Edgar International

For those who did not invest money in Edgar, i say congratulation to you, And for those who invested a lot of many in Edgar, i only can say just take it as lesson so that next time not easily been cheated by others investment scam.

Mr Kinabalu, remember yr coffee with mr Andy? The phase " no one will suffer " still stand?

Anyone who can tell where is Andy hiding now? I heard that he ran away from kk already, is it true? He suddenly left his big house , BMW X5 in the house just like that.

Mr. Redhero,
Yes, It still stand…I am still on your side…your account is still floating…don’t do anything silly yet…Andy is still in control…I know some people did silly thing by closing out of their…please dont do that…and blame Andy about their account…ok

He is in New Zealand…he didn’t run away…he went with a group of investors from Taiwan and KK to visit Edgar’s Office…everything is still ok…don’t panic…

Andy is ok now…he is wide awake…he did drink some tapai and sang the the aramaiti song…your account is only floating…dont do anything silly yet…he will come out fine…he will do the unbelievable thing…he likes to suprise you…look out for it

There is no sayonara yet…Andy will do magic things after he comesback from New Zealand…it is just the begining…he went there to clear some misunderstanding with all the withdrawals…some bad investors and jealous competators wrote to Edgar…but he will come out fine and strong. Just give some support…all th posting here are lies to make you panic and blame Andy… he did a lot of good thing but many people did not understand

I have heard that many of my friends complaining that their account was being hit by tsunami and its being locked and some are margin call. Can u tell me how to rescue an account if it is being locked and the available margin is just 5-10% . The Edgar chief Mr Abel from Keningau always mention that edgar client total up to 30,000 account. Well, can u imagine that they dont need to pay a single cent this coming April to the client. The i-Trader is a manipulated market chart . You cannot trust this Platform . I guess Andy has earn about 30-40 million ringgit Malaysia for this SCAM… He is wanted before in Brunei for the same modus operandi … This is a money laundering scam . I need your opinion how to prosecute Mr Andy… give your opinion.

visit edgar office? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I know I use to joke here…but this is what I got from his brother in law…I also learn from one top agent that they were leaving this week…no laughing matter…Pips…

I dont think any investor wants to do that because if he goes to jail Andy will be the happy man. He doesn’t need to think about the 30,000 investore account anymore. The most they can keep him in jail is one week and release him again. There is no proof that he scam or con you cos when you open the account it is under your name which is supposed to be traded and look after by yourself. You only pay the commision when your account is traded.

Nobody forced you to open an account with Edgar…you saw the profit coming to other people…cos of your greed to make quick profit you came into the boat and open account. Ask yourself any one forced you to join? You find a lawyer and Andy get another lawyer. I dont think your lawyer can defend you cos of your greed.

if i can confirm that there are no edgar office in new zealand? Neahhh, i know from the begining this matter will occur. Its not because im a god, but many times have this experience. Hehehe. Not my first time or 2nd. Still have alot question. Why only now go to new zealand to sort out the withdrawal thing? 3 month cant do it?

But it will sayonara soon. just a matter of time…those investor thinking Edgar using Dummy screen to scaring you, please don’t log in again, until one day Mr Kinabalu annouce to you No more floating, then go to log in & check the dummy screen still there or only a white board, more surprising maybe all equity are Zero then you do not need to pay extra more to Edgar. Good luck to every one still alive in Tsunami.

Kinabalu, stop threating us like children who has no knowledge. If like what you said he took a wrong judgement of buying on friday. Since monday to tuesday, with the volatilily of the movement of Usd/Jpy - Andy could have use that oppurtunity to reverse the orders into profits - you mean after his successful 100% profits trade for the past years came to sudden NO knowlegde on how to trade after the “drunk trade”??? Sound like you are high still in ‘tapai’. Sober up yourself and think properly before you post here.

I am just like you with lots of question to ask. But I still put my trust in him. The delay with the withdrawals started because of the nasty letter send to Edgar by some investors. These people accused him with lots unreasonable things which lead to Edgar envistigating and suspending payment. I know some people are laughing here like “BESTWISHES” cos she claim not affected by this investment. Let her laugh because she likes to see people suffer. She is some kind of sadistic person who love to see pain and suffering of others. Let us make her laugh as much as possible.The " hahahahaha" thing

Please read carefully my posting…I did not issue any threat to anyone. Actually nobody accepted why he put the trade at that time 83.01, the reason was there was a small reversal and it is resting on the 200 exponential moving average which is normally very reliable for the market to go forward but that did not happen cos the Japanese was already affected by the tsunami. I cannot blame andy for that trade…but there was assurance from him. Wait for his return from overseas.

I am very reasonable I know what I am posting and answering a lot of questions here.

Honestly, I fully agreed on your post regarding if we sue Andy, its pointless… Andy can afford better lawyer. I don’t blame you for trusting him. its more to your personal believe so I wount want to touch on what you believe. but frankly speaking as a experienced trader like Andy, WHY and WHY didn’t he registered as a IB or what ever partnership that can connect him to a regulated broker? if he claim that EDGAR is as legit as other broker like FXCM, IBFX or so… he is talking about professionalism. as a professional company, by just an accusation can’t not be ruled out to stop the withdrawal process. example if I have a billion dollar deposits/investment with FXCM. and somehow I have some of their staff or even their boss. still they don’t have the power to hold my money when ever I wish it to be withdrawn. Now why I say its too long on the 3 months period, he him self gave the longger time period of 3 months… MARCH ( i know we are still in march)… WHY the longger period??? but again, its still investors fault (so sorry to say this) for not double check with the legality and regulation. so, if Andy make to easy exit by just loosing it all, again… Investor need to find a supper lawyer to face Andy.

I agree with you Pips about the payment being too long to get to our bank. The main problem was that the appointed agents were only interested in getting their commision and did not help out in solving the problem especially the queries that Edagr send to Eastern rich. A lot of informations like proper bank account, withdrawal ledger(print screen), and even IC no. not attached cos need verification. If the agents had helped in the begining this problem could have been solved long ego. I blame it the greed of these agents

Well, hope everything works out well then… hehehe. btw, base on the technical analisis, USD/JPY SHOULD face south. Even before tsunami happen, it is already long time heading south. but again, fundamental could change in seconds and head back to the 83. good luck Kinabalu.

Trust me. Andy is not coming back to Sabah anymore, may be he is hidding in Afganistan or Somalia somewhere else…he has no problem for his entire life with taking all the money aroung 20 million within these 2 years…What all the clients can do now is to contact your agent immediately and find out the truth.