EUR/GBP SL filled

Hello, can someone explain me this situation please? I am a newbie in this business :slight_smile:

Kinda hard to see from the shot - looks like a short at 90.70 as price was going up - then price went on up and stopped you out at 90.80?

Maybe the short because of divergence on the indicator?

Edit - notice how price fell just shy of 91.00 - so if price reaches there perhaps early next week then keep an eye on what happens next.

I was opened the price at 0.90701 went short. It was all fine until suddenly SL was filled after price reached 0.90668. There was some gap down not up. Is it possible a swap or something tricky which I haven’t learned before? I was using hidden divergence strategy.


Price was going down all the time, thats why I am asking why SL? It is also seen on the first chart.

Aye - likely the spread widened - happens around this time - market is thin.

Check broker spread right now, then check same UK morning

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Most likely be spread on ECB event maybe.

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Yes, it could be a spread, I didn’t even think about it. I have to be more careful next time around the spreads, thanks a lot to clearify my situation.

SL should be a little bigger than tightly 11 pips

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Yep. 5pm EST (New York) spreads widen, triggering SL’s and pending orders if you’re not careful. That has happened to me more than I’d like to admit!

Hmmm… didn’t want to wait for early next week - nice for longs.

This cross does that - falls shy and then…