5k. interms of amount in USD, the usd100k account made more money. but interms of % the USD 10k made much2 more. so Im sure your usd300k profit is due to a huge capital of yours. but the important thing here is that as long as you made profit. right…

but in other hand, whithdrawal is the issue. big big issue. whats the point on making tonnes of profits but can withdraw??? correct me if Im wrong please… thanks

Mr. Penampang,
I appreciate your frankness and honesty about the profit you made from Edgar. RM300K is a lot of money…yes indeed it is. For your info I am not a close associates of Andy or his friend. Judging from the profit you made I think you joined Edgar about 1 & 1/2 years ago. I only joimed in June last year and haven’t withdrawn a single cent yet but in my account there is US20K already subject to Andy’s latest trade which is still floating. Within that 6 months period I attended a lot of sharing and briefing either done by Mr. Andy Or Jerry. He explained why the withdrawal problem is occuring firstly because everyone is withdrawing at the same time…imagine there are about 28,000 account he is looking after. In Sabah itself there are about 15,000 account.
Imagine 10,000 are withdrawing their profit at the same almost everyweek…what do you think of th system…surely it will cause a bottle neck just like a trafic jam…everyone will be honking me first…me first…me first…wanting to get out of the jam.
In a similar stuation the system in Edgar is like. Every one wants to be the first one to get their profit without thinking of the problem causing the jam.

I was made to understand that the jam in Keningau (withdrawal problem)is almost 99 % cleared after the withdrawal is disabled from the system by Andy. I am not quite sure about the problem in KK.Two of my friends who withdrew their profit in November got their money on the 3rd week of December last year.If everything goes well the next withdrawal can only be done on the 1st of March. A lot of instructions were issued through the agents. The agents are supposed to convey these instructions to all the investors under them. If the instruction are followed closely I think there will be less problem on withdrawal. Thank you Mr Penampang

Washing hands?

Will take more than just soap and water.

yup… agreed.

Andy is a very responsible man…He don’t wash his hands like you said…if you had made a profit already be grateful

yes… he is a smart person indeed. have to admit that. I don’t have any acc with EDGAR. I am a full time trader my self doing only my own account and my wife’s acc. only targeting 10pips daily I already can at least earn and support a family needs. I learned my lessons for being greedy 6 years ago. every trading mistakes you can name, I think I have already baptised on. hahaha. due to experience like loosing to a scam investments… I know how people act. Ooooo yes… they are really reasonable person. reasonable enough to just dismiss your hard earned money. experience also told me not to open account under unregulated broker. so far my experience does benefits me. if I jump to invest with EDGAR since last 2009, together with my relatives and friends… I could have became blind and to invest more and ended up on can’t withdraw when I need the money. short thing to remember, regulated broker, smooth withdrawal. unregulated, no idea.

If you have no account with Edgar then you have no business talking about Andy and Edgar…you are talking as if Edgar belongs to you and Andy part of your family. Concentrate trading your account and care about your wife and family only…You are not the only one who have got experience in trading…Besides Edgar I do trade also usidng other platform…I also make profit just like you…hope you make lots of profit from your trade.

Sorry if I miss behave my self in a forum belongs to Babypips.com and not edgar’s. I also didnt notice any signs like “for edgar investors only” being hangging around. So I thougth it was for free thinker to make comments as to share as for as far as Im concern, babypips didnt even gave me a warning not to post so as Im not related to any of EDGAR’s tail. sorry again, my bad. but my point here is, is there any wrong on posting a warning (not a threat) so that who ever is reading my post can be aware of these matter? where the readers willing to take my opinions or not, its up to him/her. What ever Comments I posted may not also be right but base on my opinions and my research also experience, thats what I posted. not all, I posted buy on the same pair, USD/JPY, for 10pips this afternoon. target achieved. which I believe Andy also long on USD/JPY. none of my comments touches the way he trades.

look… I know Im not the only one who have experience here. after all Im still a human that keep on learning as well as keep making mistakes. I believe how reasonable a person is, he/she still makes mistakes. also a reasonable person depands on what kind of reasons.

again forgive me if I made any wrong comments.

This is all abt management. If there are many or even huge withdrawals then what should be done? It’s certainly not by stopping investors to make withdrawals but to employ more staff if necessary to speed up transactions. Find out what’s the optimum resources required and the cycle-time for each transaction. If can’t handle 28,000 accts then dont take in so many investors in the first place and let problem persist… Edgar has got to be responsible.
Edgar cant blame others for making all kind of accusations because money cant be taken out for goods. Don’t you think it’s a bad reputation for Edgar if you re concern for Edgar n Andy? Yes, profits been made in past n we are grateful
but doesn’t mean that we have to keep quiet after waiting so long without any progress. Need to think of those who made profit but dumped in more n topup as well. These ppl have yet to feel the profit. I have not make any withdrawal for about 6 months n do you understand why the rest is making noise. Let’s be rationale.
The only thing Edgar can keep other quiet is by enabling withdrawal. Not difficult to understand.

Yes, we are all reasonable and forgiving people…any apology should be accepted…your quote “I also didn’t notice any sign like :for edgar investors only”. you are the one who said this thing. Babypips.com is for anyone to post their reasonable comments about forex trading and wanting to share their experience here. Not to condem anyone that they are scam or conman. We have no right to condem anyone just because they are trading badly or managing somebody’s account. You are correct we are humans and can make mistakes. So does Andy. I hope you share a lot of experience about trading so can we all benefit from reading them. Wish you the best in your trading. Thank you

[QUOTE=Kinabalu;246033]Mr. Penampang,

I was made to understand that the jam in Keningau (withdrawal problem)is almost 99 % cleared after the withdrawal is disabled from the system by Andy.

Dear Kinabalu,
I heard some saying that the withdrawal issue has got nothing to do with Andy as he is just doing trading for us. Anyway, now you just mentioned it’s disabled by Andy from his system? So, it’s Andy controlling the withdrawals and stopping them? Can u pls elaborate…