Ema Step System

Heres another one for you, just got out for 150 pips.

What i do when i wanna post a chart is take a screenshot of my trade (Ctrl and PrintScreen ((Above Number lock)) simultaneously)

Then i open the Paint application, standard windows application, then go to edit,then click paste.

Save it as a JPEG, then attach the document onto your post by clicking the paperclip icon at the top of the comments box when you type a post.

Hope this works for ya :slight_smile:

643 PIPS in last 24 Hours.

Pictures speak 1000 words.

The system worksā€¦just stick to the rules.


That is a good haul for 24 hours, congrats.

I wasnā€™t gonna trade anymore tonightā€¦until i saw this setupā€¦then i couldnā€™t resist! LOL

Had to be done!

Soz peeps, i left my entries and exits on.

I know that makes it confusing for some of ya, next time i will leave it clear so ya can see it a bit better.

Soz again.

Trade clever, Trade wiseā€¦trade Unemotionally.


Well done!:smiley:
Thanks for the info on how to post pics. I will try and attach one on my next post.

Four possible trades with this system so far today - well done if you got in any of these.

Three winners.

One loser.

Total pips 549

Total loss -40

Total 509pips

Maurizio77, Iļæ½ve got to ask, because well, because I donļæ½t know.
In your last post with a screenshot ļæ½ post 384 ļæ½ I believe you went short at 94.20 -
A few bars ļæ½ 10 or 11 before that ļæ½ was this an entry point for a long ļæ½ according to your system.
Please explain why or why not and/or if it was a maybe?
Thank you And Thank you for initiating this thread and keeping with it over time - that in itself shows a bunch.

The Long trade would not have been taken by this system as the stochastics were not in oversold territory at the timeā€¦the stochs must be above/below the overbought /oversold lines before you enter.

As much as this trade would have worked had you entered it, i would not have entered because it simply did not match the requirements of the system.

Wait for the all three signals before you enter, it just cuts down on the fake-outs.

Hope this answers your question.

Thanks for the kind words :slight_smile:

Hi Maurizo,
Thanks for the systemā€¦I have sort of merged your EMA cross overs, stochs and CCI with my existing Fibs & Candlestick analysis and it has given me more confidence to stay in trades. More than anything stochs and CCI have let me strech my entries and I have made 100pips,110 and 60pips in the last 3 trades i did which otherwise I would have happily exited with 30-35pips.


Where is the post explaing the setup and use of the B.B.s? I see references to it through out this thread but canā€™t find the original post suggesting how to use it. Thanks all, d.

I hope someone can confirm or set me straight, but I believe the B.B.'s referenced in the thread somewhere - were added, just to sort of gauge an exit point and or to show a possible support or resistance level.

I know what you mean about searching the thread and not finding it - if I remember, it was only mentioned 1 time as to what they were used for -so I am going off memory.

I donā€™t believe I saw a post on the set-up of them

Maurizio explains the use of the B.B. CCI and Stoc with entry and exits on posts 170-174. This works great, but just kills if you read his ā€œHoly Grailā€ Timesharing:eek:
Do some home work and find it, I just gave you the first part;)

Thanks Perch & Eagle, I appreciate the help. d.

Iā€™ve been set straight -thanks. I do remember reading those posts too dam, better do it again.

Now onto the ā€˜treasure huntā€™ if thats a fair term - you stated
". . . This works great, but just kills if you read his ā€œHoly Grailā€ Timesharing:eek:"

Hmm - seems I should be searching for the word ā€œTimesharingā€ ?
Also - ā€œThisā€ refers to B.B.'s? they work great, but they also restrict your pip count? just guessing at this point .

Iā€™m not trying to take away from the thread, so if it goes off course, Iā€™ll quit.

Is there a way to print this thread - like click on print and itā€™ll do the whole thing, instead of 1 page full ā€“ with cut off wording? Kindof a rhetorical question, but if there is a quick answer, Iā€™d take it.

also: dobro - sending a p.m.

Hi guys,

I will be condesing this thread into one or two large threads to basically outline the workings of the EMA Step this weekend. It seems have become a bit convoluted.

Will include explanations on everything this thread has covered until now with as many screenshots as the posting rules will allow.

I will be covering Targets, using lots, the reason for each indicator, guaging exits, using timeshares, stop lossā€¦ the whole caboodle.

The reason is that i think there needs to be a post somewhere on this thread that outlines all of this, to stop people from being put off by the 400 or so posts they have to read to get to the juicy bits.


Would people prefer me to do an Ebook for this system, explaining everything?

How i do it, what i look for etcā€¦?

That way you would just need to open a file?

I spent a lot of time last night looking for Timeshare - go to p. 2, #46(?). It may well be that having to look is part of the homework but it is so far forward that a post search took some time & a couple of false starts. Good trading to you, d.

Timeshares are on page 24, post 233 i think.