Ex Professional Trader, Model Trading Account Project & Analysis

To be honest I did monitor his trades over the few days and found them pretty aggressive(pro and even an over leveraged model account). I did see ICT liked the intro so does make me a bit cautious in following his methods as well. Get it sorted (points to self)…

That is true, but do you think the babypips site can do a little more than spamming me with a half arsed daily review of their site. It is still feedback.

Already proving my point! Now you are finding things to criticize that you did’nt before! No suprises that many traders will not share their trades with the ungrateful people hanging out here.

Not exactly, some of us our very conservative and rather see results over TIME. If I can pick this up as a new trader then im sure many more experienced traders don’t even take notice.

Im not taking it personally and text is always easy to be taken the wrong way. All I was saying is that people and newbies especially should be very cautious with anything related to FX.

I think its great when genuine pros give analysis or feedback to newbies and it can be invaluable, but when its not genuine, it can also be very damaging.

So what determines whats genuine or false in forex? Or is it when things dont go your way then they cease to be genuine?The trader gave the basis of his trades .Period. If you disagree do not take them . Its simple as that. Maybe look around the forum and see how many signals, ideas etc floating around. Everyone can have a pick of whatever they decide to use! I do not think he is the first pro trader on here or the last…I think you guys are being too harsh

Its not genuine if he lied about being a pro.

Your name isn’t Andrew Keane is it kennilove??

I wish it was! You don’t know that he lied ! Someone closing a thread you did not ask him to open turns him into a fraud?!! So what is not genuine about what he put down? This is becoming ridiculous!

All I can say is without a myfxbook account to back up anyone’s claim, I am not believing a word I read on these forums again. Really disappointed.

Based on how we v been told the pros trade he broke those rules. But then again what we v been told might just be a bunch of horse ****. Lets wait for Andrew to come clear the air, if ever.

I am new to forex but know there are thousands if not millions of trading strategies out there. Some are winners and others losers. Rules are specific to the trader and not because they are pro or new! Lets face it. His strategy is not new in anyway. I also believe give the guy a chance to clear the air .

Good morning all,

First of all no one has lied about anything, I have closed the thread because I didn’t realize just how little time I actually had to dedicate to it. When I opened the thread I had every intention of running it on a daily basis or ever second day, but running 2 businesses as well as having a social life has made me realize that I’m tight for time and can’t dedicate the amount that I thought I would be able to.

This is nothing personal towards this forum or any members, if I had more time then things would be fine to carry on.


I didnt say he did lie, I said ‘Its not genuine [B][U]if[/U][/B] he lied about being a pro.’

I dont know why this has made you so angry and I dont think anyone else thinks its ridiculous.

Anyway, its neither here nor there now, so it really doesnt matter.

These things do tend to take more time than we all expect, so I completely get that, but personally I find it a shame - and a little odd - that if it is simply a time pressure you chose also to delete all of your posts in the thread, as some of the stuff in there could have been useful to some members. Pro traders are a rare commodity on here, so newer traders tend to flock and find it reassuring when they post stuff, and unsettling when it disappears. I’m not knocking your reasons for ending the thread at all, but personally I think it’s a shame that your historic posts have also left the building.

Is there something in this for you? Do you by any chance sell signals and would therefore love to put everyone else offering a service whether free or not down?
I hope not!

Hi SimonTempler,

Yes I understand what you are saying, and after thinking about it I realize I shouldn’t have deleted my historical posts. Not sure what I was thinking of when I done that, I should have just left them up.

If I can find a bit of spare time, then I will be happy to re-post the outlines of the techniques I use and some informative descriptions on how to use them. But in terms of daily input and running of the thread on a day to day basis, unfortunately, I just don’t have the time I thought I had.

I will see what I can do in the next few days.

Cheers that would be great. I only got halfway through your charts but some of the ideas clicked.

I think many would find it useful, but please don’t let it detract from your other projects - I was voicing an opinion rather than expecting you to swing into action lol. And in terms of why you deleted them, you were probably just caught up in the moment - we all do it from time to time!


Last night I checked the MFB account and the drawdown was around 23%, and was heavily long at JPY with very wide stops. This is far from professional trading. :31:

Hello yunny1

The MFB account is purely a model account that is not to be treated or regarded as a signal generator or recommendation or a trading plan. The only purpose of the MFB account was to place analysis based trades(All of them) so that there was something to view in the background. Money management and lot allocation wasn’t an issue with this account as it was only a model account for the purpose I have outlined above.

When analysis is done on the major pairs, the trader selects the best of the bunch, so if you have analyzed 8 pairs, then the trader would select maybe 1-3 trading opportunities to place trades upon and leave the weaker ones out. But in regards to a model account, all of the trades are placed for educational purpose only, and not to grow or deplete an account, it is purely a model tracking portfolio with no bias to strong or weak analysis. If I analyze 8-10 pairs, the model account will trade all of them, while the trader select the best of the batch for their active and proper trading account.

I hope you understand that as I outlined that from the very start that the account was “model based”.
