Ema Step System

and one more - where I did what I do - pre-empt -

23:55 Sell same E/U at 1.3213 and of course the (ema) lines matcheup (were on top of each other, but did NOT cross) so this doesn’t count, will I ever learn?

Hi maurizio77,

Just hope that you will publish the ebook here so that everyone will get a chance to read and learn about your findings. :slight_smile:

That was a correct entry, it just went against you my friend.
It happens i’m afraid.
Though with your Stoploss, you should have lost no more than about 12 pips.

If you look at the next valid entry on that T/F on that Pair, at 12.50 the movement came out and went up as we thought it would. You’d have entered at 131.76, stop at 131.49 with a target of 132.28 (1/2hr timeshare middle B/band) although price in fact went up to 132.45 before retracing.

You’re on the right path Pirch, keep going, you’re definately getting there!!!

Dude, that (as you rightly said) wasn’t a cross.
Patience man, make the market do the work for you, don’t be a slave to the market!

If all three triggers don’t appear, don’t enter, think of it as a reprive - a close call where you could have got hammered but didn’t coz ya didn’t enter.
Even if it does swing in the direction you wanted it to, it isn’t a “Missed opportunity” …it is simply safe trading.

When that happens to me (i exit and it keeps going in the direction i was trading - or i don’t enter coz the setup isn’t right and the price goes where i thought it was going to go anyway) i simply think “That’s Interesting”.
That’s it, i don’t torture myself about it, i am out of the Trade, my capital is safe… move onto next set up.

I have had upto 3/4 losers in a row before now, or 3 out of 5 bad days in one week, it doesn’t put me off because i am playing the long game, eventually i begin to catch the rides again…it’s just like your normal work, some days are good, some days are ****, and some days ya think you’d have been better off not even getting out of bed! LOL

Trading is no different, the only thing that makes it different is if you take the results personally.

The way i look at bad trades is like getting the train to/from work, it SHOULD be there at 5;45, it SAYS it will be there at 5;45, it NORMALLY turns up at 5;45 but today it turned up at 6;15…
Is there anything you can do about it?..No.
Does the fact it has turned up late mean you are a bad passenger…No.
Does it mean that you can’t read a timetable? No.
Does it mean you should have got the earlier train? No, had it turned up ontime you’d have arrived on time.

It was just late.

In trading sometimes you follow all the signals, you get eveything set up for an entry…and it all goes pear-shaped (That means bad if ya not from UK)
Doesn’t mean ya got it wrong, just meant the market didn’t wanna play fair that time.

What makes a sucessful trader, in my opinion, is the ability to protect your capital and take any losses on the chin. The system is only about 1/3rd of your trading makeup, the rest of it is in your head.

Get your head right, and you are already 2/3rds of the way there.

OK Ebook is done, it is essentially the same as i sent out in the first draft save for a few very minor changes.

Unfortunately it won’t allow me to upload it here, even when zipped and even thoguth the zipped file limit is 20MBs and this is only 2.5. (if any moderators can help me on this i would be grateful)

So chuck ya email in the thread and i will sent it to ya.

A couple of points to this post.
First one - thanks maurizio - the ebook is nicely done and pretty darn self explanatory.
Second - I verified both yesterday a.m. and this a.m. - if you don’t wait for the X “cross” to happen, you’re inviting a loss - (ie just a reiteration of earlier post - do not force a trade) as stated in the manual - enter an order on the candle AFTER the crossing candle - not during, not before, wait for completetion of the cross candle.

Just for accuracy sake folks - I haven’t had success with this method yet -BECAUSE - I don’t have the time - I am only watching AT MOST a couple hours in the a.m. and this is CST. (I’m actually trying to create an ea - to mimick this, but no success here either, while trying to implement my own method, while having a full time job and a family and etc. . ) Soon enough, golf season starts - geez -

But really thanks - from a newbie.


My email is <[email protected]>

I have been waiting like a kid on Christmas morning. You are the MAN!

Hi Maurizio77,

Please drop an email to <[email protected]>

Thanks in advance and I am looking forward to do some reading…:slight_smile:

Will keep you posted on how it goes

Thanks in advance!

theuberpip @ gmail.com


Hey M,

Chuck one this way,

<[email protected]>


****[email protected]

Please, please a copy, please…


Dude ya already have what i am sending out. I have changed it slightly but it is essentially the same as ya recieved.

Believe it or not, i wrote out 8 pages on trendlines, tried to save it, and my pooter died…i was ****ing furious!!!

I now have a strop-on so just sent it out with just the minor changes.

If ya need anything just email me.

Am gonna try and setup a Skype room again, so ya can all trade with me, the problem is, the last time i did that i got into alot of trouble at work…apparently the bosses don’t take kindly to Trading Currencies when ya meant to be a Pharmaceutical Engineer…so no promises on that one, but you have my word i will do it if i can! (It is in my interest to prove that the system works so ppl dun think i am full of ****, and i am quite prepared to do it live…IF i can get away with it at work)

Anyway, email me if need anything.


Hi maurizio,

Pls send to <[email protected]> Thanks in advance.

I received the email you sent to me and a few others, however there was no attachment.

I know you’re probably stressed out completely amongst work, trading, babypips and e-book requests.

No worries or hurries, just wanted to let you know.

Thanks again for all of your hard work! Much appreciated.

theuberpip @ gmail.com

Hey M,

I didn’t get the attachment either.

<[email protected]>

Could you please send me a copy as well? Thanks.

<[email protected]>

Same here. Maybe we should save maurizio some stress: Could someone -who received the attachment- just upload it to RAPIDSHARE or equal service and publish the link here?




I’ve just catched how your system works, tryed on virtual money and I see it works. Could you send me your e-book to explain some questions I have.

sorry for my english

<[email protected]>

Hi guys and gals, have resent the Ebook, sorry about the first email, not sure what happened as it SAID it had attached.

Feel free to ask me any questions ya have about the Ebook or the system itself. I am here to help, thats what this thread, and the site itself is all about.

I would ask you all to read the EBook a couple of times, ask questions, get it right in your head before you begin trading it, certainly on Live, but also on Demo…the last thing i want you to do is rush in…and lose.

Good luck to you all.