Edgar International

Thanks for sharing your trading strategy! How about the EUR/USD? This pair tends to behave very similar with GBP/USD. Just to get a better understanding, if you look at G/U since 1/3, what would you say the trend is? Because it looks like trading in a 100 pips range. Most of the time most underlying just zig zag within a range, so would you try to pick the bottom or top of an intra day movement like a contrarian style, or wait for a pause or dip (temporary retracement) to get in with the trend?

Do you normally trade in the afternoon or night? I mean, if you trade in the morning, it is too early to know what the trend is for the day, need to trade later to know what the trend is. Again, long term, where is G/U going? It used to be 2.1 couple of years ago, last year it couldnā€™t break 1.7, and this year, it has already risen 2000pips from 1.42 so its already ā€œhighā€ now?

They withdraw last year Nov 2010, withdrawal amount from few hundred to thousand hundred(USD).

All deducted on 04 MAR 2011. Hope Edgar can solve all these problem ASAPā€¦

Hi Star89,

Thanks for your reminder, at least quite a bunch of people still remember Solai, AllenLeow and now Kinabalu. Are you waiting answer from Kinabalu? Donā€™t waste your time, Kinabalu is busy attacking commenter in this thread. Kinabalu never answer your main concern here. You know why? Because he donā€™t need to wait and pray, he is the lucky and chose one from Andy.

Do you have something more creative and instructive in your mind?

What do you think Edgar business for? A non-profit organisation? A Charity Business. Of course, people always prefer earnings from their investment. And this is absolutely reasonable. But now earnings is not a matter, withdrawal is a matter. Donā€™t shift the topic. K.

Hi Redhero12,

I thought someone was said the withdrawal will be handled at the beginning of March 2011, and now extend to end of March? Do you think this is a never end story from Edgar?

Hi Bro Bestwishes, we must be automatic maā€¦using our a__ __ also know that beginning of March 2011 also cannot make it maā€¦so I have to move back to end of March 2011ā€¦hope not 2012 haā€¦haā€¦haā€¦

Mr Kinabalu, why so quite? cannot answer already? So end March all clients can get back their money? Hope you can answer this?:cool:

Does not anyone doubt these accounts (Solai, AllenLeow, Kinabalu) maybe are the same guy?I mean, if you have time, you can register no matter how much accounts you want.
I guess Kinabalu wont answer when can we receive money just like what Solai and AllenLeow did, always explanations, excuses.
Its really ridiculous that we should obedient and respect EDGAR first if we want to withdraw money. I dont need to please the bank manager before withdraw MY money back, right?

Heheheā€¦I dont know Solai or Allen Leow. I am just Kinabaluā€¦I know that all those who make noise will be the last one to have their withdrawn moneyā€¦but then that depends on wether Edgar still have moneyā€¦ best of luck to youā€¦

Only those people who have waited very patiently and supporting Edgar will be allowed to have their moneyā€¦for those of you here who are making noise here everyday and cannot wait will be the last one to have their moneyā€¦ Edgar will check itā€™s bank account firstā€¦if there is balance and left over then you will be allowed to withdrawā€¦good luck to you,

Yesā€¦ you are allowed to have your money backā€¦but if you have earned $$$$$ from Andy already more than the money you have investedā€¦may be Edgar will consider firstā€¦you will be put in the last of the queā€¦so you have to be patient

Oh yes!!! I always pray that everyone here barking and making a lot of nosie will eventually get paid. Butā€¦butā€¦butā€¦ may be that depends on whether Edgar still has balance in the bank. Bestwishes account might be suspendedā€¦he always pretend he doesnt have a trading account with Edgarā€¦best doesnā€™t know Edgar and Andy?

