Ema Step System

Unfortunately nothing has arrived in my box yet.



Hi Maurizio

Please send me a copy.
<[email protected]>

Thanks in advance

You know I really think this system works, week before last using the parameters I made bank, then I reverted back to my old self and lost the bank. Last week I regrouped started studying the ichkumo sp trading method, which in turn got me thinking more in the direction of the trends and confirming things for me. Most importantly using stops and not predicating the market, using the indicators and the gist of this systems startegies put me back on track. On that note, to me the cross is subjective as I use a 2ema, tradestation won’t allow a 1.

Yes Iono, it does work.

That’s the whole reason i put it on here. :slight_smile:

It makes me sick the amount of people who charge your hard-earned money to share a system that doesn’t work, or offer ‘mentoring’ which looks good at the start, but when you go it alone it all goes wrong…
Then, after you have lost your money and enter a complaint with the “Guru” you find out that they don’t know how to trade themselves and have just been taking money off of unsuspecting people just to finance their dreams of being a “Trader in the city” :mad:

I would never imply that trading is easy…in fact since i have had success in this system, my friends have been asking how i got the new car, where have all my nice holidays come from…am i doing anything illegal!!!..(That was my Mum)…LOL…Then, when i explain, they ask me to teach them how to trade.

I refuse.

  1. Because [B]IT ISN’T AS EASY AS IT SOUNDS[/B].
    I could direct them to this site, this thread, and say “Just do what that says on there”, you know and i know that ya need to know more, how to input Bollinger Bands, how to place a trade, what margin is, what lots are, how each currency pair moves.

  2. Because i had to learn…and lose money in the process, so why should they get an easy ride at my expense?

It frustrates me when noobies try this system for a week or so and then announce that it doesn’t work.
What are ya gonna know about ANY system after just trying it for a week or so?
Trading isn’t a Multi-Level Marketing Scam that promises you to be a Millionaire in a year…anyone who says so is a fool…anyone who BELIEVES that is even more foolish!

You think these Baceball players hit HomeRuns from the day they were born? No Way! They had a bit of Talent that was nurtured, then they practised, and practised, and practised…

What would A-rod have been if he had given up after a week of having no Homers?
OK he might have got into Madonnas knickers a little earlier, but he’d have been crap at BaseBall!

The point is that Trading is a learning experience that has to be done yourself for you to be a success, learn ya craft, be patient…and stick with it!!!

You’re NOT gonna be a millionaire in a month…so what’s your “Plan B” ???

Yup good deal on the system and Amen on teaching others to trade, everyone thinks it is easy, but have no clue. I’m becoming more private about my trading as there are to many naysayers or people who are interested in what you are doing, want to learn, then want to give advise about something they know nothing about. I run in to this attitude where I work as we are all together 24/7 so I talk about trading, and everyone says I want to learn, but no one will take the time to study, but all say I just want to make a little extra cash every day, but none can except the fact that to make a little, you got to lose a little :smiley:

As I stated earlier, last week I used the ema step system and did fine, but added something really important to my trading regime last week that really helped me.

I STOPPED READING and LISTENING to all the F’n experts :cool:

Hi maurizio77

Can you please send a copy to <[email protected]>?

Thanks a lot.


maurizio, it has arrived, it`s terrific, stunning, fantastic and of real professional quality.

Clearly separating types of trader and types of markets is enlightning, your “Timeframe Flowchart” should be patented!

Thank you Sir – and all the best

Respectfully yours


Hi Maurizio,

About a year ago, I bgean to study forex trading. I came across babypips and went through the school a couple of times. Then I started reading the forum and came across your EMA step system post. I read the entire post from beginning to end and started referencing it when trading with my practice account. I found it to be a great learning tool. I finally reached a point where I spent several days copying, pasting and editing the entire post into a word document because I was spending so much time online searching through posts for a specific chart or text. With that being said, I would love to recieve a copy of your E book and I could email my document to you if you’re interested.

