F*** Boris March

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You have to ask why the Maybot studiously ignored his talents and refused him a position in Government, given that his aims of leaving the EU are so completely in line with the Conservative Party policy and mandate to leave the EU - :wink:

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To be honest, looking around the world at present, There is nowhere I would willingly move to - since the populations of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA and Uk are all heavily being abused by the Postmodernist Identity Politics factions. The EU is even worse and has now given up any last pretence of being democratic. Africa and some of South America seem dubious - China doesnā€™t look anything but highly repressive and getting ever more surveillance orientated, against itā€™s own people. India has tried to abolish ā€œcash moneyā€ and itā€™s inhabitants are not allowed seemingly to ā€œtrade the marketsā€. Russia may be a possibility - I donā€™t know enough about it and some of the Eastern European Countries could be a possibility - except they are all full of poverty.

Some from Europe (as opposed to EU) are setting up second domiciles in Turkey and places like Bulgaria and I understand some from USA quite like the look of Dom Rep and I think Brazil may be a possibility.

Around the world, ordinary working / thinking people are starting to wake up and just say ā€œHell no!ā€, and we do have the advantage that the ā€œprogressivesā€ are simply not breeding fast enough to maintain the viability of their Ideology.- but that is such a SLOW prcess, that they are likely tpo have completely wrecked the world by the time they go extinct if left unchecked and when we look at those replacements who DO breed fast, there seem to be culture differences to which ā€œweā€ have equal antithesis.

Iā€™d like to stick around and see how it all turns to Ratchett - but on balance I think, sometimes it is GOOD to be old ! :wink:

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US ex-Pats are going to Costa Rico.
Iā€™m in Florida. One of the ā€œbetterā€ statesā€¦for nowā€¦
Iā€™m not going anywhere but I does make me sad that my generation is the first
that will not leave a better America behind. :disappointed:


Gotta tell yaā€¦

Ended up watching hours of stuff last night about Boris Johnson. I really like this chap. And I tell you: if he is able to make good on even half of what he is promising: the UK is golden. And I really do think he will try.

Never realized that him and David Cameron went so far back.

Also never realized that Kate Johnson is his sister.

And he is NOTHING like Big Red at all. So the notion of them being mates is ridiculous (that was something I happened to mention). If anything I think he will humor Big Red and play him if or when itā€™s prudent and if itā€™s to his and the UKā€™s benefit and advantage (while at the same time thinking to himself in private ā€œis there something wrong with this chap or whatā€ and having a good laugh).

Reminds me of something Bill Burr says in some of his stand up i.e. by the time that wall is finished itā€™s the Americans thatā€™ll be going over it!!! LOL!!!

Irony of course: that performance is two years old. Trump got his funding just this last Friday.

The media are going crazy here about how Johnson has become the PM in the toughest peace-time situation Britain has ever faced, and how he has immediately gone out on the campaign trail towards an early General election. All this is good for viewer attention but is wrong.

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Hey. Morning.

How so is it wrong??? I mean to say I donā€™t know enough to comment so just curious.

All he needs to do is take the easiest path at each juncture.

Step 1 - go to the EU and fail to get a better Brexit deal
Step 2 - call a second referendum with the question - Do you want a no-deal Brexit or to Remain in the EU?
Step 3 - enact the referendum decision by, in whichever case, doing nothing
Step 4 - asap after either Brexit or a Remain decision, call a General Election: this should lead to an increased majority of MPā€™s in the House, after that he can do what he likes

He is not fundamentally dishonest but what drives him is the determination for power. To get it and then to keep it. Lying and cheating are simply strategies towards that end. He will do whatever it takes.


Ah. OK. I hear you.

As I say: no expert and not in the thick of things so take what I say with a grain of salt really.

From what I gather: thereā€™s no doubt he is ambitious. Possibly even cunning and cutthroat. But I think he is a good and genuine person. As contradictory as those statements may be in and of themselves of course. And as I say: if he only accomplishes half of what he sets out to do then I think the UK is going to be real fine. Hell: in watching some of this stuff last night I was feeling all patriotic and Iā€™m not even a Brit (well thatā€™s not strictly true i.e. biologically Iā€™m half Brit and half German apparently) (I say ā€œapparentlyā€ because itā€™s a whole long story which Iā€™m sure is of no relevance here).

Full disclosure though:

I have no problem with Trumpā€™s policies at all. I just cannot stand him as an individual and I question his motives. My blood pressure rose to dangerous levels when I saw him within five feet of Queen Elizabeth Iā€™ll tell you.

Guess what Iā€™m saying is that most of my political views are probably not based on merit but rather on my perception of the individual. Where that puts me in the political universe I cannot say!!! LOL!!! Hell: I would have voted for Sarah Palin (guess that says it all does it not) (but let me qualify: only for Vice President). Clinton (Bill): the best. George W.: no issues. Obama: took some getting used to on my part but he grew on me in spades eventually.