Seeā€¦I told everyone here that Edgar is paying but no one believes meā€¦everyone have to wait and be patient your turn will comeā€¦Edgar is not bankrupt. you will get paid eventually. Good Luck to you

Yes!!! of course you will get your money backā€¦who said Edgarr wonā€™t pay you? You know Andy have created a monster out of Edgarā€¦everyone is now barking at that monster. From this monster a steady income of living is provided for you. But the monster is half dead now because everyone here is throwing stone at it. Some giving it poison so that it will die soon. Look at the poison being posted in this treadā€¦do you think the monster can withstand the abuse. It will sleep and stop breathing and that is the end. You yourself have been feeding a lot of poison here. What about the $$$$$ you have earned from this monster? is it more than hundred fold from the amount you have invested? did you start with $300, $500, $1000? did you loss any amount of money you have invested or more than the amount. Are you earning a living just from this monster?

If you are a predator like a lion who use to kill a buffalo for food and if there is no more buffalo, even lion change strategy for a living. It will eventually catches smaller animal for food. Why dont you strategies your living? I hope you stop looking at this monster and allow it rest first. Then come back and beg for more money. Thank you

Wow, Mr Kinabalu you sound like you have great power in this investment? Can decide who get money first and who get money last? Worse you can also said it depend Edgarā€™s Bank still got left over or not? Maybe you are better then Mr Mutalib, you are CEO of Edgar?

So I guess you must be Mr Andy or Mr Jerry? No, I donā€™t think you are Mr Andy our great man, you must be the second man or CEOā€™S EDGAR?

Well, Mr Second man, we are not making noise. We are just making a fair statement here. If you are one of us ( Investors ) who trusted you at your numerous presentation and finally sign up an investment account with one of your agent with our hard earn money. When profit seen to be reachable, withdrawal issue surface and till now my own invested amount also cannot withdraw out, how will you feel? Sad and Crying everyday right: (ā€¦: (ā€¦: (ā€¦

Worse, is when ask agent how is the withdrawal? Answer is also wait and be patient.

Mr Second man, we have been waiting since Oct 2010 till now, 5mths have passed donā€™t you think we have longest patient and waited long enough?

Lastly, we are not making noise, we are just exhausted and very tried and just hoping to have our hard earn money back. Hope you underatand what I mean.

God Bless you Mr Second Man, all investors are really longing to have their money back, Everybody is hoping you are second Mutalib who can really help everybody here. Please release all withdrawal asapā€¦Thanks you a Millionā€¦: )

depands on wether Edgar still have money? what are you implying Edgar is?
have invested usd 30K, still 20K capital inside. will my withdrawal be first or last? but how long will the first take? another 5 months? or by the end of march 2012?
I really hope you are correct and then you can ridicule those who comment Edgar a lot. but with more and more waiting, the confidence I have in Edgar is decresing and decresing again.

No.No Noā€¦I dont ridicule anyone hereā€¦I always pray that everyone get their moneyā€¦So you invested usd30K and withdrawn 10k and left 20Kā€¦lately how much did you withdraw from your accountā€¦has it been deducted? who is your agent? I want to helpā€¦but your agent might not like it. I can only pray for you. Please remain confident with Edgar. God bless you. Thank you

Could the investors set a time, then meet you at the Eastern Rich office? This way, no name, no number, no email etc. but just face to face, you wear nametag ā€œKinabaluā€, you say what you can do, they give account number, and fix this problem immediately? It sounds like you have more power than AllenLeow & Mutalib.

I am not waiting for Kinabalu, i am waiting for Edgar to answer me.

ā€œWho trusted you at your numerous presentation and finall sign up an investment accountā€ Oh no!! it was just a presentation but I never force anyone to sign up an investmentā€™ It was just a silly talk because I am paid to do it. But I neverā€¦neverā€¦never force anyone to join the investment. Your friend might have brought you there to hear my talk because they came earlier than you and have become rich after just a few months. No one was force to join I still remember.

Anyway just relax, you will get exhausted if you keep on barking. Your health is more important than money. ā€œWhile there is life ther is hopeā€. This is very important saying. I use to lose $$$$$ before and learn a lot of lessons but I dont care I am still alive and breathing. That is more important than money. I will still pray for you and everyone here that we can still get back our money.
God bless you and Thank you