Edgar International

since december I think I have warn this matter and also to push agents… at the end, its all up to them self la…

There is proof, because iTrade is demo account, never connected to the market, that is a big crime. Also, closed accounts got traded, that is also wrong. Now its 30,000 accounts (not 15,000)? Otherwise, Andy must now be poor like all investors?

i agree Kinabalu nothing to panic… i believe he went there to follow up all the withdrawals.and clear all the Problems

Superman will Return… :57:

How much can investors withdraw when superman returns?

Nothing to withdraw…all is been in -ve.

All client need to form up a commitee and collect all the evidence so that client can require national bank secutities invastigation units to take action immediately rather than just lost the money like that.

If the lawyer could not put him in jail n enforcement can’t do anything, don’t be too happy. We can take things on our own hand. It ll be worse than going to jail. After all, big amount of money is gone now.

Over the last two weeks, we have been talking 15,000 accts so many times and now suddenly jumped to 30,000 under such a big mess? Everything is exaggerated. Better tell 200,000 accounts now with Edgar.

Pls substantiate your claim here. How do you know if Edgar office not even exist in New Zealand? Otherwise this is just a wild accusation. Perhaps you have something in mind but pls do share with us? If no office what’s Andy doing in New Zealand???

Money gone? Where? We know that iTrade is demo platform, so money didn’t go into the market. Let me think, ah, some money went to Edgar International, some to Cosca International, some to Regal International, some to Legion Trade Limited, maybe Mutalib know something. Could investors money still be in those company bank accounts? Who made withdrawals from those company bank accounts?

By the way, Kinabalu said 30,000, not me, I just asked him again. Funny, Kinabalu answer everyone’s questions except mine.

Dear Bestwishes,
Too bad words someimes don’t convey right meaning. Master Asia has already proven it’s unregulated. Like unlicenced 4D. You know there can be bad outcome. Remember I said hedge fund only used up to 10 % of their equity to trade? So how can it be that I liken Edgar to regulated managed fund whereby risk exposure are managed because regulator want to protect clients and insurance companies. Read carefully Penampang 10 already have something to prove irregularities and pointed that out to me. Hope I’d clarified things a bit. Read my earlier quotes. Remember MasterAsia got reply from NZ Security Commission. There are no CFTC,NFA,FSA or ASIC equivalent there so NZ regulator is SC.

I feel so sorry for those jealous people,mmh
hahahahaha money money all about money…just wait and see

Mr. Kinabalu

Your point are correct Andy Accuse by greedy Investors
they missed something, ???

in the beginning Andy did not force the investor to join in, i do remember when i went to attend the Fx seminar conducted in Hotel MR Jerry never mention that YOU MUST JOIN US… instead investor are asking for help

o’ common guys don’t judge with personal motives

Huh? What you mean? I don’t understand. Missed what? Anyway, where is the next Fx seminar? Kuching? West Malaysia? Next time I want to join early!

The point here is not forcing people to join. Andy and gang misled people to join.

Do you really think if they had use ‘force’ to get people to join earlier and by now there will be more than 15,000 accounts? Most probably his mother, father and your family plus his dog will invest.

All of us have been fooled by Andy but bear in mind we are not stupid-fool.

But superman will not return your hard earned money to you. Now it is beyong his control except he is trying to get help from president Bank of japan or minister of finance japan…Don’t dreaming anymore…

15,000 people in Kota Kinabalu were swept away by Japanese tsunami? What a quote from you again, however you are nonsense again.

The Edgar’s matter may only consider a planned financial scam but never a truly financial disaster react from real market. 15,000 people are not swept away but they are hardly angry NOW about this planned scam, do you think they have time to convey condolences to Jerry instead of chasing their money? You are such a storyteller again.

Dear Sabahan,

You have a clear mind to analyse all informations from this thread. That is nothing about market float or general decline, Edgar has never been trading their client’s money through actual market. ITrade just a demo trading console for you to test how FX operate.

The recent Edgar collapsed was a planned action to wipre out most of the big accounts in Edgar. Just recall that most of the deducted withdrawal amount were posted back to ledger at the end of 2010. The post back ledger action was forced client reprocess and request their withdrawal again, that is means that couple months waiting is waste. However, the final purpose of post back ledger action not just delay withdrawal processing time but permanently wipe out the deposit balance on client’s account. It was proved that recent Edgar collapsed matter, Andy were successfully wiped out most of the big balance of client which almost the due date to release the withdrawal at the end of March. Now, do you think that client still have a balance to withdraw?

Back to the point, what is the point to discuss withdrawal now? Most of the client have no balance to withdraw, does clients plan to show negative balance of account to police and stated that “I used to have big balance in my account”. Now is the time to discuss about how to pursue this fraudulent trading action with legal advise, and of course report police through your legal counselor. Wish all you guy solve this matter finally.

Dear Snipper,

Please do not say any congratulation to others who never deposit their money in Edgar. I think the people who didn’t deposit their money to Edgar may not decided by wise choice or they are out of the area of Edgar’s business activity. If everyone lived in Sabah, I am sure everyone will throw money in Edgar, of course include myself.

However, if you are a client of Edgar. Don’t just stop here and say good bye yet now, the whole process chasing your money through legal advise is the most important lesson that you are going to learn from Edgar matter. There is nothing for you to learn to deal with Edgar, but that is so much pleasures for you to get right forces and sources to have your money back. In future, you even have better knowledge to handle your investment with legitimate investment company. Good luck.

Hi Kinabalu,

I was just noticed that you’re mentioned my name with CAPITAL letter. Thanks for you to put so much labels on me, sadist, pain, suffering, and etc. However, I really just enjoy the quotes from you always mentioned God, animal, get drunk, and now what? ANDY ALREADY ARRIVED NEW ZEALAND. I really enjoy what you’re posted so far, and you truly made me laugh. But, by when you start to label me not the investors of Edgar? I thought you were closed my 3 Edgar accounts before Andy crashed everyone’s account? Then, should I say you are so nice to me and even save me from Andy’s disaster, and I still have a big positive balance and no even 1 cent on float? Come on, accusing me never help you to swift the actual picture of Edgar. Still expect your Superman back to Sabah to save you? I thought you are mentioned before you are one of trader who trade client account? Then, go save client now. Don’t just make up story, Edgar even don’t have an office in New Zealand, however Edgar have a CPA who helped Edgar registered business license in New Zealand. What is the point of Andy travel to NZ? Oh, I see, ask CPA (accountant) to count his big profit from Edgar by cheating client’s hard earn money. Do you have something new next?

Oh, forget to say congratulation to you. You are now a junior member of Babypip in less than 3 weeks. You are really broke the record in Babypip, and that is under my expectation. How is it? Nice huh? Do you plan to make yourself to be Senior Member in less than three weeks before April 8th? I think you can make it by throwing all those topics of God and animal. Cheers.:slight_smile:

I hope Andy didn’t get lost in New Zealand, after all he doesn’t speak English! When is Andy coming back to KK from NZ? Because I think many people want to welcome him home with big party waiting at KK airport, what do you say?

Kinabalu, I tell you secret, did you know there are many greedy investors who never heard of Edgar in other parts of Malaysia? Quick, set up new Eastern Rich office somewhere else, then tell me, I’ll help you get more brand new clueless greedy investors, what do you think??