Ex Professional Trader, Model Trading Account Project & Analysis

:smiley: I do understand the ā€œmodel basedā€, it was a bad model for a professional trader. It looked like just gambling.

I have been doing some thinking about the current matters and my time constraints. I donā€™t really want to let anyone down considering I did say the project here was for educational and entertainment purposes. Because I canā€™t commit to day to day running of this thread, how about I show some Currency swing trading techniques and again host a model account based on this.

The swing trading techniques are not a million miles away from what I was already showing, but the trades can last between 1 day and 5 days. This would solve my time constraints issue as I would only need to update the thread maybe once during the day for a few minutes, and it would also provide you with some extra techniques to try out.

I can also hook up a swing trading model account and only focus on a selection of pairs, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/JPY EUR/GBP, USD/CHF.

How does that sound?

Hi yunny1

Thatā€™s your opinion and your entitled to it.


Yes it is my opinionā€¦ :slight_smile:

By the way, since you were a city traderā€¦ do you happen to know David Jefferson?

The name doesnā€™t ring any bells. There is over 400 institutional traders within the square mile and thats not including props. I probably know less than 10% of that figure.

Sounds good, Iā€™m just interested in any type of trading a ā€œproffesionalā€ does. More to try understand the thoughts and process that lead to opening a position, at the top level of a trading career. Win or lose, it still ā€˜intriguesā€™ me.

Thanks for the understanding from most followers on my time constraint situation.

Listen how about we do a little swing trading project I can run on a weekly basis rather than daily, starting with a $100 model account and running it to $5,000 within 12 months trading only the majors and risking 4% P/T.

The model account will only trade 6 pairs and all analysis will be posted before the trade or order is placed. Due to it being swing trading this will allow the the time to post on here.

Are we up for the challenge?

Definitely up for that challenge! Sounds good!
Actually pretty excited now!!!

to Yunny1:
David Jefferson was a good scam, well done, a lot of effort for set up etc.
have to admit he got me and I was thinking he was genuine :slight_smile:
After him I started questioning even ICT teachings. But then you get question - who would spend years in forums, doing videos and etc.?

Unless u planing on very HUGE scamā€¦


[B]Apologies for power sound quality. In future any video I publish will be recoded with better software.[/B]

Sounds good ā€¦ Thatā€™s if your motives are genuine and you arenā€™t here to scam away ā€¦ Which if you are a scammer, to be honest youā€™ll be wasting your time as there are some really sharp scam sniffing members here on babypips. Lets see how this unfolds ā€¦

I donā€™t personally know ITC or have a problem with the chap or his methods, but I would be willing to be up for a charity challenge if he would agree to it.

As I said, ITC looks like he has done a great deal of hard work here in helping people become traders, and thats a very good thing indeed!

If ITC wanted, and this is just a rough idea that Iā€™m putting out there for him to ignore or take, that we as in him and me could maybe go head to head in a trading challenge.

Iā€™m not taking or suggestion anything stupid here, but just something novice traders here at BabyPips could follow, what I suggest is we both start with $100 bucks, and trade no more than [B][I][U][I]4% maximum[/I][/U][/I][/B] per trade compounding over the course of an agreed period. The loser has to donate $1,000 to the charity of the winners choice, and the winner has to donate their profits excluding the initial $100 investment if they choose so. So the charity wins regardless of the out come and the loser feels a little all but small pain.

If ITC is interested or not, and he could be a busy man like myself with limited time, then I will await contact. If he reads this then he can PM me and I will send my cell phone number so we can chat 1-2-1.

Just a suggestion.

If you want to do a challenge with ITC or anyone else then that is your decision and no problems with me.

I am only interested in following your swing trading proposal so I hope that goes ahead regardless of ITC or anyone else.

Hi doubleu

The ITC v Me, charity suggestion is only that, a suggestion, I thought it would be nice if we actually went H2H with a friendly no strings attached gesture for charity while peeps at BP learn a few things, if it doesnā€™t go ahead then its no issue.

If people want to see the swing trade idea techniques and swing model account from $100 to $5,000 within 12 months, then that will happen regardless.

Mr. Keane ā€¦
what is your opinion and your fellow proā€™s opinions of trading breakouts of consolidations, and breakouts in general?


Hi pipcompounder

Thatā€™s a bit of an out-of-the-blue question from recent post topics, so its a pleasure to answer and thank you!

I donā€™t trade [I][U][B]traditional[/B][/U][/I] breakouts as those tend to attract the MarketMakers and stop running algo programs. Any breakout I trade has to be eventually matched with top-down analysis, or backed with a fundamental concept to drive news flow into the desired flow levels.

Just about to sign off for the tonight.

My offer to teach swing trading stands, and my offer of a charity trade off with ITC stands. If no one or ITC is interested in the offer then thats perfectly fine with me and I can leave without complaints. If any parties are interested then I can sort something out on here, and post when I can.

Itā€™s ICT ā€¦ inner Circle Trader

Anyone with an open mind and willingness to learn will take you up on your offers of you teaching how you swing trade. Iā€™d always like to hear how people chose to tackle game.

Hey Andrew,

I would follow your postings, too