EUR/USD Technical Analysis from a Newbie (need to be confirmed)

Well here we go again, maybe a base over 20. Self control rules.

The Ever Exercising Restraint VIPER

Lol, Eur/Gbp falling around 70 pips - Gbp/Usd rising over 120 pips.

And Eur/Usd is ā€¦ well itā€™s now a whopping 1909ā€¦ no 1908ā€¦ this is exciting stuff.

When I said stall last week I didnā€™t mean a complete flopā€¦

Viper, time to get in with some orders and waken this thing up :slight_smile:

I should have added ā€¦the 10yr, Gold and even oil have all joined in the funā€¦ suppose itā€™s a waiting game after all.

Man, tell you what P, that 20 breakout looks good, but I think it might be a trap. There may not be enough juice to get it to 30 or so pips before it crashes back down, but I am sorely tempted :unamused:

Donā€™t worry it will all be better soon, the week of the 18th we will be moving a Yard through the week, that should get you some action. :joy:

The Ever Tempted VIPER

Hmmm, have taken the bait at 1908 i - was waiting for Eur/Gbp to gather itself.

I know, falling knife, but only want that cross to put the brakes on for a while.

That 20 line is there again, breaks in Asia and Iā€™m a smiler. (well I always smile)

I really think you will be ok, it might just bounce to 20, and hop back up, but it would be nice if it just went up through.

The Ever Patient VIPER

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For guys interested, maybe no one, Eur/Gbp back to where it was, Eur/Usd back to 1908 - interesting to see the correlation short term.

Eur/Gbp is at a decent level daily, so if it finds some support then my trade Eur/Usd is safe asā€¦

Time for sleep.

During the last two days the bulls calmed down and the EUR/USD pair is seen in conslidation around 1.1890 level. All eyes on ECB today with no positive expecations for the single currency.

On yesterday session, the EURUSD went back and forward without any clear direction and closed in the middle of the daily range, in addition the currency pair managed to close within Mondayā€™s range, which suggests being clearly neutral, neither side is showing control.

The currency pair is trading below the 10-day moving average that should provide dynamic resistance however is still trading above the 50 and 200-day moving averages that should provide dynamic support.

The key levels to watch are: a daily resistance at 1.2041, other daily resistance at 1.1976, a daily resistance at 1.1910, the 10-day moving average at 1.1917 (resistance), other daily support at 1.1829 and a daily support at 1.1753.

Hey Pete, there is the stinking bounce I was waiting for for two days, Woo Hoo. Ahhhh this bagel is good, and some fine coffee, tasty. :grin: I really donā€™t have the patience to trade this kind of market, so I think after breakfast, I will fire up the Hammond and Leslie, and play a little Walter Wanderlay :grin:

The Ever Having A Hoot VIPER

That sounds good to me.

EUR/USD is still sustained by risk ahead of ECB meeting, but today is seems the pair is gaining upward traction.

Nope, I see a lack of momentum, was evident on the second attempt at 1950 and again later in the day.

Any short term longs would have exited.

Eur/Gbp is telling a different tale right now so tomorrow is a new day.

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Yup, and low volume to boot.

The Ever Bored VIPER

Yeah, boring big time, I waited to post the pic at 1908 - thought Iā€™d do that to liven the place up a bit.

Iā€™m long out, but waiting with baited breath on Eur/Gbp .

EUR/USD remains range bounded and is trading around 1.90 mark, as the focus now is set by the anticipation of the ECB moneraty policy desicion.

On yesterday session, the EURUSD initially tried to rally but found enough selling pressure to erase most of its gains and close near the low of the day, in addition the currency pair managed to close within Tuesdayā€™s range, which suggests being slightly on the bearish side of neutral.

The currency pair closed shy above the 10-day moving average that should provide dynamic support and continues trading above the 50 and 200-day moving averages that should also provide dynamic support.

The key levels to watch are: a daily resistance at 1.2041, other daily resistance at 1.1976, a daily support at 1.1910, the 10-day moving average at 1.1919 (support), other daily support at 1.1829 and a daily support at 1.1753.

OK everyone, we are on the edge of our seats, here it comes

The Ever Watching VIPER

Interest rate unchanged. Letā€™s see how Draghi moves the market in 20 mins.

I donā€™no, looks like a big Nothingburger :hamburger:
Didnā€™t add any MoMo or Volume. Maybe Count Dragula will push things a bit, but I am skeptical :smirk:

The Ever Smirking VIPER