Ema Step System

No idea my friend, i didn’t delete it…wouldn’t even know how to. Everybody’s contribution on this thread is welcomed by me.

Send your email to me in a private messgae ans i will send it out to you.

Like i said, it’s happening as we speak.
Can’t say i didn’t warn ya :slight_smile:
40Pip Loss.
140Pip Gain.

Can you send me a copy of the book? <[email protected]> Thanks.

Mauriz1077- can you send me a copy of your ebook at <[email protected]>.


M may I have a copy of your e - book. Been trying to understand what the strategy is. been doing some back testing. Those EMA’s are tight. Maybe I am not understanding the instructions. they say you lose a million brain cells with a glass of whisky - Got to stop drinking so much JD.

E mail address is <[email protected]>,

I like the way the site refers to me as a newbie - poohie, i 've been trading for more years I care to remember ( 4 in all ) - from wide eyed eagerness to …oh man this is hard work. i have to think all the time, adapt, take evasive action. Its not fun, but it is addictive - that s for sure.

How do you do three different lots with oanda? Do you just put in three different buy/sells at the same time?, because I know it won’t let you close only a 1/3 of the order, only the whole thing.


I am using Oanda demo and am starting off as a “conservative trader” as described in the EMA Step e-book.

So for example, if I can open long with 10,000 total units based on my stop loss/money management rules, then when i reach the center Bollinger Band I am placing a sell order for 5000 to take my first profit target.

I would sell another 5000 when reaching the top Bollinger band, or if there was a step forming on the next higher time frame, I could become “Assertive” and place an order for another 10,000 units (2 lots in my example.)

I’m only using the demo account though, so I am sure there are more experienced Oandians out there who might have better or more accurate advice.

Best regards.

That’s alright mate, I didn’t think it was you, just wondering if a moderator did it?? Oh well.

I’ve tried to find how to send you a pm, but I cannot find how to… I think I read somewhere you need a minimum amount of posts before being able to send private messages…

UberPip has asked you, in one of your public comments, if he could upload to rapidshare, but wont untill your consent (fair enough). Do you give him permission to? I understand if you don’t want it uploaded.

If not I guess I’ll just post my email.

Btw, I have been using your system on and off the past few weeks. It’s great mate, really simple. I use the 5 and 15min tf and last night I thought I might add Parabolic Sar to the charts… Whenever PS shows dots forming on the top, only take short crosses and vise versa for long. I thought this MIGHT help filter out some bad trades (because 5-15 tf it’s choppy and unpredictable). I’ll see how it goes…


Great, thank you. But it’s passworded?

EDIT: Oh, just opened it in read-only mode =)

Would you please send me a copy of your ebook. I would very much like to give it a try.[email protected]

thanks much


If possible I would like to see the e-book as well.
My email is <[email protected]>.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

I am interested in the e book andf how is the skype coming along did you manage to set it up?

anyway my email is removed email now as received the book thanks
much appreciated if anyone could send it to me.


can you please send me your e-book.
<[email protected]>

thanks in advance

Hi Baby.

Yes i use other systems.
I have a CCI system. (I make a note of a high of a CCI, if that high is broken by another CCI high, i enter)
I have a scalping system, which uses just Macd Histogram and Slow stochs. (When Slow stochs cross in oversold/overbought area, and the histogram changes colour i enter)
Last but not least i have a long term system, which is to do with the 20EMA. Thats also a Macd cross in conjunction with 20 EMA cross.

I haven’t put them on here because a) The EMA STEP gives me more pips to the penny and B) because it would convolute the thread.

I think you have my email baby, if ya wanna know the others just give me a mail and i will show you.

Nothing i do, nor the way i do it is a secret.
It certainly isn’t a case of “If you win …i don’t”.
At the end of the day, unless you are with an ECN Broker, whichever Broker you are using is making it’s own market, hence the decentralisation (One broker has one price, another broker has another price at exactly the same time)

The EMA STEP system is by far the most frequent and makes me the most money, hence the reason i shared it.

But i am happy to share the others, just mail me.


OK, i am about email the EBook to all those i think are after one.

Uberpip was kind enough to put a copy of it on rapidshare…but the post has been deleted so i think the moderators wern’t happy with it.

I have no truck with that, the moderators do a great job in bringing us this site, so if those are the rules so be it.

Please bear in mind though, if i have missed anyone out, just be patient and let me know your email again. Its all getting a little confusing who i have sent this to and who i havent…so if ya get it again in your inbox i appologise.

I think it’s stupid that the mods are lurking around like a bad smell deleting posts here and there. How about Editing the post and giving a reason for why the post was deleted so it won’t happen again in the future.

They don’t let a simple link to an external site (rapidshare) yet they allow everyone to spam their email addresses? 10/10 for privacy!..(not) It seems to me it’s just a way to use your thread to create traffic. People want this system, so they have to sign up and post etc.

Meh it’s no skin off my back, they can run it however they like. But it doesn’t go unnoticed.

maurizio, very informative ebook. Thanks for your time and effort.

Hi Guys,

I’m not looking to step on anyone’s toes, so if they don’t want links to external sites all over babypips, I can’t argue with them. They do a great job of keeping this site distraction free.

Having said that, without actually posting a link, you can search on Facebook for my username, Uber Pip, and I have a link posted to the Ebook.



Received the ebook, thank you very much. Did a quick read, seems fairly simple and straight forward, will study some more before actually putting it into action, don’t know when that will be. When I do I’ll post on how it turns out with me.

Thanks again,

Nice One man :slight_smile: