Edgar International

Oh!! why not it can be done but the problem is Andy might not like it. He is still the boss… I wear “Kinabalu” and you wear “Active Trader”…it sound good but not realistic…Andy might laugh…Jerry might laugh…so we all laugh together…this can promote good health you know…forget about money for a while laughing together…let me give it a thoguht…God bless

Just one last thing I want to ask you. Its true that laughing together promote good health. Me, you, Andy, Jerry all together laughing, but what about God? You forgot? You forgot to mention about God also laughing together with 4 of us?

Yes of course God will be laughing also…but he is almighty and residing in the Devine and Heavenly world…he watch men and woman commit sins…Edgar, Andy, Jerry, Kinabalu and Active Trader commit sins…we are all childrens of God…He loves us all.
I pray that we all have harmony and peace. Forget about material and money…money cannot buy the ticket to heaven…only good deeds and caring for others are encouraged and considered good in the eyes of God. I pray for you…God bless you always

Hi Guys I have been following this forum with some amused interest for awhile now.
Yes I know we are all awaiting withdrawls anxiously right now but please lets have some decorum.
Andy has been trading on our behalf for a long time now and has done so with amazing continual success.
OK there is a backlog prob. (due to greedy people in it for fast returns no doubt) but our leader has not shyed from his undertakings and continues to trade successfully for all of us and not split with our $$$$ as some suggest.(if he wanted to he would have done so a long long time ago)
The office has replied to my request and said I must wait so that is what we MUST all do.
Common show some support for Andy guys!

I just want to laugh with you one more time. Actually, I have never been rich, I wonder if I have money what would I do, maybe nice dinner, nice holiday, nice car, oh, I can’t think anymore (need help), what can money buy? So, recently, how have you been spending money (from Edgar investors) ??

Thanks for your advise, Kinabalu. But you are wrong again. I don’t have account for Edgar to suspend, however I do have account with FXCM. Do you think Edgar try to suspend my FXCM investment account? Then, ask Andy acquire FXCM first, however I don’t think Andy able to do that. No threaten to me. Haha.


You are just sound a lot like AllenLeow, both you guy like to talk animal. Snake, Buffalo, Lion, Monster, now what? A predator? You guy start to go Sci-Fi, you have limited terms in your dictionary huh? Don’t forget Andy beg everyone to join Edgar at the beginning of 2009. Don’t forget without client’s fund, where is the capital for Andy to financed this ‘sound’ investment? Edgar and Andy just never think back how much benefit he’ve received from their clients. Without client deposit their hard earn money, Andy still a Kampong boy in Keningau. Oh. sounds like Andy know more animal than you huh? Or you guy always go together to hunt some deer or tiger in deep forest that closed to Keningau 2-3 years ago?

You talking about poison? Now who is suffer? Client! No withdrawal process, that is even not on time? Have you ever facing problem to withdraw your money from MayBank? Do you ever feel that your money is not in your control? Think about it. Then you may heard the suffering in the bottom of heart of Client. I am nothing related to Edgar, but I still bear the pain with Edgar’s client. I’m sure Pipsconcueror, ActiveTrader, MasterAsia have the same feeling too. Then, why you are different from them? Because you don’t care client, I have no choice to label as Andy’s Gang. That’s why is it.

No more God talking on professional investment aspect. If money is not important, then Edgar release all the withdrawal. That is truly not take your responsibility to transfer everything to God. God have nothing to do with Edgar. Edgar and Andy just need to face the fact, pay the money back to client. Oop. I almost forgot you, Mr. Second Man as others quote, Mr Presenter, as you receive money so easy from client no transition problem, no technical problem, no banking issue. Then, do the same thing release all the withdrawal back to client easily and on time. Then God will laugh with you, dude.

Depends on whether Edgar still has a balance in the bank or not? It sounds interesting to me huh? Per your quote, everyone here now know that Edgar has no money in bank. Do you need some donation from me? Due to your reputation, $1 may be too much for you and Edgar huh?

Hi Watsreal,

What is your feeling according to Kinablau quote to you? “You are ALLOWED to have your MONEY BACK”. How sad is it, Kinabalu just sound like Andy this time. Haha.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yave been barking again at the wrong monster…Don’t worry my dear I wont closed your account…you must look beautiful…your blush I love to see when you become angry… I love to see hehehe. I will trade your account untill it burst its bank. Then you can withdraw it anytime…we can open join acount then you can have all my money hahaha

Yes yes yes yes my dear…surely I will release all the fund to all the clients…I have no business holding their profit. I am tired of trading already…I want to sleep now…tommorow is another day then I can continue trading all the account again…there will be no loss…only profit then you all become rich hehehe

Yes that was my quote…it hurt bestwishes very much even though she doesn’t have trading account with Edgar…that is what she claim. But I know that she has 3 to 6 trading account she open with Edgar. That is why she is showing her frustration and anger here. Otherwise she has no business talking about Edgar here. hahaha.

OK let us laugh one last time…one, two, three…hahahahahahahahaha. I dont spend money invested in Edgar… as you said God cannot laugh like this. if you spend some one else money. so I am really sorry

OOH!! really you don’t have trading account with edgar???..Yes.yes.yes. I really believe you because you spend the whole year round making noise about Edgar and Andy here. Who doesn’t believe in you…the loudest barking noise heard here is made by you… hahaha

Thank God, thank Master Andy, I just logged in my trade account, and found that I’m hvaing a hude profit, though the trade has not ended.

But it told us that if we wait for the result, there is a hope.

Then, guys, don’t worry, be happy, and calm down.

Wait for the last result again.

May God bless everyone here,

Peace and cheers,

Best regards,


Yes, hoping that it will never be the same last time that it reach very high profit but they closed at normal net profit. And there are some good news about the withdrawals deducting from ledger. Does anybody got there ledger deducted last Friday received money?

You are still dreaming Pipsloser…many people received their money already…latest 20 in KK, 5 Labuan, 3 Keningau…keep awake all the time

Seems like you to is barking already, hahaha. how will i know about the places you mentioned even if i’m awake? Just wanted to ask those investors who got their ledger deducted already and seems like their money put them to silence now.

My accounts keep remain silent, no trade and no withdrawal