Editing limit?

This is the direction we’re leaning towards. We’re testing another version of the fix to accomplish this, giving individuals and groups of users different editing limits. Also, in it’s current form, editing limits are a global setting that affect all or nobody. That’s an out of the box feature that requires us to do some custom programming to tailor it to our needs. That’s why more changes haven’t been made. Our forum platform doesn’t allow for such changes.

If the custom programming takes longer than this week to release, we’ll remove the editing limits until we do release the updated fix.

The editing limit was also changed to 10 days, away from the initial change to 24 hours, which is still being mentioned. Thanks for all of the feedback. It’s been very helpful.


Thank you for listening to your members and working towards providing a greater experience each time they return to this website.


I would love to be able to edit the first post of my thread again… :frowning: Just to add a link to my trade log.

Although I realize that I am rather late to this, I would add that I am also in favour of OPs being able to edit their own threads for the duration - although in my case it is generally vanity (I keep spotting typos when rereading old posts for reference and like to correct them when I find them!) there is also, as Clint highlighted, the valid concern that should one of us post something which turns out, either through error or more facts emerging, to be factually inaccurate, or to be a belief that we no longer hold, it is good to be able to edit in an amendment, rather than having our name to something with which we no longer agree for ever more. But you seem to be on top of it and, as ever, very open to hearing our feedback, so please don’t interpret this as a moan!


Hello all,

All the changes we’re making to the edit time limit are now in place. OP’s (original poster) have indefinite editing permission on the first post of their thread, all users have 10 days to edit any of their posts, and FX-Men Honorary Members have indefinite editing permission on all of their posts.

We will continue to monitor the 10 day limit. If members are actively making changes to their posts for SPAM purposes deep into the 10 days, there’s still a chance that we will decrease the 10 day limit.

Also, indefinite editing permission can be requested by any non FX-Men Honorary Members on a case by case basis. Please PM me or send us an email to make a request (Contact us[B] here[/B]). We’ll review your account and make a determination.

Thanks for everybody’s feedback on this one.


Pipstradamus, thanks for devising a fair and sensible policy on post editing.

I’m quite satisfied with the compromise you have achieved, and I hope that others are, as well.


p.s. — I still want one of those crystal balls.