EMA 25-50 Trading System (Detailed)


are you sure about the signal long eur/usd you give at 11.00?

it seems like that’s the turning point


If i was “sure” i would be richer than Bill Gates, my friend, that word is inexistent in trading, it is an illusion.

E. Lang

ok i’m a noob

Looks like Mr. Elang was right [U]again[/U] regarding EUR/USD.
I am allready up to 21+ pips so far :slight_smile:

Hello everybody,

    I just wanted to say Mr. effilang that you open a lot of positions at the same time, and the poor newbies follow your signals without knowing what money management is ! And as you maybe know it's the most important thing to becareful of in trading, your system is good but I see that you ignore the importance of money management !


Did you read the first page?? Look at slide nr. 5 please :slight_smile:

Thank you for remembring me this, but I think that this is insufficient because it’s not money management, it’s just the trade management, (how to ajust stop losses and take profits), but the money management is another thing:)

My friend you wouldn’t know a good trader if you saw one…afterall you believe in Indicators to tell you what to do next…

Maybe one day when you learn to read charts and study the markets then you will make money trading forex…but for now you will just be a begger picking up the crumbs falling off the table…relying on mr.Effilang to guess the market for you…

ps…if you read my posts you would have noticed that i gave two sound trades…based on years of experience…whereas mr.Effilang gives you a long ans short trade on the same currency without telling you which one is a trending trade and which one is a correction…Do yourself a favor and next time ask him why he proposes the signal he gives. That why you can establish wheter or not he knows the logic and fundamentals behind a signal…But to tell you to enter a trade just bacause a candlestick opened or closed above or under a 50ema is guessing…Do you really think the market cares wheter you have a 50ema or not???

On friday there was a perfect example of this…after the NFP everyone expected the dollar to gain some strength…and start the corrrection afterall all indicators said the eur/usd was overbought…however a big German bank decided that once the dollar fell 50-100 pips it was a good buying oppertunity…and who would not buy cheap dollars right now…( i was also looking for an oppertunity to buy cheap dollars and i got it…so my friday trade is up 200 pips…or $20 000…and i am riding it to 1.4500)…and that is why the eur/usd shot up to opening levels and kept on going ever since…no matter how many indicators you use…the eur/usd is gonna reach 1.4500 level and gbp/usd is gonna reach 2.0600 levels before the end of the year…and that is based on what the market is telling me…it will be suicide to short the gbp and eur right now…and if you cannot see that then you shouldnt be in forex…

But like you say i am not the sharpest tool in the drawer…and i am small and vindictive…and what do i know…

[QUOTE=elang;25631]I like your Avatar Vatslav lol.

Guessing, Chukie, is what we do in forex. Nobody knows what pair is going where, even people trading money flow can’t always be certain.

As someone who claims to use technical concepts during their trading application you should know that all we do is make intelligent assumptions based on chart feedback information. We gather data to support a “guess” we have in a direction we’ve established as a probability.

Thank you mr.Effilang I rest my case…BUT hy would someone follow your advice if you guess the markets??? Are some “traders” so desperate???

Lemme test you knowledge of forex. This why you can prove to your students how experienced and accomplished you really are…

What is you medium to long term forecast for eur/usd, gbp/usd, usd/chf and why?

And what is the driving force behind usd/cad???

Why would you not trade Jpy right now??

Chucknorris, you are, simply put, stupid. Effi gave dozens of signals in the past month before the market moved, people followed it, and he made 3000 pips. His strategy’s work, and your a leech. get used to it.

Even if you are making lots and lots of cash, you arent a good trader. you may like to remember some basics of trading : different strategies work better for different people! TA is NOT bull****! Your forgetting the basics man, dont think that just because your making money and made 2 SIGNALS where you were right and effi was wrong that your better then him in any way.

I think you two are the ultimate manifest of the TA vrs. Fundamentals battle. Both are successful, but for some reason cant see the other side of the equation. your both trading the same thing, TA is just another way of watching what the market is doing and what it will do!

Anyway, thats my say.

PS: if you
dont like him so much why do you post here?

Lol. No doubt. I asked that question too and mentioned he could just go start a whole different “whining” thread where he could get people together that really like to bash on Effi. It seems like it would be more fun for him to be around like minded folks. Ah well, he is sort of good for entertainment purposes I guess.


Hey Chucknorris,

I wonder what u are play at :rolleyes:

I guess we all remember this qoute “If Thou be the Son of God cast Thyself down”.
It is obvious that you just chose to be the bad egg.

Effi, pls disregard whatever this joker says, no matter what U say or do to critics, they never change. U don’t have to prove anything to him , if he does’nt like what u re doing, he can shift his grave elsewhere.

Just keep up the good work.


I’m not taking anyones side here, but Norris was right. Maybe it would be better for him to open his own fred. After what he posted recently I would defo read it.

SNIP>Matthew 4: 7 - Cast thyself down<SNIP Jeez not another one sticking biblical quotes on forex sites. Theres enough of it them over at forexfactory. Keep ALL religion off BB’s. :stuck_out_tongue:


Bet that gets me a flame…OUCH. ROFLMFAO

Well folks i am done here…it was fun but this is getting boring now. Good luck getting signals from a guy who only opened his live account on 08/09/2007…FileDen – Free File Hosting & Online Storage

I guess making millions of pips = $1500 in two months is good money for a 20 year old Bulgarian boy.

Read this link
EMA 25-50 Trading System (Detailed) - Page 40


Thanx a lot LLH and PipBull. I appreciate the time you took to write that.

It just seemed like i could learn so much from them, or maybe it was just another psycological couchon i was relying on as an excuse not to take things fully into my own hands… i don’t know. It’s a pip - pip world out here, it’s not easy.

I work two jobs and trade the fx at the same time plus study… I admit i do get a little confused myself sometimes.

I guess i should just be a little more patient and perhaps, put more trust in my methods, they seem to work once in a while :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess its back to work then

Thanx, guys.

E. Lang

PS: I drank that beer and did go to bed!"

howdy y’all

gomerpip hear

i be athinkin that is a demo account.

me thinks he dos not have a live account

he be havin many demo accounts

You quoted me on the exact same quote you posted on ForexFactory, even though a handful of pro traders and globaly renowned mentors handed your ass to you after you did ? lol

Ok, and now we’re getting racist too, you sure are something :slight_smile:

Either way. Nice having you round my Chukie boy.
Feel free to pop in to Forex Factory and say hi now and then, will greatly miss your umn…: “refreshing” presense.

E. Lang


uh yeah
i just read that thread. Even though chuck norris is very rude. In that thread it looks like he was right and even the moderators agreed with him because they banned you so i dont know why you said handful of pro traders and globaly renowned mentors handed your ass to you.

If anything its the other way around because you got banned.

Doesn’t look like you read anything at all so stop talking trash little man. The ban has already expired.

E. Lang

it does

here is one of your quotes

No problem, this will be my last post untill the 11th of October… unless i get a second chance

See you in 2 weeks everyone.

E. Lang

"One Grows Tall After Walking Through A Forest Of Tall Trees

You even put a beggers symbol on it

because you were begging for forgiveness

Get a life. :wink: