Ema Step System

Hi Maurizio,

This is my first post here on BP.
Thank you so much for sharing your system.
I have read through the whole thread.

As this thread now contains a large number of posts, and since your system has been improved since you first started this thread, it would be very useful if you could prepare an EMA System Trade Update. (the whole caboodle as you mentioned).

I am very grateful to you for sharing your system and to everybody else that have contributed to make the system even better, of for explaining issues.


Canā€™t wait for the ebook to come out

I think an ebook or pdf document would be great, get everything in an organized way which would help newbies to the thread and if it has a table of contents then I could direct someone to the Timeshare thread accurately!! Thanks M and all for the great input that this thread has, d.

Thanks for all of the hard work!

Iā€™ve read this entire thread twice over the past 3 days, making notes and generating charts to ā€œeyeballā€ the set ups and indicators.

Lots of great contributions in this thread and an Ebook is a fantastic idea to consolidate them.

Brand new to BabyPips and Forex, but looking forward to slowly changing that as I demo the EMA STEP for a few months into 2009 and finally pull the trigger live.

Thanks again!

Hey guys, just to keep you informed, the Ebook is coming, but itā€™s taking ages! I never realised how much information i actually have in my head!

Bear with me, youā€™ll have it soon.

Maurizio77 :slight_smile:

Hey M. -
Take your time, we can always find a step trade on some pair. I know I really appreciate your efforts. d.

I donā€™t pretend to be the poster boy for this strategy but after 10 various trades this morning I was up a whole +3. I took a nap and tried again in the 3-4pm NY session and got +11 so for the day I am +14 and worn out. Have to hone my skills for better setups that yield more pips and I see where I did miss a couple of good ones on the 1H TF so I know they are there. Happy trading all, d.

An Ebook would be interesting, yesterday I pulled in 26 pips on various pairs using the ema crosses, although it felt like pulling teeth (total 52 for the day in combination with other methods), some days it comes easy other days hard. I use this method in conjunction with Fibs and counting the waves, I found that using waves allows me to make sounder decisions. Iā€™ve tweaked this to fit my personality and it works great. I trade GPB/USD, EUR/USD, AUD/USD, USD/JPY

Guys, glad to hear you have had some success, but i just want to ask, since yesterday was a trending day for so many pairsā€¦you wernā€™t entering AGAINST the trend were you?
Iā€™m not preaching, but ya know thatā€™s the cardinal sin in Trading!

Somewhere in this thread, again it will be in the EBook (Which is coming along nicely by the way) i say that when price is trending and there are no clear entries in the direction of the movement, that you go down timeframes until you can find a suitable entry point.

This is the same as timesharing - only youā€™re doing it with a trend instead of a range.

The EMA STEP can be used in ANY market conditions, you just need to alter the timeframes - thatā€™s all.

Here we have the same price action on three different timeframes.

The first pic is 30Min - Clearly showing a downtrend - but no entries.

The second pic is 15min - 1 Entry

The third pic is 5 Min - Count how many entries we haveā€¦

All we did was use the system on a lower timeframe to get in on the downtrend.

I normally trade the 5min/15min time frames, first looking at hourly and daily charts. However, that is not to say I donā€™t trade on the counter trend, but try to stay with the main trend, today Iā€™m up once again, however lost 10 pips when I entered a buy and meanā€™t to sell, dam it crossed and moved in the right direction for 9 pips right off the bat, I couldnā€™t figure out why I was suddenly down, oops! Big goof up :D, I immediately closed that trade.

LOLā€¦Weā€™ve ALL done that!!
At least you were sensible enough to get out!!

I dropped a clanger myself today. (Iā€™m by no means perfect either!!)

I went to play squash at lunchā€¦and didnā€™t put in my targets!

I came back and impulsively took whatever was leftā€¦gutted!

Must be one of those mornings! LOL Still at least i was still in profit!

PS. Ignore the trade in Blue on the USD/JPY, thatā€™s another method i am working on.

Back to the studying board for me! just on demo yet, but started with 5 k account and had it to 7k - (Now, I am not sticking to the method, still just trying to understand the platform so itā€™s ā€œlike driving a carā€ ) but I thought I had several valid entries with this system, only to have lost on all but 1 occassion - I did neglect to notice any trend, until later. ( oh and maybe only 1 was a REAL valid entry.) just when you think you know something- youā€™re proven wrong. :slight_smile:
Nice to hear the ebook is coming along nicely, I for one will NEED it. Thanks again for this thread - I am hoping once I get the hang of it, it will feel more natural. (I wanted to say itā€™ll be easy, but I know that isnā€™t the case)

On a side note, I did just open a FXCM micro account - they gave me $25 free. anyone else done this before? Iā€™m planning on using this for my ā€˜real demoā€™ sort of a step up from demo, using real money, just not mine. although I donā€™t expect much, itā€™s only $25 and I think you have to go with a minimum of .10 a pip ??

Keep learninā€™

So after spending the past week pouring over the thread, I was anxiously awaiting the opportunity to get into the market today.

I was so proud of my self for resisting the temptation to try and force something yesterday, being Monday.

And what did I do today? After looking at time frame after time frame, on pair after pair, my eyes still werenā€™t seeing the set up that I needed to make the plunge.

So like a dumb *ss, I did it anyway, trying to shove myself into cross candles and zones too small to allow for any real movement.

Down about $40 on my $3000 demo account.

Have to keep reminding myself, no matter how much I like or think I understand this system, I canā€™t make it fit into trades that I shouldnā€™t be taking in the first place.

See you guys on the +pip side soon.

ps: where was i @ 10:15? LOL :eek:

Hello everyone this is my first post in this topic. Iā€™ve been reading for a while now and today i did my first test on my live account. I am trading for several years now but iā€™m just having succes since last september.
To trade i just used the emaā€™s nothing else except support and resistance!
I only used it on 15m tmf and i can tell you that it works but you all know that allready!
Here are my results

The last several months iā€™ve trading only with support and resistance. My goal is to grab just 5 pips every hour. Iā€™m willing to use this way of trading for bigger runs on the daily.

I for one am intensely looking forward to the ebook. I have been browsing this forum (under a different non pippy name) for months and especially this thread trying to figure out if I wanted to commit myself to learn the ā€œlanguageā€ of FX trading. This thread has been helpful to me as I have been weighing my decision to invest my time in this and will be one of the first systems I attempt to learn after I carefully work myself through the preliminaries (pip school) again.

So any way thanks for sharing this system and I really look forward to the ebook which can help make sense out of this loooooooooong thread.

Hi all -

I grabbed +16 pips this morning. I am basically doing a scalp off the 30M TF, grabbing 5-6-7-8 pips at a time on Oanda. I note the trend on the 3H & 1H, then watch the 30M for the trade IN THE DIRECTION OF THE TREND ONLY and basically using the cross only. If one thinks in terms of strategy rather than ā€œsystemā€ then altering the strategy to fit oneā€™s personal style is easy. And yes I have missed or not stayed in some longer trades but if I cash out +10 pips then they are mine and not the marketā€™s. Just the way I trade and maybe not for everyone.

Good trading to you all, d.

I really agree with your statement, Iā€™ve become a more successful trader viewing what Iā€™ve learned as an overall strategy rather then relaying on one or a system to bring me profits, using the overall gist of the ema crosses and other information to view the big picture really has helped me. Hell thatā€™s after 18 months of trading the eminis, blowing up 1 major account and two minor accounts in FOREX, now seeing light at the end of the tunnel because I approach the market with a strategy/plan each day. Although Kudos to the EMA crosses, now to beat the greed monster :smiley:

Does that mean i donā€™t have to worry about finishing this Bloody EBook!


Your right. There is no need to WORRY, and there is definitely no need for blood, but there IS A NEED to finish it. Case in pointā€¦me! :slight_smile:

Hang in there Maurizio; maybe with the Ebook I will trade this strategy the way it is suppose to be traded. And take this coming weekend off and enjoy. d.