European Football back in action!

In reference to the title, less then 3 weeks away!

Just finished watching ARS v MAD. Two red cards, penalties, ARS giving up a two goal lead, botching the penalties, MAD coming back into when the start, Papa with two yellows in like 5 secsā€¦

What more could you ask for? Haha, but it was a good showing. The youngsters were impressive. Iā€™m interested to see who gets some playing time and how much throughout the season. The team looked fast early on, but again, a friendly, against a top tier team. Shouldnā€™t get too excited, right?

Ridiculous goal by your main man, btw!

Would you take Bale back if offered? Hearing he wants out and Zidane isnā€™t a fan. Even crazier that Bale was making moves to China! What?!?!

I didnā€™t think he was in need of a paycheck. Why make that move?

And Arsenal in for Pepe, Lille winger I think for ā‚¬80 million. Seems extravagant for a dude I havenā€™t heard of, with what appear to be decent but not extraordinary stats. Zahaā€™s were even worse. But thatā€™s the game today. Money flowing like water.

Oh and did you happen to catch this??

No on Bale. Past his prime and too injury-prone for me.

Bayern tie it late! Almost a nice victory for you guys.

And I missed the penalities! 6-5 to Spurs!

Saw that. Itā€™s preseason.

I support Real Madrid but this year I see very powerful Atletico de Madrid, I hope you will make an incredible season for me can be champions of league and maybe come to a new final of Champions League.

Athleti picked up Trippier from Spurs. Think he will do well there.

Some stats on Arsenalā€™s new signing - Pepe.

Excited for the attack.

It would seem Man City/Scousers will be top 2 again,
with Spurs, your Arsenal, Chelsea and Man U fighting
for the final 2 spots?
Think Chelsea is better.

Good ole EPL. Canā€™t count the top 7 or 8 out ever.

Sure. Everton is always good and usually a surprise or two, too.

Dybala to Spurs? You hear about this?

David Luiz to Arsenal? What is going on??

Yep. Saw both of those. Tomorrow will be CRAZY!

The crazy window is now closed. Holy crap. Spurs running some last minute miracles over there. A golf clap to you sir.

Spurs making up for not spending a dime the last year and a half!

Also, interesting article on the impact Brexit could have on the EPL and signing foreign players. This should get some attention once the season starts. I understand the desire to give home-grown players more opportunity, but you think about the potential side effects of capping the ability to get the best players around if a cap were to be put into place. Would this hinder advancement in the big tournaments. Who knows.