Truth be told: Putin is my hero (and Iā€™ll bet thatā€™s going to be a conversation stopper). The man exudes power, class, statesmanship, and decisiveness. Watched WEEKS worth of stuff about him and read as much as I can too. Had a very soft spot for Yeltsin too. Were it not for the weather in Moscow: Iā€™d be there like a shot!!! LOL!!!

Anyway. If Boris keeps this up I may just take @Falstaff up on his suggestion!!! LOL!!! I know for sure I donā€™t belong in this joint anymore. Sooner or later something bad is gonna happen with me here I tell you (if you saw me losing my shit yesterday morning because Iā€™d been promised my high speed Fibre line no less than three times during the course of last week and still nothing then youā€™d know what I mean) (just a microcosm of how low weā€™ve gone) (and thereā€™s no point in even explaining this to somebody who doesnā€™t have the mental capacity to understand it nor the pride to give a continental).

As for @Falstaffā€™s suggestions: Bulgaria always been on my radar to be honest. Australia too (but then this based only on what Iā€™ve seen about Bondi Beach on the telly!!! LOL!!!).

Always thought Iā€™d want to end up in the USA. Very pro. USA too. Just donā€™t think Iā€™d fit in to be honest. Not anymore anyway. My illusions of grandeur re: New York etc. are but a distant memory now.

Cheers Dale.

Actually thereā€™s probably few persons alive who were born in England and who can claim a pure English blood-line. Weā€™re all immigrants to some extent.

As far as foreign leaders go, Iā€™m prepared to let a lot go by if they stay at home and donā€™t interfere with my rights when Iā€™m over in their country or a third country. So Iā€™m more interested in Trumpā€™s and Putinā€™s foreign policies than what they have to say about e.g. education or housing standards.

In this regard, Trump has done little to help or harm anyone. Putin has led a ruthless geographical expansion of the Russian empire, has made threatening military moves towards the Baltic states and the UK, and has not hesitated to send assassination teams into the UK when it suits him. On top of which he is a despotic dictator who has damaged the rule of law and constitution for his people, and has presided over the gangsterisation of the Russian economy. Interesting that Russia is not beset by refugees and asylum-seekers and migrants wanting to get in there.

If I really had the money and opportunity to leave the UK, Iā€™d be happy to be effectively stateless - 3 months here, 3 months there. Russia would not be on the itinerary.

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Wellā€¦ LOL!!! No further comment from me!!!


As I said earlier - I donā€™t know enough about Russia to form a valid opinion.

People tend to think of a Russia from the pre-1991 era - which it is not.


Good morning.

Like I said: were it not for the weatherā€¦

Mind you: that for sure is all changing letā€™s face it. You guys (and Europe) are having weather that WE have not had for YEARS!!! Quite an eye opener actually i.e. on some of my old Billy Connolly VIDEOS heā€™s joking about how gloomy the UK is (ā€œwhy is the sky so low daddyā€). Not anymore so far as I can tell. The reasons are irrelevant.

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I used to love Connelly and Hardinā€™ ā€œOne Elsbeth Clout of Heighton - killed by a particulary hard stool - evacuated from the toilet of a passing aeroplane ā€¦>ā€ (Connelly if Iā€™ve not taken bits from two sketches ? )

Hereā€™s a snatch of Johnson to placate those who pronounce him ā€œA bumbling foolā€ perhaps.

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No listen. Heā€™s no fool (bumbling or other). Heā€™s highly intelligent, well read, well educated, and well spoken. As is Rees-Mogg. But one of the reasons I can watch this stuff for hours. And I really do believe that his sisterā€™s insights in that video that I posted above are as on-the-mark as on-the-mark could be.

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russia has oficially 144m population, out of which 9% are immigrants who do nit hold the russian citizenship. on top of that 4 million illegals (by 2012, today its more like 6 million).

thats more illigal and legal immigrants than combined UK, France and Germany.

russia has full employment since 1999, umeployment rate around 1,5%-3,5%. they need every person with 2 hands and 2 legs to work. they even tolerate the illegals just to have somebody do the work nobody else wants to do.

russian economy grew by 320% from 2000 to 2019.

in 1998 moscow was the cheapest capitol city in the world (flat prices in buying and renting) by 2014 moscow was the most expensive capitol city in the world (by flat prices/rent)

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bojo is a journalist. according to some forum participants here, the arch enemy of truth, society and politics.

a journalist for 30 years.

exactly what the UK needs, someone of big words but little actions. no education in economy, politics, diplomacy, philosophy, sociology. just an education in journalism.

i cant wait to grow old and see how bad he performed and how much people will make fun of him in 10 years.

you want the truth? he is the scrape goat.

they were standing in a line and someone asked ā€œwho wants to be the next PM of the UK while we doing brexit, scottix from the UK and everything is completely fucked up anyways?ā€ and someone pushed him out of the line and said ā€œhere he will do itā€.

he is the scrape goat placed there so everybody can blame him in 5-15 years.

i understand that the UKs public is very much missinformed about the EU, its instiutuions, how they work, and especially the role of UK in it. decades of false journalism has uneducated the -uk public about these affairs.

for those who are interested to know how things work and what the reality is i advice this website made by the UK public itself by donations:
