EURUSD monthly

Can not see you image. The resistance has been broken but not as hard as i would like, I guess only a NY close above it will confirm the bullish scenario… as long as the price stays above 1.4417 your trade has a good chance to be a great winner… :slight_smile:

I missed the latest move by 15 pips… :o

Well, this image shows a red arrow. A fighter aircraft in red colors. British. :wink:

Yeah, right now it is a battle zone. As I wrote before. That’s bears last resort. They are all there. Mother bear, father bear, all the kids and grandkids and their step mothers and grandpas …

edit: Sorry to hear that with those 15 pips. Anyways, I had some loss yesterday. So it doesn’t look all that nice all the way. I should better trust my bot. But it’s a new bot, so I am careful.

I guess no matter what, if you find some weak dips you may buy now. Sentiment for the upcoming days/weeks went to bullish. I have an indi for that. So, buy low, sell high, lol. Or buy high and sell higher. But avoid buying high and selling low, which I did last night. roflmao. I just hit my stop. But then later I bought again as I watched this train bouncing and riding back to the bears resort. It’s still in the bull channel. Right in the middle. :wink:

Okay, my fellow Americans don’t like the eur today. Letz look what the Asians are doing. That’s my resume.

edit: 1436x is my magic holy grail number to watch now, lol.

Okay, to me this thing is now done. 14513 high of the day and hovering around 1480 while ny close comes in sight. Now the question is how far will that go up? 150? 160? 170? 190? 200? 150 makes no sense, no?

Good morning.

Just thought a little and watched the charts again. Well, the bears are still there, lol. They now moved to the second floor. If it would go down now, it would be a perfect h&s. Just a warning to go long blindly.

I’m still long tuned anyway. Because of the other reasons.

Edit: A lot more red arrows now flying around …

This could become a real nice long setup at nfp day. Going up, washing out the weak hand on top. Going down, washing out the weak hand at bottom. And then, hui, jump on the roof while leaving the bears at second floor, lol. Just saying, lol.

I see it the other way. After we got the silly NFP release out of the way PA took a dip off yesterdays highs and Asian. Looking to the daily, PA’s at the top boll and at R1 Fib Piv. On the weekly Fib Piv PA is at R3. I see only south.

with this NFP we could go down for a while, following the stock market until traders start to realize that Helicopter Ben has to do his move in order to please his friends at Wall Street…

Yes, everything possible. However. I locked in some 35 pips and will see now where it goes, lol.

Now closed cause of stop hit and profit cashed in. Number to watch: 14515.

R Carter, right boll is on top at daily. But not at weekly/monthly. There is some room. Expect the unexpected. Fundamentally and long term technically seen this thing must go up. I can see it go down to say d/m pivot, which is almost the same right now and then bounce. Thats also close to that trend channel bottom. Not to say I must be right. Technicall spoken my red arrows are flying still around, lol. That’s what I personally have a problem with. I have two hearts. One long term fundamental beating and one short term technically, lol.

edit: H4 has also some room on bolls. It’s just D1 where it is on top. Plus there is plenty of room in the trend channel. :wink:

Anyways, I stay out if this key number is not broken at H4 close. Can you see the fight around this number right now?

And I do not see I jump in if its broken. I will just watch then and deciding later. Made already some nice pips today.

Intermediate I’m looking for 1.4250… a 50% fib retrace off the last 9’ish day run long. Which would put PA around the mid daily boll.

Stocks dropping in risk aversion mode now. Plus eur/xxx (other main pairs), are so so.

London is still open. The most money right now sits in Switzerland. All other currencies below.

The problem with those bolls is, they get “walked”. So, they react dynamic. It’s not static. Same as with this zigzag. My trendlines are static. That’s why them are king to me. Not to say bolls are not helpful. But more for volatility markup.

Plus I’m sitting in since 5+ years already in a super bull rally of au. So, don’t please tell me anybody it must come down. Yeah, but before it can go up very very high, lol. Like 55 thousand feet. Don’t ever believe in senseful rationales regarding investments, ha ha. Look around in those forums what the crowd babbles. Then you know what is possible and that financial markets are no serious business like say coding bots, lol.

If I code bots, then they do what I want. Unfortunately, the markets do what the crowd wants. And the crowd wants a lot some day.

Well, we are well above my magic number. I’m going to watch now even more this magic number, lol.

well this baby is heading to 1.4750… +40 pips for the day… :smiley:

Maybe… Maybe not.

Always stay light on your feet;)

Congrats! Well, I get too greedy today, lol. Just risking a small pips of my profit today. No, not thinking it goes that far today. Albeit it could. Who knows? However, if that stays above 14550 today, we have a weekly close above h&s.

Definite right with those feet! :slight_smile: Don’t become too greedy. But we are talking long term here, do we? lol.

I got in long after NFP around 1.4470 since news is bad for the dollar, figured it would head up.

Well, short term I’m out with some peanuts. Bears moved to da roof, lol. :smiley:

Might go higher, but who knows …

We have a 136 pips low/high day so far and London closed. ny is going to lunch soon. Just a half session and some “no mans time” left.

I bet virtually that it will be definitely closes above 145 today. Maybe jumping to 146xx terrain for a spike at 1461x or so.

I do also see this baby going to the top of the trend channel soon.

Congrats TalonD! Well, I did not get the whole move. Because my stop was set too high a bit. Just 10 pips lower and I had twice the pips. But 4x something pips is better than nothing. :wink: I’m rather careful at nfp days. It had also could go down more than it did. At least to the pp. You never know.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Congrats yunny1. Your the closest so far. Trade still running TalonD?

Hey my fellow bulls. Please leave something for me upcoming weeks. Don’t push it to 160 today, lol. :smiley:

So, that popping sound were some stops, lol.

What did this funny “speculator” say a couple of weeks ago? He was short in a long term move? I hope his goal is not also blow accounts like some other traders do, lol.