Ema Step System

oops - made a mistake, posted in the wrong thread :frowning:
should have been posted in the Never Loose Again thread
sorry for that.


I have been watching this thread for some time and believe you and your other posters have great ideas for a very successful system.

I would love a copy of your E Book so I can get everything into my head and hopefully go live with it soon.

I am not totally new to Forex but still a bit of a newbie as such.

Please send it to <[email protected]>

Thanking you in advance


Could someone please forward me the ebook.

My email address is <[email protected]>



Thank You to Uber Pip for adding me as a friend to Facebook and allowing me to get the E Book.

Maurizio77 That will save you sending it to me.

Hoping to start soon.

Well Done All :slight_smile:

Could someone please send me the e-book please. Iā€™m already using the system, but there are some things that are unclear to me. My mail address is <[email protected]>
Thanks a billion in advance.


I like to have a copy of your ebook. Its an interesting system. Thanks for the effort and sharing.
My email <[email protected]>

Thank you.

Thanks Maurizio77 and the rest of the gang for all the time and effort on this system.

Didnt even know there is an ebook out.

Can anyone send me a copy? <[email protected]>



I would love a copy of your E Bookā€¦

<[email protected]>

Hi Maurizio

iā€™ll need a copy of your ebook too. I think is a great strategy
email <[email protected]>

Hi Maurizio,

Iā€™ve been following this thread since its inception and posted once back in 2007.
I would love a copy of your ebook. If you (or anyone else) could please send me a copy it would be greatly appreciated: [B][email protected][/B]

Thanks for all of your help!

Iā€™m not sure if the ebook requests are being taken care of, but Iā€™d be happy to help fill some of those requests, just send me a private message if you havenā€™t received it and I can shoot some off.

Is that cool maurizio77? My understanding is youā€™re totally cool with passing them around and I figured I could help. Let me know if itā€™s not!

Please send me a copy of the e-book.

I greatly appreciate your sharing of info!


Lavamanā€¦appreciate if you can sent me the ebook.
Iā€™ve yet to received it from Maurizio.
Thank you for volunteering.

Just popped in to have a look around, and I see a lot of happy campers out there.
Something I have noticed since coming across to Forex, is a willingness to openly share with others in the trading community. And with a minimum of posturing and self aggrandizement that is common in the equities forums. Refreshing!
Iā€™ve managed to get hold of a brief copy of Maurizio77ā€™s rules, but I see by the postings, there is an e-book available, with I guess a more detailed explanation.

Thanks in advance,

Hi everybody,
Iļæ½m very interested in trying this system,could somebody send me a copy of the ebook?:

Thanks in advance,and good luck! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have been trading this off and on over time. Would love to check out the e-book as well. Thanks in advance!

For some reason I cant PM anyone, so that means no ebook for me, Has anyone received one yet by posting on this thread? (Is there really an ebook? Hmmmm :confused:)

mediafire (dot com) / emastep

For some reason I cant PM anyone, so that means no ebook for me, Has anyone received one yet by posting on this thread? (Is there really an ebook? Hmmmm )

Is there really an EBOOK???


Gimmie a break dudeā€¦i wouldnā€™t go through all that for nothing. :smiley:

For the people who have asked me for an Ebook and are yet to receive it i apologise, i have been busy with a project at work recently and havenā€™t had the time to sipher all the addresses and send them out.

I have also been involved in a lil ā€˜disagreementā€™ on another thread which has taken up my time. Itā€™s a shame it got messy but strong healthy debate is always productive in the long run, even if you canā€™t see it at the time.

I will make getting back to this thread my top priority as i know there are alot of you who want me to get back to explaining how we do this and give examples of my trades.

I have also been thinking of sharing my other trade set ups, what do you guys think? Would it be helpfulā€¦if i set up another thread to discuss what else i doā€¦i am not trying to distract from the EMA STEP in anyway, it is still my biggest earner by far, but maybe my other systems may help?

Let me know plz guys.


Dude, go for it.

The more people see this the better, it is not restricted in any way, i wrote it to be read.

The more people we have on here asking questions, the more answers i will give and the more people will understand.