<[email protected]>



Hi Maurizio,

I am new to the forex spot market and would be interested in studying your method, if still available, please send a copy of your ebook to:
<elliottwaver at hotmail dot com>


Thanks for sharing. I do appreciate your help. Please send ebook to:

<[email protected]>

Thanks maurizio

Could I please get a copy of your ebook also? <[email protected]>


Hai Maurizio…

i would like to learn your method too… do u mind sending a copy to my email? send it to: rafie_183==at==yahoo.com


Why was my post deleted??..


In your first post you mentioned, that you trade besides EMA-Step-System the 45-100 pips Method. IS that still so - do you use any other additional system?




Thanks for the e-book; enjoying it greatly!

Quick question.

3 Feb - 01:05Am EST
GBP/JPY - Conservative Trader

I went long at point A, as the EMAs had crossed and both Stochs and CCI were climbing out of oversold.

I was planning on selling 1/2 my position at the central BB, point B, but I noticed that this would have resulted in a loss, even though I was technically hitting Target 1.

Instead, I decided to let the Stop Loss do its job, managing the pre-determined maximum risk, and I was eventually stopped out for a 2% loss: point C

Should I have sold 1/2 my position as it touched point B/Target 1, although it was a loss, and then let the second 1/2 continue to either the T2 or the stop loss?

Or should I have bailed immediately when the EMAs recrossed to the short side, deciding it was already a wrong move?

(By the way, I got stopped out prematurely because I set the SL incorrectly. I had it placed at 3/4 the cross candle, instead of the recent swing low.)

What does everyone think? Should I have been in that long trade to begin with?

Can someone please upload the ebook to rapidshare or megaupload

Hi UberPip

I think it was a textbook entry but unfortunately caused a loss. :slight_smile:

I also have a question for Maurizio: where should we put the stoploss? crossbar’s high/low or previous swing high/low?


Hi Uber,

Thanks mate, alot of work went into doing it.

No you were spot-on with your entry, you were just stopped out.

However, there are still positives to be taken from this, and especially your screen shot.

  1. You got the entry spot on - Well done!

2)You got the Timeframe right for the market conditions, i can tell that simply by the price movement in the screenshot. Another well done.

  1. In your own screenshot that you posted, you could have had winners at 20.35, 21.15 & 23.00. You happened to enter the only entry i think on that screenshot that didn’t work (Sods law when you’re learning), but the other three would have.
    This is certainly no disrespect to you, it may just mean that this was the only entry you were available infront of the charts for…but like i said, even on your own screenshot you had three decent entries.

The hardest thing i think about this system, is getting the timeframe you’re trading on right-although this system can work in any market conditions, if you don’t use the correct timeframe for those conditions ya may as well not bother. You seemed to get this spot-on.

So keep ya chin up man, you’re getting there :slight_smile:

Hi Simon,

I place my Stops at the most recent high or low depending on sell or buy.

This is a screen shot of some recent trade activity, the thick red line is where ya stop should be.
What you’re trying to do with your Stop is put it at a point that
A) Isn’t too close
B) That you think price will have a tough job hitting again…whilst not allowing it enough rope to hang your account.

I know i keep harping on about timeframes (This is NOT to be confused with Timeshares)

Like i said on Ubers post, this System really CAN work in any market conditions, but to get the best from it, you need to get the timeframe you are trading on right.

For instance, right now as we i type this, G/J is Flat on the hourly…nothing much happening at all.

What does that mean for this system?..Nothings happening, no entries…let’s go down the pub???

Noooooo, don’t give up so easily!

We flick down the charts to lower & lower timeframes, until we find the timeframe which suits out system the best.

Note i say the Timeframe to suit our system, not our system to suit the timeframe…!
I will not ever bend the rules of this system to suit what price is doing, i will simply find price action that suits my system. That way my rules are never broken.

Some pics…and this is happening as we speak ppl!